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17. What historic event the 18 years of Irish independence were closely related to?

18. What was the purpose of the society of Irishmen? To achieve Roman Catholic emancipation and (with Protestant cooperation) parliamentary reform. British attempts to suppress the society caused its reorganization as an underground movement dedicated to securing complete Irish independence.

19. What were the reasons of the Great Famine and Irish immigration? The Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852. The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight.

20. What did the Fenian Brotherhood strive to achieve? To es­tablish an Irish republic, if necessary by force.

21. What do you know about the Easter Rising? The Easter Rising was an insurrection staged in Ireland during Easter Week, 1916. The Rising was mounted by Irish republicans with the aims of ending British rule in Ireland and establishing the Irish Republic.

22. When and how did Ireland eventually get its independence? 1949

23. What languages are spoken in the Republic of Ireland now? Irish and English

24. What is the structure of the Par­liament of Eira? There are 226 members and two Houses of the Parliament (Irish: Tithe an Oireachtais):

  • Dáil Éireann (Lower house)

  • Seanad Éireann (Upper house).

25. Who is the Republic of Ireland current president? Mary Patricia McAleese

27. What are the main sources of law in the Republic of Ireland?

The sources of Irish Law reflect Irish history and the various parliaments whose law affected the country down through the ages. Notable omissions from the list include laws passed by the first and second Dáil, and the Brehon Laws (traditional Celtic laws, the practice of which was only finally wiped out during the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland). These latter laws are void of legal significance and are of historical interest only.

28. What is the dominating religion in the Repub­lic of Ireland now?

The predominant religion in Ireland is Christianity, with the largest church being the Roman Catholic Church.

29. What are the traditional sports in Ireland?

Sports in Ireland are extremely popular, both in terms of playing them and watching them. The most popular sports in Ireland are listed below, with a little information about each.  Gaelic Football – By attendance records alone, this is Ireland’s most popular sport. It may look similar to football, but using the hands to carry the ball, pass to teammates, and get the ball into the goal is not forbidden.

Hurling – Hurling is native to Ireland, and is incredibly popular. It is somewhat similar to field hockey, although the ball is usually played in the air rather than on the ground.

Football (Soccer) – Even though most of the world calls this sport “football,” it is sometimes called “soccer” in Ireland to avoid confusion with Gaelic football. It is one of the most accessible sports, easily played by children the world over and at the most professional levels.

Rugby Union – Known simply as “rugby” in most of the rest of the world, it is called “rugby union” in Ireland because it was traditionally played predominantly by Unionists. Today both Unionists and Nationalists play the game, however.

Hockey – Often called simply “hockey,” it is similar to ice hockey only it is played outdoors on a pitch.

Camogie – This is the women’s version of hurling, with a few small rule changes from the men’s version.

Gaelic Handball – This is similar to racquetball, except the ball is struck with a gloved hand instead of a racquet. Interest in this sport has waned in recent years.

Road Bowling – While this game has an incredibly long history (dating back to the 17th century) and a set of rules, it can seem like a sport that is being played illegally. It involves the players throwing a ball along a pre-set road course (usually using roads which are in active use by cars during the game), and the one who gets to the appointed finish line with the least throws wins.

C. 30. Who are the most famous authors in the English language literature?

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Emily Bronte (1818 - 1848), Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870), J.K. Rowling (1965 - ), Geoffrey Chaucer