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Типовая программа по Истории Казахстана.doc
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Емтихан сұрақтары

  1. Қазақстан тарихы курсының мақсаты мен міндеттері

  2. Адамзаттың пайда болуы жайлы тұжырымдар

  3. Қазақстан территориясында адамзаттың пайда болуы

  4. Тас дәуірінің негізгі кезеңдері

  5. Алғашқы қауымдық құрылыстың негізгі кезеңдері.

  6. Алғашқы қауымдық құрылыс кезеңіндегі қоғамдағы өзгерістер

  7. Адамзат тарихының кезеңдері

  8. Қазақстан жеріндегі қола дәуірі.

  9. Андроновтар мәдениеті

  10. Тарих түсінігіің мағынасы

  11. Тарихи процесіне байланысты тұжырымдар

  12. Қазақстан жерінде көне дәуірден бастап қоғамдық мәдени дамудың пайда болуы және оның қалыптасуының ерекшеліктері

  13. Қазақстан жеріндегі алғашқы қауымдық құрылыс

  14. Қазақстан жеріндегі Полеолит пен Мезолит

  15. Қазақстан жеріндегі Неолит және Энеолит

  16. Қола дәуірі. Шаруашылық мен қоғамдық өмірдегі өзгерістер

  17. Қола дәуірі. Беғазы-Дәндібай мәдениеті.

  18. Сақтардың саяси тарихы

  19. Қазақстан жеріндегі Сақ тайпаларының қоғамдық құрылыс деңгейі.

  20. Сақтардың әскери өнері, мәдениеті.

  21. Қаңлылардың орналасуы. Олардың этникалық құрамы, қоғамдық дамуының деңгейі

  22. Үйсін мемлекеті - қазақтар мемлекетінің басталуының алғашқы үлгісі

  23. Ғұндардың Қазақстан жеріне келуі

  24. Қазақстан территориясындағы ғұн тайпалары. «Ұлы халық көшуі»

  25. Ұлы Жібек жолы. Қазақстан территориясындағы халықаралық керуен жолының қалыптасуы жіне дамуы.

  26. Евразия континентіндегі түркілер. Түрік және Батыс түрік қағанаттары.

  27. Ерте ортағасырлық Түргеш қағанаты

  28. VІ-VІІ ғасырлардағы Қарлұқ қағанаты

  29. Оғыздар мемлекеті

  30. Қимақ қағанаты

  31. Қыпшақ хандығы. Саяси әлеуметтік құрылымы және тарихи маңызы

  32. Қарахан мемелекетінің саяси - әлеуметтік құрылымы

  33. Жетісудағы Қарақытай мемлекеті

  34. Қазақстандағы қала мәдениеті және VІ-ХІІ ғғ. даму

  35. Х-ХІІ ғғ. даму. Ғылым жіне мідениет. Әл Фараби

  36. Түркі әдебиетінің дамуы. Рухани мұралар. Жүсіп Баласағұн

  37. Түркі әдебиетінің дамуы. Рухани мұралар. Махмұд Қашқари

  38. Түркі әдебиетінің дамуы. Рухани мұралар. Ахмет Яссауи.

  39. Түркі мемлекеттерінің экономикасы.

  40. Түркі мемлекеттерінің өркемдік қолөнері. Сәулет өнері

  41. Маңғол мемлекетінің құрылуы

  42. Қазақстан жеріне монголдардың шапқыншылығы.

  43. Қазақстан жері Алтын Орда құрамында.

  44. Қазақстан жерінде ұлыстардың құрылуы

  45. Ақ Орда мемлекеті

  46. Ақсақ Темірдің жаугершілік саясаты.

  47. Ноғай Ордасы

  48. Моғолстан мемлекеті

  49. Әбілхайыр хандығы (Көшпенді Өзбек мемлекеті)

  50. Қазақ халқының қалыптасуы және Қазақ хандығының құрылуы

  51. ХVІ ғасырдағы Қазақ хандығы

  52. ХVІІ ғасырдағы Қазақ хандығы

  53. Тәуке хан және оның «Жеті жарғысы».

