- •Textbook Series
- •Contents
- •1 Properties of Radio Waves
- •Introduction
- •The Radio Navigation Syllabus
- •Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation
- •Polarization
- •Radio Waves
- •Wavelength
- •Frequency Bands
- •Phase Comparison
- •Practice Frequency (
- •Answers to Practice Frequency (
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •2 Radio Propagation Theory
- •Introduction
- •Factors Affecting Propagation
- •Propagation Paths
- •Non-ionospheric Propagation
- •Ionospheric Propagation
- •Sky Wave
- •HF Communications
- •Propagation Summary
- •Super-refraction
- •Sub-refraction
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •3 Modulation
- •Introduction
- •Keyed Modulation
- •Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- •Single Sideband (SSB)
- •Frequency Modulation (FM)
- •Phase Modulation
- •Pulse Modulation
- •Emission Designators
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •4 Antennae
- •Introduction
- •Basic Principles
- •Aerial Feeders
- •Polar Diagrams
- •Directivity
- •Radar Aerials
- •Modern Radar Antennae
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •5 Doppler Radar Systems
- •Introduction
- •The Doppler Principle
- •Airborne Doppler
- •Janus Array System
- •Doppler Operation
- •Doppler Navigation Systems
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •6 VHF Direction Finder (VDF)
- •Introduction
- •Procedures
- •Principle of Operation
- •Range of VDF
- •Factors Affecting Accuracy
- •Determination of Position
- •VDF Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •7 Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
- •Introduction
- •Non-directional Beacon (NDB)
- •Principle of Operation
- •Frequencies and Types of NDB
- •Aircraft Equipment
- •Emission Characteristics and Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO)
- •Presentation of Information
- •Uses of the Non-directional Beacon
- •Plotting ADF Bearings
- •Track Maintenance Using the RBI
- •Homing
- •Tracking Inbound
- •Tracking Outbound
- •Drift Assessment and Regaining Inbound Track
- •Drift Assessment and Outbound Track Maintenance
- •Holding
- •Runway Instrument Approach Procedures
- •Factors Affecting ADF Accuracy
- •Factors Affecting ADF Range
- •Accuracy
- •ADF Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •8 VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR)
- •Introduction
- •The Principle of Operation
- •Terminology
- •Transmission Details
- •Identification
- •Monitoring
- •Types of VOR
- •The Factors Affecting Operational Range of VOR
- •Factors Affecting VOR Beacon Accuracy
- •The Cone of Ambiguity
- •Doppler VOR (DVOR)
- •VOR Airborne Equipment
- •VOR Deviation Indicator
- •Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
- •Questions
- •In-flight Procedures
- •VOR Summary
- •Questions
- •Annex A
- •Annex B
- •Annex C
- •Answers
- •Answers to Page 128
- •9 Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- •Introduction
- •ILS Components
- •ILS Frequencies
- •DME Paired with ILS Channels
- •ILS Identification
- •Marker Beacons
- •Ground Monitoring of ILS Transmissions
- •ILS Coverage
- •ILS Principle of Operation
- •ILS Presentation and Interpretation
- •ILS Categories (ICAO)
- •Errors and Accuracy
- •Factors Affecting Range and Accuracy
- •ILS Approach Chart
- •ILS Calculations
- •ILS Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •10 Microwave Landing System (MLS)
- •Introduction
- •ILS Disadvantages
- •The MLS System
- •Principle of Operation
- •Airborne Equipment
- •Question
- •Answer
- •11 Radar Principles
- •Introduction
- •Types of Pulsed Radars
- •Radar Applications
- •Radar Frequencies
- •Pulse Technique
- •Theoretical Maximum Range
- •Primary Radars
- •The Range of Primary Radar
- •Radar Measurements
- •Radar Resolution
- •Moving Target Indication (MTI)
- •Radar Antennae
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •12 Ground Radar
- •Introduction
- •Area Surveillance Radars (ASR)
- •Terminal Surveillance Area Radars
- •Aerodrome Surveillance Approach Radars
- •Airport Surface Movement Radar (ASMR)
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •13 Airborne Weather Radar
- •Introduction
- •Component Parts
- •AWR Functions
- •Principle of Operation
- •Weather Depiction
- •Control Unit
- •Function Switch
- •Mapping Operation
- •Pre-flight Checks
- •Weather Operation
- •Colour AWR Controls
- •AWR Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •14 Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
- •Introduction
- •Advantages of SSR
- •SSR Display
- •SSR Frequencies and Transmissions
- •Modes
- •Mode C
- •SSR Operating Procedure
- •Special Codes
- •Disadvantages of SSR
- •Mode S
- •Pulses
- •Benefits of Mode S
- •Communication Protocols
- •Levels of Mode S Transponders
- •Downlink Aircraft Parameters (DAPS)
- •Future Expansion of Mode S Surveillance Services
- •SSR Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •15 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
- •Introduction
- •Frequencies
- •Uses of DME
- •Principle of Operation
- •Twin Pulses
- •Range Search
- •Beacon Saturation
- •Station Identification
- •VOR/DME Frequency Pairing
- •DME Range Measurement for ILS
- •Range and Coverage
- •Accuracy
- •DME Summary
