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II. Read the numerals:

In 1946, in 1995, in the 1st (first) year, in the 2nd (second) year, in the 3rd (third) year, in the 4th (fourth) year, in the 5th (fifth) year, in the 6th (sixth) year.

III. Read and copy out the words:

since time immemorial

have been centering

the city was famous for its


they created works that brought fame (to)

to originate

to get higher education

there was founded

it collected on the staff

a body of artists

the graduates of the institute

make up the main body

senior teacher

the Lviv Branch of the Ukrainian Artists Union

з незапам’ятних часів

були центром

місто славилось своїми


вони створили роботи, що принесли славу


щоб отримати вищу освіту

було засновано

у штаті зібралися

колектив художників

випускники інституту складають

основну частину колективу

старший викладач

Львівське відділення Української спілки художників

IV. Read and retell the text: History

Since time immemorial certain forms of decorative arts, traditional for Western Ukrainian lands have been centering in Lviv.

The city has long been famous for its professional painting, sculpture, carving, metal work. In Lviv there lived prominent artists. They created works that brought fame to them and to Ukraine.

To get higher education they had to go to Vienna, Munich, Paris or Rome.

The idea of Art Academy creation originated over 100 years ago. It has its origin in the school of design and drawing attached to the museum of Artistic Craft (1876), Free Academy of Art (1905), Oleksa Novakivskyi Art School (1923), the Academy of Art (Fedir Krychevskyi). Such prominent artists as Ivan Trush, Olena Kultschytska, Osyp Kurilas, Vitold Manastyrsky, Hryhoryi Smolsky, Svyatoslav Hordynskyi and many others studied and then lectured at these art institutions.

To promote the development of агts in Western Ukrainian regions in 1946 in Lviv there was founded the State Institute of Applied and Decorative Art. In a short time the Institute has turned into one of the biggest art institutions in Ukraine. It collected on the staff a body of People’s or Honoured artists, professors, Masters of Sciences and senior teachers.

The graduates of the Institute make up the main body of the Lviv Branch of the Ukrainian Artist’s Union. At the institute there work the artists of high quality.

In 1994 the institute of Applied and Decorative Arts was converted into the Lviv National Academy of Arts.

V. Copy out and memorize:

to found

specialized training

tuition (classes)

the Humanities

the Sciences

the faculty of Design

the faculty of Applied and Decorative


the chair

are responsible for

to train professions

creative studio


професійна підготовка

практичні заняття

гуманітарні науки

точні науки

факультет інтер’єру та обладнання

факультет декоративного та

ужиткового мистецтва


відповідають за

готувати з професій

творча майстерня

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