  54. Жоңғар хандығы

  55. Қазақ халқының жоңғарларға қарсы күресі

  56. Қазақстанның Ресейге қосылуы. Негізгі кезеңдері

  57. Кіші жүз және Орта жүздердің Ресейге қосылуы. Ресей империясының қазақ жеріндегі отарлау саясаты

  58. Кіші Жүз қазақтарының Е.Пугачев көтерілісіне қатысуы

  59. Сырым Датұлы басқарған Кіші Жүз қазақтарының көтерілісі (1783-1897жж), көтерілістің тарихи маңызы.

  60. ХVІІІ ғасырдағы Қазақ халқының шаруашылығы мен мәдениеті

  61. 1822 жылғы «Сібір қырғыздары жайлы» жарлық

  62. 1824 жылғы «Орынбор қырғыздары жайлы» жарлық

  63. Бөкей Ордасының құрылуы. И. Тайманов пен М. Өтемісов басқарған көтеріліс (1836-1838жж).

  64. Кенесары Қасымұлы басқарған ұлт-азаттық қозғалысы (1837-1847жж).

  65. ХІХ ғасырдың екінші жартысындағы Патша өкіметінің Қазақстанда жүргізген әкімшілік реформалары

  66. Орал (1868ж ), Торғай (1869ж ) облыстарындағы ұлт-азаттық күресі

  67. XIX ғ. екінші жарғысы - XX ғ. басындағы Қазақстан

  68. ХVІІІ- XXғғ Қазақстанды зерттеу тарихы (А.И.Левшин)

  69. ХVІІІ- XXғғ Қазақстанды зерттеу тарихы (В.В.Радлов)

  70. ХVІІІ- XXғғ Қазақстанды зерттеу тарихы (Ф.А.Щербина)

  71. XIX ғ. Қазақстан мәдениеті. Ш.Уәлиханов

  72. XIX ғ. екінші жартысы - XX ғ. басындағы Қазақстан мәдениеті. Ы.Алтынсарин

  73. XIX ғ. екінші жартысы - XX ғ. басындағы Қазақстан мәдениеті. Абай Құнанбаев

  74. Ұлы Жүздің Ресей империясына кіруі

  75. XIX ғ. Экономикалық даму

  76. XIX ғ. Халық ауыз әдебиеті

  77. XX ғ өзгерулер. Қазақстанның Ресей өнеркәсібінің шикізат көзіне айналуы

  78. XIX ғ. Халық ауыз әдебиеті

  79. XIX ғ. екінші жартысы - XX ғ. басындағы Қазақстанға қоныс аудару саясаты

  80. 1905-1907 жылдардағы орыс революциясының Қазақтанға саяси ықпалы.

  81. Қазақстандағы Столыпин аграрлық реформасы

  82. Қазақстандықтардың Мемлекеттік Думаға қатысуы

  83. Алғашқы дүниежүзілік соғыс кездеріндегі Қазақстан

  84. 1916 жылғы ұлт азаттық көтеріліс

  85. Қазақстандағы ақпан буржуазиялық революция

  86. Алғашқы жалпықазақтық съезд

  87. «Алаш» партиясының құрылуы

  88. «Алаш» партиясының құрылуы және қызметі

  89. Кеңестер Одағы құрамындағы Қазақстан

  90. Қазақстан азамат соғысы жылдарында (1918-1920 жж.).

  91. Қазақстан азамат соғысы жылдарындағы «әскери демократия»

  92. Қазақстандағы 1920 - 30 жж ұлттық мемлекеттік құрылымдар

  93. Қазақстандағы Жаңа экономикалық саясат (НЭП).

  94. Индустриализациялық даму – қиындықтары мен қайшылықтары.

  95. Социализмның Сталиндік моделі және оның Қазақстанда жүзеге асуы. Қазақстандағы ұжымдастыру – халық трагедиясы

  96. Қазақстандағы 1920 - 30 жылдардағы жаппай сауатсыздықты жою және халыққа білім беру ісінің дамуы

  97. Қазақстандағы 1920 - 30 жылдардағы ғылым және білім

  98. 191920-30- жылдардағы қоғамдық саяси жағдай. Саяси репрессиялар.