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •16 Area Navigation Systems (RNAV)
- •Introduction
- •Benefits of RNAV
- •Types and Levels of RNAV
- •A Simple 2D RNAV System
- •Operation of a Simple 2D RNAV System
- •Principle of Operation of a Simple 2D RNAV System
- •Limitations and Accuracy of Simple RNAV Systems
- •Level 4 RNAV Systems
- •Requirements for a 4D RNAV System
- •Control and Display Unit (CDU)
- •Climb
- •Cruise
- •Descent
- •Kalman Filtering
- •Questions
- •Appendix A
- •Answers
- •17 Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS)
- •Introduction
- •EHSI Controller
- •Full Rose VOR Mode
- •Expanded ILS Mode
- •Full Rose ILS Mode
- •Map Mode
- •Plan Mode
- •EHSI Colour Coding
- •EHSI Symbology
- •Questions
- •Appendix A
- •Answers
- •18 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
- •Introduction
- •Satellite Orbits
- •Position Reference System
- •The GPS Segments
- •The Space Segment
- •The Control Segment
- •The User Segment
- •Principle Of Operation
- •GPS Errors
- •System Accuracy
- •Integrity Monitoring
- •Differential GPS (DGPS)
- •Combined GPS and GLONASS Systems
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •19 Revision Questions
- •Questions
- •Answers
- •Specimen Examination Paper
- •Appendix A
- •Answers to Specimen Examination Paper
- •Explanation of Selected Questions
- •20 Index
20 Index
Index 20
Index 20
1:60 rule:................................................... |
162 |
2D RNAV................................... |
262, 263, 264 |
3D RNAV................................................... |
262 |
4D Fix........................................................ |
316 |
4D RNAV........................................... |
262, 267 |
15 000 Pulse Pairs...................................... |
249 |
16 700 000................................................. |
234 |
24 Bit Code................................................ |
234 |
27 pps........................................................ |
249 |
60 pps....................................................... |
249 |
150 Pulse Pairs Per Second........................ |
249 |
737-800 FMS............................................. |
268 |
4096.......................................................... |
233 |
7500.......................................................... |
233 |
7600.......................................................... |
233 |
7700.......................................................... |
233 |
A9W.......................................................... |
115 |
ABAS......................................................... |
319 |
Absorption.................................................. |
19 |
Accuracy of ADF....................................... |
101 |
Achievable Ranges...................................... |
31 |
ACT ECON PATH DES................................ |
277 |
ADC........................................................... |
261 |
ADF..................................................... |
85, 285 |
Aerial Feeders............................................. |
56 |
Aerodrome Surveillance Approach Radars . . |
201 |
Aerodrome Surveillance Radar. . . . . . |
. . . 199 |
Aeronautical Stations................................. |
75 |
AFDS......................................................... |
268 |
Air Based Augmentation Systems ...... |
319 |
Airborne Doppler........................................ |
68 |
Airborne Weather Radar (AWR) ....... |
184 |
201 |
Air/Ground Navigational Systems. . . . |
. . 184 |
Airport Surface Movement Radar. . |
199, 201 |
Air Traffic Control..................................... |
184 |
Airways............................................. |
111, 184 |
All Call....................................................... |
234 |
Almanac.................................................... |
313 |
Amplitude Modulation (AM)............... |
43, 44 |
Angle of Bank (dip).................................. |
100 |
Antenna.................................................... |
211 |
Antennae.................................................... |
55 |
Area Surveillance Radar............................ |
199 |
ASMI................................................. |
190, 201 |
ASMR........................................................ |
199 |
ASR............................................................ |
199 |
A/T............................................................ |
268 |
ATC Radar Antennae................................ |
188 |
Attenuation........................................ |
19, 189 |
Automatic Altitude Telemetering. . . |
. . . . 232 |
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF). . . |
. . . . 85 |
Automatic Gain Control............................ |
217 |
Automatic Site Monitor............................ |
115 |
AWR.......................................... |
190, 207, 285 |
B |
Back Azimuth............................................ |
174 |
Back Beam Approach............................... |
156 |
Back Course.............................................. |
147 |
Back Course Approaches.......................... |
148 |
Back Course ILS......................................... |
153 |
Back-up Control Station............................ |
310 |
