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2. Supply the word or phrase from the vocabulary list which correctly completes the sentence:

Shires - графства,

Home Counties - "ближние графства" (ближайшие к Лондону: Кент, Саррей и Эссекс; иногда сюда включаются Мидлсекс, Хартфордшир, Бакингемшир, Беркшир и реже Сассекс),

the Buckingham Palace,

Picts - пикты (группа кельтских племён [Celts 1)], населявших Шотландию. В середине 9 были завоёваны скоттами ,

Boudiccaкоролева в Британии,

Royal Greenwich Observatory,

Angles, Saxons and Jutes,

the Danelaw,-датское право

the Iceni - an ancient British tribe that rebelled against the Romans in 61 AD under Queen Boudicca

the Tower of London

the Golden Age,

Stonehenge - Стоунхендж (один из самых больших и известных в мире кромлехов [cromlech 2)]; сооружён в 1900-1600 до ; расположен близ Солсбери [Salisbury ], графство Уилтшир)

Civil War,

the Commonwealth of Nations - (Британское) Содружество (наций) (объединяет Великобританию и её бывшие доминионы и колонии, ныне независимые государства)

the common law,

the BBC,

Tithings - десятина

Hadrian wall,

the Protestant Church of England,

hundreds - "сотня", округ (единица административно-территориального деления графства) первоначально - территория, на проживало сто семей

1. The traditional counties come from the the Commonwealth of Nations that were formed after the various King­dom, such as Mercia. Wessex, Kent, etc. 2. A county was made up of hundreds, which themselves were made up of Shires . 3. Home Counties is a semi-archaic name for the English Counties bordering Lon­don. 4. The meridian at which the longitude is 0 degrees passes through Royal Greenwich Observatory. 5. The Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. 6. The massive stone circles to the north of Salisbury in the South of England called Stonehenge date from 3100 BC. 7. In the 1st century AD the Romans had a wall built from east to west known now as Hadrian wall to protect themselves from the inhabitants of Scotland at that time called Picts . 8. The most notable uprising of Celtic population against the Romans was that of the Iceni led by Boudicca. 9. The Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes, progressively settles England after the Romans pushing local tribes to the north. 10. The Vikings plundered and later settled England eventually ruling Tithings from the late 9th century. 11. The Tower of London has always been the royal palace, fortress and prison in the English capital. 12. Henry VIII created the Protestant Church of England to be able to divorce and marry again as he wished. 13. Elizabeth's reign is often referred to as the Golden Age of English culture. 14. The attempts of Charles I to get more power than it was acceptable to people led to the major Civil War of 1642. 15. The British Empire was replaced by the association of former colonies called Shires. 16. English law is known generally as the common law. 17. The BBC is one of the world's most powerful broadcasting corporations.