  99. 1920-30- жылдардағы қоғамдық саяси жағдай. Тоталитарлық жүйенің қалыптасуы.

  100. Сталиннің Қазақстанға күштеп Кавказ, Поволжья, Қиыр Шығыс халықтарын қоныс аудару саясаты

  101. Ұлы Отан соғысы және соғысы жылдарындағы Қазақстандықтардың ерлігі

  102. Қазақстандықтар Ұлы Отан соғысы жылдарында. Халықтың тылдағы ерен ерлігі

  103. Қазақстандықтар Ұлы Отан соғысы жылдарында. Ұлы Отан соғысы Батырлары

  104. Ұлы Отан соғысы жылдарындағы Қазақстан. Өнер мен ғылым

  105. Ұлы Отан соғысы жылдарынан кейінгі Қазақстан (1946-53жж)

  106. Республикадағы әдебиет пен өнер саласындағы жетістіктер. (1940-50жж)

  107. XX ғ. 50-ші жылдарындағы Қазақстанның саяси-әлеуметтік жағдайы, тың және тыңайған жерлерді игеру

  108. Байқоңыр және Семей полигондары

  109. XX ғ. 65- 85 ші жылдарындағы Қазақстанның саяси-әлеуметтік жағдайы Халық ағарту жұмыстары

  110. Қазақстан 1970-90 жж. Тоқырау кездері мен Қайта құру кезеңде.

  111. 1985-91 жылдардағы Қазақстан экономикалық, саяси реформалар

  112. Қазақстан "қайта құру" жылдарында (1985-1991 ж ж.). Желтоқсан оқиғасы

  113. Қазақстан – Егемен әуелсіз мемлекет

  114. Егемен Қазақстанның сыртқы саяси байланысы

  115. Егемен Қазақстанның экономикалық байланысы

  116. Егемен Қазақстанның сыртқы саяси - экономикалық байланысы

  117. Егемен Қазақстанның Саяси партиялары мен қоғамдық қозғалыстары

  118. Егемен Қазақстанның мәдени өмірі

  119. Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің Халыққа жалдауы 2030

  120. Егемен Қазақстанның халықаралық қатынасы.

Course “History of Kazakhstan”, in concrete historical material, discloses the process of human society formation on the present territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and reveals historical events objectively, in all their contradictions. Based on the principles of science, historicism to the analysis of socio-economic phenomena, the program takes into account that the basis of historical knowledge is the study of facts.

Course of “History of Kazakhstan” is intended to disclose the main and the general direction of historical processes of national history, it allows showing historical events that took place in Kazakhstan in the relationship and interaction with the history of peoples of neighboring countries.

It is necessary to give a brief historiography of the most important key problems, focusing on primary sources in the process of teaching of “History of Kazakhstan”

This program covers the history of Kazakh historical processes from ancient times to the present day.

Course of “History of Kazakhstan” is intended to form the historical consciousness of students and facilitate their active participation in solving the problems the Republic of Kazakhstan faces with. Course of “History of Kazakhstan” acquaints students with modern research matters on the problems of country’s history.

Provisions on organization and conducting of State examination on “History of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - State examination) in International Academy of Business (hereinafter- IAB) develops standard rules for the current control, midterm and final assessment of students № 125 as of 18.03.2008

Form of examination is approved by the IAB Academic Council (Minutes № 2 as of 28.10.11). Examination is conducted in writing. Quantity of questions on the ticket is three, quantity of examination cards is 40. Duration of examination is three hours.

Chairman and membership of State examination is approved at the meeting of the Academic Council.


Essence and goals of the course of “History of Kazakhstan”. Notion and place of the course of “History of Kazakhstan” in the upbringing and education of young generation. Basis of scientific periodization of “History of Kazakhstan”. General concept of the sources of the history of Kazakhstan and methods for their study.