Bandwidth.................................................. |
44 |
Beacon Saturation.................................... |
249 |
Beamwidth............................................... |
211 |
BFO............................................................. |
89 |
B-RNAV...................................................... |
261 |
Broadcast.................................................. |
234 |
BVOR......................................................... |
116 |
C |
C/A code................................................... |
309 |
Cardioid...................................................... |
87 |
Carrier Wave............................................... |
46 |
Cartesian Coordinate System.. . . . . . . . . 306 |
Category I................................................. |
158 |
Category II................................................ |
158 |
Category III............................................... |
158 |
Category IIIA............................................. |
158 |
Category IIIB............................................. |
158 |
Category IIIC............................................. |
159 |
CDI (Course Deviation Indicator)..... |
125, 127, |
262 |
CDU................................... |
262, 265, 268, 270 |
Circular Polarization...................................... |
4 |
Class of Bearing........................................... |
76 |
Climb......................................................... |
275 |
Coastal Refraction...................................... |
99 |
Comm-A.................................................... |
236 |
Comm-B.................................................... |
236 |
Comm-C.................................................... |
236 |
Comm-D.................................................... |
236 |
Cone of Ambiguity................................... |
118 |
Conspicuity Code...................................... |
233 |
CONT......................................................... |
217 |
Continuous Wave...................................... |
183 |
CONTOUR................................................. |
217 |
Index 20
20 Index
Index 20
Control Display Unit.................................. |
270 |
Control Segment............................... |
307, 310 |
Control Zones............................................ |
184 |
Cosecant Squared..................................... |
211 |
Course Deviation Bar........................ |
125, 126 |
Course Deviation Indicator....................... |
155 |
Course Selector Knob............................... |
119 |
Critical Angle............................................... |
27 |
Crosswind.................................................... |
92 |
Cruise........................................................ |
276 |
CRZ............................................................ |
276 |
CVOR......................................................... |
116 |
D |
DAPS......................................................... |
237 |
Data Link................................................... |
234 |
DBVORTAC................................................ |
116 |
Dead Space................................................. |
27 |
Dead Time................................................. |
187 |
Decision Height......................................... |
147 |
Descent..................................................... |
277 |
Designated Operational Coverage (DOC). 98, |
116, 251 |
Desired Track............................................ |
261 |
DGPS......................................................... |
319 |
Differential GPS......................................... |
319 |
Dilution of Precision.................................. |
318 |
Directivity.............................................. |
20, 58 |
Directors...................................................... |
58 |
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) . 148, |
184, 243 |
D-layer......................................................... |
25 |
DME................................. |
148, 149, 174, 243, |
265, 285 |
DME/P....................................................... |
174 |
DOC................................................... |
116, 265 |
DOP........................................................... |
318 |
Doppler Frequency..................................... |
67 |
Doppler Navigation Systems. . . . . . . . |
. . . . 70 |
Doppler Principle........................................ |
67 |
Doppler Shift............................................... |
67 |
Doppler VOR............................................. |
118 |
Downlink Aircraft Parameters. . . . . . . |
. . 237 |
Drift....................................................... |
92, 93 |
Drift Assessment................................... |
94, 95 |
DVOR................................................ |
116, 118 |
Echo Protection Circuit............................. |
251 |
Effect of Aircraft Manoeuvre ......... |
318 |
EFIS.................................................... |
207, 285 |
EGNOS............................................... |
305, 320 |
EHSI........................................................... |
285 |
EHSI Colour Coding................................... |
290 |
