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Задания для аудиторной работы и СРС2.doc
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6. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column:

  1. The Statutes of Kilkenny (1367) 4- 6000 B.C.

  2. The First Viking raid to Ireland 3- 1590

  3. Irish revolt against queen Elizabeth( 1- 1350

  4. First Settlers in Ireland (8000 B.C) 7- 1685

  5. Elizabeth confiscated 202 00 hectares from Irish owners 6- 2000 B.C.

  6. Metal workers arrived in Ireland 8- 1689

  7. Accession of King James to the English Throne 2- 795 A.D.

  8. The Battle of Boyne 9- 1798

  9. The Races of Castlebar 5- 1597

  10. Foundation of the Home Rule Movement 10- 1870s

  11. The Easter Rising 12- 2004

  12. The second term of Mary McAleese as President 13- 1937

  13. Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act and a new Constitution 11- 23 April 1916

7. Match the following words and word combinations to their correct meaning:

Orangemen – Those who want to maintain the Act of Union

Live Aid – A multi-venue rock music concert organised by Bob Geldof

The gift of the gab – Having the ability to persuade eloquently

Tinkers – Irish travelling people

Races of Castlebar – A battle on the flat areas in 1798

Leprechauns – Elfish warriors in Celtic mythology

Craic – Excellent story-telling, having fun in pubs

Bloomsday – A festival named after the central character in Ulysses

Unionists – Protestant Unionists called after William II of England who

defeated the deposed catholic king

The Book of kells – Exquisitely illustrated rendition of the four Gospels

  1. Tell the tale behind the name "the Red Hand Flag of Ulster ".

It is generally accepted that this Irish Gaelic symbol originated in pagan times and was first associated with the mythical figure Labraid Lámh Dhearg or Labraid Lámderg (Labraid of the Red Hand).

According to one myth, the kingdom of Ulster had at one time no rightful heir. Because of this it was agreed that a boat race should take place (possibly in Strangford Lough) and that "whosoever's hand is the first to touch the shore of Ulster, so shall he be made the king".

One potential king so desired the kingship that, upon seeing that he was losing the race, he cut off his hand and threw it to the shore — thus winning the kingship. The hand is most likely red to represent the fact that it would have been covered in blood. According to some versions of the story, the king who cut off his hand belonged to the Uí Néill clan, which apparently explains its association with them.

Another story concerns two giants engaged in battle, one of whom had his hand cut off by the other, and a red imprint of the hand was left on the rocks.

  1. Dramatise the Irish jokes you likes the best.

  • Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson were on a camping and hiking trip. They had gone to bed and were lying there looking up at the sky. Holmes said, "Watson, look up. What do you see?"

"Well, I see thousands of stars." "And what does that mean to you?" "Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean to you, Holmes?" "To me, it means someone has stolen our tent."

  • An Irish policeman in Liverpool found a dead horse in Cazneau Street.  Not being too sure how to spell Cazneau Street he dragged the beast into Lime Street.

  • A wee Belfast boy came home from school in tears.

'What's the matter, son?' asked his mammy.

'We were doing sums today, Mammy,' he said.

'And were they too hard?'

'Well, the teacher said either I couldn't count, or I was stupid, or all three.'

  • Murphy walked with his dog every day all through the villiage, so everyone knew both Murphy and his dog. One day Murphy is on his walk without the dog. Cronin sees Murphy and asks, "Where is your dog?". Murphy answers, " I had to have him put down." "Was he mad", asks Cronin." "He wasn't too pleased," says Murphy.