Subject, aims and goals of the course of “History of Kazakhstan. History of civilization.

Views of different historical process. Stages of different historical process. History of Kazakhstan in the context of world history. Priorities of the national history.

Per iodization of history of Kazakhstan. Main methods of studying the history of Kazakhstan. New conceptual approaches of Homeland history studies. Sources and literature of the discipline “History of Kazakhstan”.

Section I


Primitive society in the territory of Kazakhstan. Archeological periodization of the primitive society. Early settlements of the territory of Kazakhstan. Stone Age. Paleolithic Age. Nature and man in the Paleolithic Age.

Forms of economy, ancient inhabitants of the territory of Kazakhstan and their tools.

Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages in the territory of Kazakhstan.

“Neolithic Revolution”." Eneolithic. Matriarchy.

Tribes of Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age. Bronze monuments in the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan and the Andronov culture. Mining and metallurgy. Ratio of agriculture and cattle breeding

Culture of the late Bronze Age in Central Kazakhstan (Begazy, Dandybay). Transition from pastoral cattle breeding to nomadic cattle breeding. Hearts of agriculture and their characteristics. Patriarchal ¬ family community.

Bronze Age and its material culture, its special features in the territory of Kazakhstan.

Tribal alliances and early state formation of the early Iron Age.

Scythians. Saki, Massagets, Issedonians “Arimasps”. Sarmatians. Economy, social structure and life of Sakis. Beginnings of early class relations and nationhood.

Relationship of Sakis with the neighboring states (Iran, China). Sakis’ struggle with the forces of Darius I, and the conqueror Cyrus ¬ conquering campaigns of Alexander of Macedon. (Alexander the Great).

Culture, art and rituals of the early Iron Age tribes. “Animal style”. Archaeological sites in the Central, West, North, East, South of Kazakhstan and the Sub Aral Sea area.

Kazakhstan in the II B.C. - V B.C. Huns in the territory of Kazakhstan. Role of Huns in the ethno-sociogenesis of Kazakh people. Territory settlement of Usuns and Kangüy, their socio-economic history and political-military organization. Caravan trade and the “Great Silk Way”.

Material and spiritual culture, beliefs, and fine art of Huns, Usuns and Kangüy.

Section II


States in the territory of Kazakhstan (VI-ХII).

Turkic Kaganate (552-603). Formation of the ancient tribes’ unions. Development of productive forces in ancient Turkic tribes. Formation of the ancient Turkic state. Social structure and employment of population. International relations of Turkic Kaganate. Culture and craft. The value of the Ancient Turkic Empire in the history of the peoples of Central Asia.

Turgesh Kaganate (704-756). Turgeshes, their settlement and political organization. Relations of Turgeshes with their neighbors. Struggle against the Arabs. Battle of Talas (751). Collapse of the Turgesh Kaganate.

Karluk state (766-756). Struggle of Turgeshes against the Arabs and China. Towns and settlements. Spiritual culture. Strengthening of the internecine strife.

Karakhanid State (942-1210). Formation of the Karakhanid state. The first Muslim Turkic state in the territory of Kazakhstan. Territory and population. Questions of the ethno and political history of Karakhanids. Development of feudal relations. Forms of tenure. Socio-class essence of the Institute of Iqta. Military campaigns to Mawarannahr and the war against the Seljuks. Feudal strife. Political influence of Karahanid on Mawarannahr. Cities and trade. Development of settlement and agriculture. Military-tribal and administrative system of governing. Khitan (Kara-Khitai) Invasion and collapse of the Karakhanid state.

Oguz state (end of the IX beginning of the XI cc). Oguzes in the territory of Kazakhstan. Oguz state. Relationships of Oguz with Khorezm, Kimaks, Kipchaks. Weakening of political foundations of the Oghuz dzhabgu.

Kimak Kaganate (end of the IX beginning of the XI cc). Kimak settling. Formation of Kimak State and its external relations. Strengthening of the Kipchak nobility. Collapse of the Kaganate.

