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VI. Supplementary vocabulary:

Norman Conquest норманське завоювання

to attain досягати

to resurge відроджувати, воскресати

fascination чари, чарівність

to be rooted корінитись, сягати корінням

notable видатний, визначний

attitude ставлення

so-called так званий

to reject відхиляти, відкидати

contribution внесок

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the distinguishing features of Tudor Style?

2. Who was Christopher Wren?

3. When was the Great Fire of London?

4. When British art began to develop independently?

5. What was John Constable famous for?

6. What did the Pre-Raphaelite paintings describe?

7. Who were the most prominent painters in the 20th century?

8. When was the Turner Prize established?

9. What is pop art?

VIII. Ask several questions with interrogative words

what”, “when”.

Model: Churches were destroyed by the Great Fire of London in1666.

  1. What was destroyed during the Great Fire of London?

  2. When was the Great Fire of London?

IX.Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. Buildings designed in the Norman style have ___ columns and semicircular ____.

2. The history of ___ is rooted in the Christian Church.

3. Pre-Raphaelite whose paintings concentrated on religious and literary subjects done in _____ style.

X. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words:

1. сучасний 1. influence

2. вплив 2. award

3. вираження 3. contemporary

4. нагорода 4. prominent

5. видатний, визначний 5. expression

    1. What famous Ukrainian painters (sculptors, architects) do you know?

XII. Find in the text the translation to the following sentences:

1. Англія дала світові багатьох видатних митців.

2. Лише у XX столітті британські скульптори здобули свій глибоко індивідуальний спосіб вираження.

3. В цей період мистецтво Великобританії набуло чіткого національного характеру і почало розвиватися самостійно.

XIII. Speak on the following situations:

1. One of you is invited to deliver a lecture on British art to the students of Lviv National Academy of Arts. Compile a dialogue between a lecturer and a student.

2. A world-famous artist is explaining the technique to his students. Make up a dialogue between an artist and a student.

3. You are a guide and take an excursion around Lviv famous places. Speak on architecture and Lviv National Art Gallery.


Музеї та мистецькі галереї Лондона London Museums and Art Gаlleries

I. Pronounce correctly:

archaeology, ethnography, physician, specialize, ancient, civilization, medieval, Europe, treasure, Egypt, Egyptian, relics, empire, antiquity, Asiatic, Japanese, item, merger, apparatus, scientific, stуle, mere, annexe, circa, special, to use, comprise, purpose, virtually, antiquity, medieval, China.

II. Read the following dates:

Мaу 15, 1759; circa 1741, 1847, 1803, 1977. On May 10, 1824, 1900, I960.

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