EHSI Controller.......................................... |
285 |
EHSI Symbology........................................ |
291 |
E-layer......................................................... |
25 |
Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation......... |
3 |
EM Energy..................................................... |
4 |
Emission Designators.................................. |
47 |
En Route NDBs............................................ |
88 |
Ephemeris................................................. |
305 |
Ephemeris Errors....................................... |
317 |
ETRS89...................................................... |
306 |
Expanded ILS Mode.................................. |
288 |
Expanded Rose VOR/ILS........................... |
286 |
Expanded VOR Mode............................... |
287 |
F |
Fading......................................................... |
20 |
FAF............................................................ |
160 |
False Glide Slope(s)................................... |
154 |
Fan-shaped................................................ |
211 |
“Fan-shaped” Beam.................................. |
216 |
Final Approach.......................................... |
160 |
First Returning Sky Wave............................ |
27 |
Flare.......................................................... |
174 |
Flat Plate................................................... |
211 |
Flat Plate Antenna.................................... |
192 |
Flat Plate Array........................................... |
61 |
F-layer.......................................................... |
25 |
Fly Left....................................................... |
126 |
Fly Right.................................................... |
126 |
FM Broadcasts.......................................... |
160 |
FMC................................... |
266, 268, 269, 285 |
FMCS......................................................... |
268 |
Framing Pulses.......................................... |
231 |
Frequency Bands........................................... |
8 |
Frequency Modulation (FM)................. |
43, 46 |
Frequency Pairing..................................... |
148 |
Fruiting...................................................... |
233 |
Full Rose ILS Mode.................................... |
288 |
Full Rose VOR/ILS...................................... |
286 |
Full Rose VOR Mode................................. |
287 |
E |
G |
EASA CS-25............................................... |
285 |
GAGAN..................................................... |
320 |
Echo.......................................................... |
188 |
Garbling.................................................... |
233 |
Echo Principle.................................... |
186, 211 |
GBAS......................................................... |
319 |
Index 20
GDOP........................................................ |
318 |
Geometric Dilution of Precision. |
. . . . . . |
. 318 |
Geostationary SVs..................................... |
321 |
Gigahertz...................................................... |
5 |
Glide Path................................................. |
148 |
Glide Path Indications............................... |
157 |
Glide Slope................................................ |
154 |
GLONASS.................................................. |
305 |
GNSS................................................. |
261, 305 |
Goniometer................................................. |
88 |
GPS............................................................ |
305 |
GPS and GLONASS.................................... |
322 |
GPS Errors................................................. |
317 |
GPS Segments........................................... |
307 |
GPS Time................................................... |
307 |
Ground Based Augmentation Systems. . |
319 |
Ground Monitoring of ILS........................ |
151 |
Ground Speed........................................... |
252 |
Guidance................................................... |
147 |
H |
Half-wave Dipole........................................ |
55 |
Harmonization.......................................... |
191 |
HDOP........................................................ |
318 |
Heterodyning.............................................. |
44 |
HF Communications.................................... |
32 |
High Frequency (HF)..................................... |
8 |
Hold.......................................................... |
220 |
Holding................................................. |
91, 96 |
Holding Area............................................... |
96 |
Holding points.......................................... |
160 |
Homing....................................................... |
91 |
Horizontal Dilution of Precision. |
. . . . . . . |
318 |
Horizontal Situation Indicator. . |
. . . . . . . |
155 |
HSI..................................................... |
127, 262 |
HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator). . |
126 |
I |
IAF............................................................. |
160 |
Ident.......................................................... |