Kipchak Khanate (beginning of the XI c-1224). Stages of Kypchak community formation. Ethnic structure and settlement of Kipchaks. Economy and social system. Economic and political ties with Central Asia, Kipchaks and ancient Russian principalities. The term of “Desht-i- Kipchak”. Formation of Naiman, Argyn, and Kirey statehood, their economy and political organization. Wars of Khitans against Naimans.

Khitan (Karakitaiy) (1128-1213). The origin of the Khitan and its ethnic structure of the population. Capture of the East Karakhanid state by Karakitaiy.

Territory of Kazakhstan in the world civilization. Comparative characteristics of culture, beliefs and art of peoples that were the part of state formation of Turgeshes, Karluks, Oguzes, Kimaks, Kipchaks, Naimans, Karakhanids and Khitans. Crafts, trade and currency. Growth of cities. Architectural structures. Mausoleums of Aisha-Bibi, Karakhan. Development of science and culture. Al-Farabi and his contribution to the world science. Usuf Balasaguni, Mahmud Kashgari. Hodja Ahmet Yasawi and his literary career. Religious beliefs. Penetration of Islam. Ancient Turkic tribal unions and state in the historic literature.

Kazakhstan in the Mongol era. Mongol and Tartar tribes, their settlement and socio-political system in the XII-XIII centuries. Social structure of the society. Formation of the Mongolian State led by Temujiin (Genghis khan,). Mongolian invasion in Kazakhstan. Struggle of people in the territory of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, against the Mongol conquerors. Temujin wars against Naiman. Defence of Otrar, Sygnak. Struggle of Cuman- Kipchaks, Alans-Ossetians and Rus’ against the hordes of Genghis khan

Kazakhstan under the rule of Mongols. Division of the territory of Kazakhstan by the Mongolian invaders. Formation of Jochi, Ogedei and Chagatai uluses. Batu. Internal and external policies of the Golden Horde.

Struggle for the throne. Transition of Gold Horde throne to autochthonous heads and to Turkic became tribes. Uzbek (1312-1342), Janibeg (1342-1357) and others. Adoption of Islam as the state religion. Development of trade. International relations of the Golden Horde. Influence of the Golden Horde on the historical events of Eurasia.

Medieval State in XIV-XV centuries.

State of Timur. Emir Timur (1370-1405). Relationship of Timur with the rulers of Mogulistan, the Golden Horde. Timur's military campaigns in Dasht and Kipchak, and Moghulistan and their consequences.

Ak-Horde. (XIII - early. XV cc.). The first great state community at the local ethnic basis. Fighting for the Subsyr Darya cities against Timurids. Transfer of power to Shaybanids.

Mogolistan (middle of the XIV-beginning of the XVI cc). Formation of the state. Territory and ethnic structure. Timur’s military campaigns against Mogolistan. Mogolistan’s allegiance from Timur. Consolidation of power by Mohammad Khan. Mogolistan at Weiss khan and Essen Buga. Weakening and disintegration of Mogolistan.

State of Nomadic Uzbeks (1428-1468). Territory and the ethnic structure. Military campaigns of Abulhair in Central Asia. Struggle for the Syrdarya cities. Roaming of Djanibek and Kerey. Collapse of the Khanate.

Nogai Horde (the end of the XIV-XV cc.). Territory and ethnic structure. Rulers of the Nogai Horde. Relations of the Nogai Horde with the neighboring states. Collapse of the Nogai Horde.

Siberian Khanate and its relationship with the states in the territory of Kazakhstan.

Main stages in the formation of the Kazakh nation. Historical background of the Kazakh nation formation. Process of the Kazakh nation formation. Formation of the ethnic territory, forming of the unified language. Generality of economy, material and spiritual culture. Factor of state forming and its impact on the ethnic process. Completion of the Kazakh nation formation (XIV-XV centuries). Zhuzes- ethno-territorial association of the Kazakhs. Creation of the Senior, Middle and Junior zhuzes.

