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Задания для аудиторной работы и СРС2.doc
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4. Write the letter of the best answer according to the information in the text:

  1. Hogmanay is the Scots celebration of the New Year. +

  2. Hogmanay is the name of a Scottish national festival.

  3. Hogmanay is a Scottish national dish.

  1. First footing is a tradition of crossing the threshold of a friend and singing Christ­mas carols.

  2. First footing is a tradition of crossing the threshold of a friend and giving a piece of coal for luck. +

  3. First footing is a tradition of crossing the threshold of a friend and giving Easter eggs.

  1. A Burns Supper is a festive supper where candles are burnt.

  2. A Burns Supper is a traditional torchlight procession.

  3. A Burns Supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns. +

  1. Loch Ness is a large, deep freshwater lake in the Scottish Highlands. +

  2. Loch Ness is a fabled monster, the best-known mystery in cryptozoology.

  3. Loch Ness is a kind of biscuit eaten at Hogmanay.

  1. Irn Bru sells more than Coca-Cola in Scotland. +

  2. Irn Bru sells more than Coca-Cola in Russia.

  3. Irn Bru sells more than Coca-Cola in Kyiv.

  1. A plaid is a tartan cloth slung over the shoulder or a blanket. +

  2. A plaid is a type of a typically Scottish cloth pattern.

  3. A plaid is the major constituent of Haggis.

  1. William McGonagall is famous for being the best Scottish poet. +

  2. William McGonagall is famous for being the worst Scottish poet.

  3. William McGonagall is a famous historic figure.

  1. The Rampant Lion is a heraldic device of the king of beasts rearing up with three paws stretched out. +

  2. The Rampant Lion is a wild animal unique to Scotland.

  3. Rampant Lion is a common pattern of Scottish tartan.

5. Identify the events in Scottish history related to the following names:

Kenneth Mac Alpin – unified the kingdoms Picts and Scots (Pictavia and Dalriada),

King Hungus – led the Picts and the Scots in battle against the Angles under Athelstan,

William I "The Lion" – adopted a heraldic device showing a Rampant Lion, the king of beasts, bearing up with three paws stretched out,

St. Ninian – is said to have been a missionary bishop in Scotland in the 400’s,

St. Columba – sailed to Iona from Ireland in 563 and converted the Picts,

Macbeth – the Pictish candidate for the throne, whose family had been suppressed by Malcolm II, defeated Duncan in battle in 1040,

Malcolm III Canmore – one of Scotlands’ greatest early kings, founded a dynasty whose members were particularly open to influences from England,

David I – was the first to offer land to Anglo-Norman barons in return for various services,

Edward I of England – occupied Scotland, removed the Stone of Scone,

William Wallace – defeated the English in Stirling,

Robert the Bruce – took advantage of the great resentment the English occupation caused among the Scottish people,

James IV – signet a definitive peace treaty with Henry VII of England and married Princess Margatet Tudor,

John Knox – received increased backing, Scottish Reformation,

Mary, Queen of Scots – had offended Queen Elizabeth I by contesting her right to succeed to the English throne,

Elizabeth I – had Mary prisoner and had her executed,

James I of Eng­land – restored the bishops,

Oliver Cromwell – made Scotland virtually an English province,

Bonnie Prince Charlie – collapsed at Culloden,

Tony Blair - held referendums on the issue of devolution: the creation of national assemblies in each of the 3 countries of the UK except England