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МУ 1 курс (разгов.темы)1.doc
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I may put down your new address.

Surely, you may put down my new address.


  1. He may start his business just now.

  2. I may use these historical documents for my work.

  3. She may take photos of these goods on display.

  4. We may give some food to pigeons in Trafalgar Square.

  5. They may visit the exhibition now.

  6. I may join your group in the Crimea.

  7. He may come and see me in the evening.

Exercise 6. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model.


He may lift us up.

May he really lift us up?

Yes, he may. No, he may not (No, he mustn’t)


  1. We may part with them just now.

  2. I may call him any time I like.

  3. He may wind the clock Big Ben with his hand.

  4. They may shut the stop soon.

  5. She may stay in Kyiv at the Lybid Hotel.

  6. You may come to Kyiv through the Golden Gate now.

  7. We may start going sightseeing by ourselves.

Exercise 7. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.


He may park his car here for a couple of hours.

No, it is not so. He mustn’t park his car here for a couple of hours.


  1. You may visit both London and Paris.

  2. He may go there by plane.

  3. They may get visas at the railway station.

  4. We may start the conference at 9 a.m.

  5. Everybody may feed ravens in the Tower.

  6. You may post your mail at this post-office.

  7. She may put on her best dress for the concert.

  8. You may call at night.

Exercise 8. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Sure(ly). Of course. Certainly. I agree with you. You are right.


We must change for a bus here.

Sure(ly), we must change for a bus here.


  1. We must arrange a dispute here.

  2. You must travel through Ukraine by train to see wonderful nature of it.

  3. He must park his car a little farther from the house.

  4. She must draw this flowers in oil.

  5. They must look at the new system of fountains on Central Square

  6. I must stay at the hotel and wait for your calling.

  7. We must come back before the night show of this film on TV.

Exercise 9. Express your surprise and give short affirmative(negative) answers as in the model.

He must go on a business trip to Lviv.

Must he really go on a business trip to Lviv?

Yes, he must. No, he mustn’t (No, he needn’t)


  1. You must see Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square.

  2. They must exhibit Russian painting at National Picture Gallary.

  3. He must rest a little before going on an excursion.

  4. Yeoman Warders must give meat to the black birds at the Tower.

  5. I must listen to the speakers at the Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park by all means.

  6. She must warn you about left hand driving in England.

  7. We must fasten the belts inside the plane for our safety take off and landing.

Exercise 10. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. I don’t think so.

I must buy yellow roses for this dancer.

I don’t think so. You mustn’t (needn’t) buy yellow roses for this dancer.


  1. He must put on his smart suit today.

  2. She must stay in Kyiv for another week yet.

  3. I must bring all the books back to the library.

  4. We must cross the Paton Bridge to get to the Podol.

  5. You must invite her for a party by all means.

  6. He must take all documents with him.

  7. They must repair the engine before going to the country.

Exercise 11. Ask your friend all possible questions to the statements.

  1. English people must drive on the left side of the road.

  2. You can travel to Kyiv both by train and by plane.

  3. She may read the immortal “Tale of Bygone Days” in our library.

  4. After restoration tourists can visit the Golden Gate – the ancient entrance to Kyiv.

  5. Industrial potential of Kyiv must develop day by day.

  6. Masterpieces of architecture in Kyiv must impress you greatly.