Kazakh Khanate (XV-XVI cc). Formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Spread of political domination of the Kazakh Khanate in the East Dasht-i-Kipchak. The first Kazakh khans: Janibeg and Kerey. Kazakh Khanate at Burunduk and Kasym. Strengthening of the Kazakh Khanate. Socio-economic and political status of the Kazakh Khanate in the beginning of the XVI century. Tribal structure. Economy: cattle breeding, agriculture, cities, and trade. Accession of Semirechye region to the territory of the Kazakh Khanate. Kazakh Khanate in the XVI century. Rulling of Hak-Nazar. Struggle of Kazakh khans against Bukhara and the Siberian Khanate

Kazakh Khanate in XVII – beginning of the XVIII centuries. Socio-economic and political status of the Kazakh Khanate. Kazakh-Dzungar relations. Formation of the Dzungar Khanate and its aggressive policies. The aggravation of the Kazakh-Dzungar relations in the second half of the XVII century. Growing influence of batirs and biys in the Kazakh society. Socio-economic development of Kazakhstan at the end of the XVI-XVII centuries. Cattle breeding. Agriculture. Interaction between nomadic and sedentary farming economy. Cities and villages. Home industries and handicrafts.

Socio-political system of Kazakhs. Class and social structure of the society. Territory and population. Expansion of the territory of the Kazakh Khanate at Tauekel Khan period (1586-1598).

Internal policy of the Kazakh khans. Legal norms of the Kazakh state. “Old way of Yessim” (1598-1628). Laws of Tauke (1680-1715). “Zhety Zhargy”. Consolidation of positions of biys at Tauke Khan period of rulling. Tauke Khan's affords to join forces of three zhuzes. Zhangir Khan’s liberatory war (1628) against the Dzungar State.

External policy of the Kazakh State. Interaction of Kazakhstan with Central Asia, the Siberian Khanate. Russian and Kazakh relations. Russian settlements in the territory of Kazakhstan. Diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Russia at the end of XVI-XVII centuries

Culture of the Kazakh nation in the ХVI-ХVIII cc. Traditional nomadic culture of Kazakhs. Customs, traditions, rituals and beliefs of Kazakh people.

Folklore, Writing. Akins and zhirau. “Jami at-Tavarikh”, Kadyrgaliya Dzhalairi and “Tarikhi Rashidi”, Mohammed Haidar Dulati. Arts and Crafts and the heroic eposes “Er Targyn”, “Alpamys”, “Edyge”, “Koblandy”, etc.

Section III


Socio-economic and political situation in Kazakhstan in the first half of the XVIII century. Feudal fragmentation of the country and struggle of Sultans and Khans for power. International position of the Kazakh Khanates in the early XVIII century. Strengthening of the Jungar military and feudal state and its aggressive policy. The aggravation of the Kazakh-Jungar relations. Djungarian invasion on the territory of Kazakhstan in the 20-40s of the XVIII century. Years of “great tribulation - Aktaban shubyryndy, Alkakol Sulama”. The loss of the southern cities, centers of agriculture. Congresses of the Kazakh patriarchs in the Horde Bassi, a way to the mutual concord and preservation of territorial integrity. Liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against the Dzungar conquerors. Battle at Anrakay.

Russia and Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XVIII century. Kazakhstan in the foreign policy of Russia in the East in the first quarter of the XVIII century. Historical conditions and prerequisites of joiniing Kazakhstan to Russia. Diplomatic negotiations between Kazakhstan and Russia. Expeditions of I. Buchholz, A.Bekovich-Cherkasskiy. Negotiations with Tsarist Russia on citizenship done by Junior Juz Khan Abulhair. Embassy of the A. I. Tevkeleva (mirza Kutlu Muhammad). Negotiations and the struggle of various political groups on the issue of citizenship. Intentional reasons of Abulhair and “Khan's party” on citizenship. Decree of the tsarist government as of February 19, 1731 on the adoption of the Junior zhuse to the Russian citizenship. Events of the October 10, 1731. Junior Jhuz adoption to the Russian Empire citizenship of Kazakhs and separate kins of the Middle Zuse. First colonial activities of tsarism. “Project” of I.K. Kirilov, organization and activities of Orenburg (Kirghiz-Kaisak) expedition.