231 |
IDENT........................................................ |
271 |
ILS.............................................. |
147, 148, 285 |
ILS Approach Chart................................... |
160 |
ILS Calculations......................................... |
162 |
ILS Categories (ICAO)............................... |
158 |
ILS Components........................................ |
147 |
ILS Coverage............................................. |
151 |
ILS Critical Area......................................... |
159 |
ILS/MLS..................................................... |
261 |
ILS Principle of Operation......................... |
153 |
ILS Reference Datum Point....................... |
155 |
ILS Sensitive Area...................................... |
160 |
Inbound Track-keeping............................. |
129 |
Information Pulses.................................... |
231 |
Initial Approach........................................ |
160 |
INMARSAT................................................ |
321 |
INS/IRS...................................................... |
261 |
Instrument Approach............................... |
147 |
Instrument Landing System. . . . |
. . . . . . . 147 |
Integrity Monitoring................................. |
319 |
Intermediate............................................. |
160 |
Intermode................................................. |
234 |
Interrogation Frequency........................... |
247 |
Interrogator.............................. |
183, 227, 247 |
Inverse Square Law..................................... |
19 |
Inversion................................................... |
190 |
Ionization Intensity..................................... |
28 |
Ionospheric Conditions............................. |
309 |
Ionospheric Propagation.................... |
24, 313 |
Ionospheric Propagation Error. . |
. . . . . . . 317 |
Ionospheric Scatter................................... |
185 |
IRS..................................................... |
268, 285 |
J |
Janus Array........................................... |
68, 69 |
Jittered...................................................... |
248 |
K |
Kalman Filtering........................................ |
278 |
Kepler’s Laws............................................ |
305 |
Keyed Modulation...................................... |
43 |
Kilohertz....................................................... |
5 |
L |
L1 Frequency............................................. |
308 |
L2 Frequency............................................. |
308 |
L3 Frequency............................................. |
308 |
LAAS......................................................... |
319 |
LADGNSS................................................... |
305 |
Level 1....................................................... |
236 |
Level 2....................................................... |
236 |
Level 3....................................................... |
236 |
Level 4....................................................... |
236 |
Level 4 RNAV............................................. |
266 |
Limaçon..................................................... |
112 |
Line of Sight...................................... |
243, 251 |
Line of Sight Range (MTR) ............ |
78 |
LNAV................................................. |
268, 277 |
Localizer.................................................... |
148 |
Localizer Indications................................. |
156 |
Locator................................................ |
88, 148 |
Loop Aerial..................................... |
59, 85, 89 |
Index 20
Index 20
Lower Sideband (LSB)................................. |
44 |
Low Frequency (LF)...................................... |
8 |
M |
MAN.......................................................... |
217 |
MANUAL................................................... |
216 |
MANUAL GAIN......................................... |
216 |
MAP.................................................. |
216, 286 |
Map Mode................................................ |
289 |
Mapping Beam......................................... |
216 |
Mapping Mode......................................... |
211 |
Marconi Aerial............................................ |
55 |
Marker Beacons........................ |
147, 148, 149 |
Markers..................................................... |
148 |
Masked...................................................... |
308 |
Master Control Station..................... |
310, 321 |
Maximum Range...................................... |
189 |
Maximum Theoretical Range.......... |
23 |
Maximum Usable Frequency........... |
32 |
Max. Theoretical Range............................ |
189 |
MCS........................................................... |
321 |
Medium Frequency (MF). . . . . . . |
. . . . . . . . 8 |
Megahertz.................................................... |
5 |
Microwave Horn....................................... |
192 |
Microwave Landing System. . . . . |
. . . . . . 171 |
MLS........................................................... |
171 |
Mode A..................................................... |
230 |
Mode C............................................. |
