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МУ 1 курс (разгов.темы)1.doc
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Exercise 1. Vocabulary to be learnt

advancement – успіх

to join – з’єднувати

affair – справа

lead – свинець

to appoint – призначати

legislature – законодавство, влада

approval – схвалення (ухвалення)

majority – більшість

castle – фортеця

marble – мармур

coast – узбережжя

meadow – луг

commander-in-chief – головнокомандуючий

mild – м’який

community- суспільство, спільність

mouth – гирло

to compose – складати

oversea (s) – закордонний

confidence – довіра

peer (peeress) – лорд (пер), леді (дружина пера)

considerable – значний

proceedings – засідання

contribution –вклад, внесок

to provide – забезпечувати

copper – мідь

to reign – царювати

damp - сирий

remarkable –чудовий

election – вибори

to run – правити

to elect – вибирати

to rule – правити

to exercise – виконувати обов’язки

salary – заробітна плата

to flow – текти

slate – слюда

to gain – одержувати

shadow cabinet - тіньовий кабінет

hereditary – спадковий

suffrage – право голосу, виборче право

to inherit – успадкувати

substantial – важливий, головний

influence – вплив

supply – запаси

island – острів

thistle - чортополох , будяк

isle – острів (це слово вживається з деякими геог-

рафічними назвами та в поезії, в інших випадках вживаєть-

ся слово island

woolsack – набита шерстю подушка, на якій си-

дить голова (лорд-канцлер) в палаті лордів

to win – вигравати

to be vested in - наділені владою

II. Practice

Exercise 1. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Exactly so Sure(ly ), I agree with you, It is really so, Of course


Each session of Parliament is usually opened in the House of Lords by the Queen (King).

Exactly so. Each session of Parliament is usually opened in the House of Lords by the Queen (King).

odel :

  1. The red rose is the national emblem of England.

  2. Britain’s democratic system of government has provided remarkable political stability.

  3. The Lords is made up of hereditary and life peers and peeresses.

  4. The British cotton industry is centered in Lancashire.

  5. Members of the House of Commons receive a salary for their parliamentary work.

  6. The warm currents in the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain.

  7. “The Englishman’s home is his castle” is saying known all over the world.

  8. In the House of Lords there is the woolsack upon the Lord Chancellor sits as Speaker of the House.

Exercise 2. Object to the following statements as in the model . Use one of the following phrases: On the contrary, It is not quite so; I can’t agree with you, You are wrong

Most of the rivers flow into the Atlantic Sea.

I can’t agree with you. Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea.


  1. The island of Great Britain consists of four main parts.

  2. The British Isles are separated from the European Continent by the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. The centre of parliamentary power is the House of Lords.

  4. The Queen reigns and she rules in Great Britain.

  5. There are great forests in the British Isles today.

  6. The climate of the British Isles is generally cold.

Exercise 3. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the Model.

The House of Commons is elected by an almost universal adult suffrage.

Is the House of Commons really elected by an almost universal adult suffrage?

Yes, it is. No, it is not.

Model :

  1. There are high mountains in Great Britain .

  2. The Government is formed by the party with majority support in the Commons.

  3. Textile and clothing make a substantial contribution to the British economy.

  4. Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles.

  5. Considerable progress was made in agriculture.

  6. There is no place like home, the English say.

Exercise 4. Ask your friend all possible question to the following sentences. Mind tenses.

The Highlands of Scotland occupy most of the country.

Do the highlands of Scotland occupy most of the country?

What part of the country do the highlands of Scotland occupy?

Do the highlands of Scotland occupy most of the country or least of the country?

The highlands of Scotland occupy most of the country, don’t they?


  1. Britain has the largest energy resources in the European community.

  2. In 1967 reserves of natural gas were discovered in the North Sea.

  3. Britain has to import many raw materials from abroad.

  4. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland .

  5. Britain has for centuries lived by its people’s enterprise and the advancement of its overseas trade.

  6. Britain is a major world producer of oil, natural gas and coal.

  7. The proceedings of both houses of Parliament are broadcast on television and radio.

  8. As head of the Government the Prime Minister appoints ministers.

  9. In 1998 Britain supported cooperation on environmental protection.

  10. General elections to choose MPs must be held at least every 5 years.

Exercise 5. Say it in English .

  1. Влітку південно-східна частина Англії найтепліша.

  2. Найхолоднішими частинами з усіх є високогір’я Шотландії.

  3. Темза – найглибша річка Англії.

  4. Королева призначає прем’єр-міністра.

  5. Центром парламентської влади є палата лордів.

  6. Великобританія небагата корисними копалинами.

  7. Одна з найбільш вражаючих речей в Англії, це швидкість з якою погода змінюється навіть на протязі одного дня.

  8. Парламентська процедура базується на правилах датованих ще 16 сторіччям.

  9. Цей закон був прийнятий ще на початку минулого століття.

  10. В минулому році Великобританія експортувала майже половину своєї сільськогосподарської продукції.

  11. Продуктивність також різко підвищилась в таких галузях промисловості як машинобудування та електротехніка.