230, 232 |
Mode S...................................................... |
234 |
Monitoring Stations.................................. |
310 |
Mountain Effect.......................................... |
99 |
Moving Target Indication......................... |
191 |
MSAS......................................................... |
320 |
MTI............................................................ |
191 |
MUF............................................................ |
32 |
Multi-channel Receivers............................ |
311 |
Multi-hop Sky.............................................. |
31 |
Multi-mode Receivers............................... |
177 |
Multipath Reception................................. |
317 |
Multiplex Receivers................................... |
311 |
N |
N0NA1A................................................ |
49, 89 |
N0NA2A................................................ |
49, 89 |
Narrow Band FM (NBFM)........................... |
46 |
Navigation Message................................. |
313 |
NAVSTAR................................................... |
305 |
ND............................................................. |
207 |
NES............................................................ |
321 |
Night Effect................................................. |
98 |
Non-directional Beacon (NDB). . |
. . . . . . . . 85 |
Non-ionospheric Propagation . . |
. . . . |
. . . . 21 |
Null Positions.............................................. |
86 |
O |
OBS........................................................... |
119 |
Omni-bearing Selector.............................. |
119 |
Omni-directional....................................... |
112 |
Operational Performance Categories |
. . 158 |
Operational Range of VOR....................... |
116 |
Outbound Flight....................................... |
130 |
Outbound Tracking..................................... |
93 |
Outbound Track Maintenance ......... |
95 |
P |
P1.............................................................. |
230 |
P2.............................................................. |
230 |
P3.............................................................. |
230 |
PAPIs......................................................... |
155 |
PAR.................................................... |
190, 199 |
Parabolic................................................... |
211 |
Parabolic Dish............................................. |
60 |
Parabolic Reflector.................................... |
192 |
Parasitic Elements....................................... |
58 |
P Codes..................................................... |
309 |
PDOP......................................................... |
318 |
Pencil-shaped Beam.................................. |
211 |
Period............................................................ |
5 |
Phase Comparison................................ |
9, 112 |
Phased Array............................................... |
61 |
Phase Difference....................................... |
112 |
Phase Modulation................................. |
43, 47 |
PLAN......................................................... |
286 |
Plan Mode................................................. |
289 |
Polar Diagrams...................................... |
57, 86 |
Polarization................................................... |
4 |
POS INIT.................................................... |
272 |
Position Dilution of Precision. . . |
. . . . |
. . . 318 |
Position Reference System........................ |
306 |
Power.......................................................... |
20 |
PPI............................................................. |
191 |
pps.................................................... |
185, 309 |
Practical Range......................................... |
187 |
Precipitation Static...................................... |
98 |
Precision Approach Radar (PAR) |
... |
184, 199 |
PRF............................................ |
185, 200, 248 |
Primary Radar........................... |
183, 188, 211 |
PRN........................................................... |
308 |
P-RNAV...................................................... |
261 |
Propagation................................................ |
19 |
Propagation Error..................................... |
117 |
Propagation Paths...................................... |
21 |
Index 20
Pseudo-random Noise............................... |
308 |
Pseudo-range.................................... |
314, 315 |
Pulse Length............................................. |
185 |
Pulse Modulation.................................. |
43, 47 |
Pulse Recurrence Frequency (PRF). . . |
. . . 185 |
Pulse Recurrence Interval (PRI). . |
. . . . |
. . . 185 |
Pulses........................................................ |
183 |
Pulse Technique................................ |
185, 247 |
Pythagoras................................................ |
211 |
PZ90.......................................................... |
306 |
Q |
Q-Code........................................................ |
75 |
QDM................................................... |
76, 121 |
QDR............................................. |
76, 113, 121 |
QTE.............................................................. |
76 |
Quadrantal Error...................................... |
100 |
QUJ............................................................. |
76 |
R |
Radar......................................................... |
183 |
Radar Aerials............................................... |
60 |
Radar Beam.............................................. |
211 |
Radar Frequencies.................................... |
185 |
Radar Resolution...................................... |
191 |
Radar Shadow........................................... |
218 |
Radial................................................ |
113, 124 |
Radial Interceptions.................................. |
129 |
Radio............................................................. |
5 |
Radio Magnetic Indicator................... |
90, 122 |
Range Error............................................... |
321 |
Range Search.................................... |
247, 249 |
Rate of Descent......................................... |
162 |
RBI............................................................... |
90 |
RCS............................................................ |
321 |
Receiver Noise Error.................................. |
317 |
Receiver Sensitivity...................................... |
20 |
Reference Signal....................................... |
112 |
Reference Stations.................................... |
321 |
Reflector..................................................... |
58 |
Refracting Layers........................................ |
29 |
Regaining Inbound Track............................ |
94 |
Regional Control Stations......................... |
321 |
Relative Bearing.................................. |
94, 124 |
Relative Bearing Indicator.......................... |
90 |
Restoration Time...................................... |
190 |
RHO-THETA............................................... |
243 |
RMI...................................... |
90, 122, 123, 127 |
RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator). . |
. . . |
. . . 124 |
RNAV................................................. |
261, 265 |
ROD........................................................... |
162 |
RS.............................................................. |
321 |
RTE............................................................ |
273 |
Runway Instrument Approach Procedures. 97 |
S |
Satellite Based Augmentation Systems. 320 |
Satellite Orbits.......................................... |
305 |
Saturated.................................................. |
249 |
SBAS.................................................. |
319, 320 |
Scalloping.................................................. |
159 |
Searchlight................................................ |
188 |
Searchlight Principle................................. |
211 |
Secondary Radar............................... |
183, 246 |
Secondary Surveillance Radar........... |
184, 227 |
Second Trace Returns............................... |
192 |
Selective.................................................... |
234 |
Selective Availability (SA)......................... |
318 |
Selective Calling........................................ |
235 |
Self-contained........................................... |
261 |
Sense Aerial........................................... |
86, 89 |
Sensitive Time Control.............................. |
217 |
Sequential Receivers................................. |
311 |
Shadow..................................................... |
219 |
SID............................................................. |
269 |
Side Lobes................................................... |
59 |
Signal/noise Ratio....................................... |
45 |
Single Sideband (SSB)................................. |
45 |
Site Error................................................... |
117 |
Skip Distance............................................... |
27 |
Skysearch.................................................. |
313 |
Sky Wave..................................................... |
27 |
Sky Wave Propagation................................ |
30 |
Slant Range............................... |
211, 243, 247 |
Slotted Antenna.......................................... |
61 |
Slotted Planar Array.................................. |
192 |
Space Segment................................. |
307, 308 |
Space Vehicles (SVs).................................. |
305 |
Space Wave................................................. |
23 |
Special Position Identification ......... |
231 |
SPI............................................................. |
231 |
SPS............................................................. |
309 |
SSR............................................................ |
227 |
Stack............................................................ |
96 |
Standard Positioning Service. . . . |
. . . . . . 309 |
STAR.......................................................... |
269 |
Static Interference................................ |
20, 98 |
Station Identification................................ |
250 |
Station Interference.................................... |
99 |
Station Passage......................................... |
130 |
Station-referenced.................................... |
261 |
STCA.......................................................... |
235 |
Index 20
20 Index
Index 20
Sub-refraction............................................. |
35 |
Super High Frequency (SHF). . . . |
. . . . |
. . . . . 8 |
Super-refraction.................................. |
35, 117 |
Surface Wave.............................................. |
21 |
Surveillance Radar Approach (SRA). . . 184 |
Surveillance Radars................................... |
190 |
SV Clock Error................................... |
309, 317 |
SV Clock Time........................................... |
309 |
SV Position................................................ |
309 |
Swept Gain................................................ |
217 |
T |
TACAN...................................................... |
246 |
TAR............................................................ |
199 |
TCAS.......................................................... |
285 |
TDM.......................................................... |
174 |
TDOP......................................................... |
318 |
Terminal Area Surveillance Radar. . . . |
. . . 199 |
TEST VOR (VOT)........................................ |
115 |
TGT Alert................................................... |
220 |
The Ionosphere........................................... |
24 |
Theoretical Maximum Range......... |
187 |
Thunderstorms................................... |
98, 219 |
Tilt Control................................................ |
215 |
Time Dilution of Precision......................... |
318 |
Time Division Multiplexing....................... |
174 |
Time Multiplexing..................................... |
174 |
Time Referenced Scanning Beam. . . . |
. . . 174 |
Time to First Fix......................................... |
313 |
TMA.......................................................... |
200 |
TO/FROM.......................................... |
118, 121 |
TONE........................................................... |
89 |
TONE/VOICE............................................... |
89 |
Tracking Inbound........................................ |
92 |
Track Maintenance..................................... |
91 |
Transmission Power.................................. |
189 |
Transponder.............................. |
183, 227, 247 |
Triple IRS................................................... |
278 |
Tropospheric Propagation Error. |
. . . . |
. . . 317 |
TRSB.......................................................... |
174 |
Turbulence................................................ |
213 |
TVOR......................................................... |
116 |
Twin FMC.................................................. |
277 |
Twin IRS..................................................... |
277 |
Twin Pulses................................................ |
249 |
Twin Wire Feeder........................................ |
56 |
U |
Ultra High Frequency (UHF)............ |
8 |
Unique Address........................................ |
235 |
Upper Sideband (USB)................................ |
44 |
US DOD..................................................... |
318 |
User Segment.................................... |
307, 311 |
UTC........................................................... |
307 |
V |
Variable Phase........................................... |
112 |
VDF............................................................. |
75 |
VDF Summary............................................. |
79 |
VDOP........................................................ |
318 |
Vertical Dilution of Precision .......... |
318 |
Very High Frequency (VHF)............. |
8 |
VHF Direction Finder.................................. |
75 |
VHF Omni-directional Range. . . . . . . . |
. . 111 |
Visual Glide Path Indicators. . . . . . . . . |
. . 155 |
VNAV................................................ |
268, 277 |
VOR................................................... |
111, 285 |
VOR Airborne Equipment......................... |
119 |
VOR Deviation Indicator........................... |
119 |
VOR/DME................................................. |
261 |
VOR/DME Frequency Pairing.. . . . . . . . . 250 |
VOR Receiver............................................ |
112 |
VOR Summary........................................... |
132 |
VORTAC..................................................... |
116 |
VOR Transmitter....................................... |
112 |
VOT........................................................... |
116 |
W |
WAAS........................................................ |
320 |
WADGNSS................................................. |
305 |
WADGPS................................................... |
321 |
Waveguide............................................ |
56, 60 |
Wavelength................................................... |
6 |
Waves............................................................ |
5 |
WEA.......................................................... |
217 |
WGS84...................................................... |
306 |