Tsarist policy of in Kazakhstan in the early period of its joining to Russia. Construction of line fortifications. Expansion of the Kazakh-Russian economic ties. Trade and its centers. Searching and mining of the raw materials. Measures of the Russian state to protect the Kazakh steppes from the Djungarian conquest. Embassy of Miller to Galdan-Tseren and its results. Relationships of the Kazakh rulers with Khiva, Bukhara, Bashkirs. Strengthening of Abulhair and Kaip position in Khiva. Diplomatic relations of Persia, at Nadir Shah period of ruling with Kazakhstan. The ratio of the Kazakhs to the uprisings in Bashkiriya.

Strengthening of feudal strife in the Junior and Middle zhuzes. Worsening of Abulhair relations with the Orenburg administration. Negotiations with the tsarist government Abulkhair in the late 40’s. Death of Abulhair. Nuraly Khan (1748-1786).

Beginning of military and governmental activities of Abylai, his internal and external policies. Relations of Abylai with the Dzungar State, China and Russia. Diplomatic skills of Abylai. China and Kazakhstan. The defeat of Dzungar state. Returning of Kazakhs to their ancestral lands of the Easten part of Kazakhstan (the Altai and Tarbagatai) and the Ili valley. The historiography of the Kazakh-Jungar relations and its history.

Kazakhstan in the second half of XVIII century. Economic situation in Kazakhstan. Land policy of the tsarist administration. Violations of the Kazakh migrations and discontent of the working masses. Discovery and early development of ore deposits in the north-east of Kazakhstan. Political position. The aggravation of the internal contradictions in the Junior Zhuse. Weakening of the Nuraly Khanate external policy. Nuraly and Bashkir rebels. Batyr Khanate in the Junior Zhuse Abylai Khan’s struggle in the process of uniting the Kazakh lands and strengthening of the Kazakh state. Historical place of Abylai (1731-1781) in the struggle for independence of Kazakhstan.

Participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war under the leadership of the E.I. Pugachev (1773-1775). Manifests of Pugachev to the Kazakh population. Defeat of the uprising. Punitive measures of tsarism in the territory of Kazakhstan. Echoes of the Peasants’ War - the movement “invisible”. A new vision of the problem.

People's Liberation Movement in the Junior Zhuse (1783-1797) under the leadership of Sirim Datov. Reasons for the uprising. Alignment of class forces in the Junior Zhuse on the eve of the uprising. Beginning and course of the uprising, its nature and driving forces. The project of the Governor-General Igelstrom. Orientation of tsarism on the petty group. Motives of tsarist ambitious in the elimination of the Khan’s power in the Junior Zhuse and the reasons for its recovery. Formation of the Pogranichniy court and massacres at the place. New rise of the revolts in the 90s. Changes of the colonial policy in the tsar’s methods. External policy of Khans: Eraly (1792-1794) and Yessim (1795-1797). Strengthening of insurgency movement. Murder of Yessim Establishment of the Khan Council and the following restoration of Khan’s power in the Junior Zhuse. Aischuak Khan (1797-1805). Decline of movement, the reasons of its defeat and the value of the uprising. S. Datov leaving for the Khiva Khanate. Batir Syrym in folklore and historical literature.

Culture of Kazakhstan in the XVIII century. Folklore, and reflection of the liberation struggle of masses in it. Creativity of Bukhar zhirau (Bukhari Kalkamanov 1693-1768), Aktamberdy zhirau (1675-1768) Akins: Shal (1748-1819) Tattikara, etc. Umbeteya Batyr in folk art: Kabanbai, Zhanybek. Song cycles. Elim-ai! (“My Land”), “Dusty hike”, “Kozi-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu”, “Kyz Zhibek”. Epic masterpieces “Arkalyk warrior”. Musical creativity. “March Abylai”, “Barack Asau” kui “Syrym saz”(Syrym Thoughts) and others. Samples of oratory. Beginning of Study of Kazakhstan by the European and Russian scientists. Academic mission in Kazakhstan.

Socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan in the first half of XIX century. Russian influence on the Kazakh economy. Changes in the pastoral economy, the expansion of crops. Growth of the trade and commerce. Fairs Nature of the trade, turnover between Russia and Kazakhstan. Cities and their place in the economic life. Changes in the caste-class structure of the Kazakh society and the growth of wealth inequality ¬ properties. Evolution of forms of labor-and of productive rent in the village. Tax system. Formation of the gold private industry. Mining trade in the Altai. Trade and economic relations with China.

The political situation of Kazakhstan. Strengthening position of Russia in Kazakhstan. Expansion process in joining Kazakh lands to Russia. Wali Khan (1781-1819). Middle Zhuse, its desire to preserve the independence Khanate. Ruling of Bouqei (1812-1815). Political orientation of the Junior Zhuse khans. Zhantore (1805-1809) and Shergazy (1812-1824). Creation of Bukeyev Khanate and its management structure. “The Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz” by M.M.Speranskii. “The Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz” 1822, and “Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyiz” , 1824. Elimination of Khan’s power in the Middle and Junior zhuzes. Changes in the administration. Opening of the external district and county orders in the Middle Zhuse. Introduction of remote systems in the Junior zhuse and separation of zhuse into the distances. Kazakhs - volunteers, members of the Patriotic War of 1812

Liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against the oppression of Central Asian khans and colonial policy of tsarism. Movement of sultans Karatai and Aryngazy (1816-1821), Zholaman Tilenshi (1822-1824). The revolt of kazakhs of the Elder zhuse against Kokand (1821). The revolt of the Kazakhs 1837-1847. under the leadership of Sultan Kenessary Kasimov, its driving force, motion, base steps and reasons for the defeat. Struggle for the restoration of a unified state. Khan Kenessary in historical literature. Liberation struggle of the Kazakh sharua in the 50s of the XIX century. The uprising of Kazakhs led by Zhankozhi Nurmukhamedov and Esset Kotibarov.

Growth of the colonial and feudal oppression in Bukeyev Horde. Exacerbation of land question in Bukeyev khanate. Revolts of 1827-1829. Revolt of people in Bukeyev Horde, led by Isatai Taimanov (1836-1838). The driving forces, the nature of the stages of the uprising, its value. The abolition of the Khan’s authority and the establishment of the Provisional Council of the Bukeyev Horde

Completion of Kazakh lands joining to Russia. Correlation of peaceful and violence methods in joining Kazakhstan to Russia. Thrust of the Elder zhuse Kazakhs to Russia, Russian citizenship adoption by the Sultan of the Elder zhuse Syuk Abylaikhan-uli. Letter of credence given by Alexander I on joining Kazakh Elder zhuse. Colonization of the Zaili Alatau region. Military campaigns against the royal troops of Kokand and Bukhara. Campaign of Perovskiy. Shymkent and Sairam. Elimination of the Kokand Khanate and the formation of the Turkestan general-governorship. The capitulation of Khiva. Joining of Zhetisu and southern Kazakhstan to Russia. Completion of joining territories of Kazakhstan to Russia in the midst of the 60s of XIX century. Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan joining to Russia. Comparative analysis of the problem.

Culture of Kazakhstan in the first half of the XIX century. Role of akins in the national liberation struggle of the XIX century. Creative activity of Makhambet Utemisov. Heroic poems of lyrical and every day poems “Becket-warrior”, “Kenessary and Nauryzbai", “Aiman-Sholpan”. Music and song culture of the Kazakh people. “Tepen cok,” “Kara Zhorka”, “Accu” etc. Tattinbet Kazangapuly (1815-1862). The role of Russian exiles (G.S. Karelin, M.M. Muraviyev-Apostol, F.M. Dostaevsky, etc.). Great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in Kazakhstan. Study of the productive forces, life and culture of Kazakhstan by Russian scientists. A.I. Levshin and value of his labor. “Description of the Kirghiz Cossacks, or the Kirghiz Kaisak hordes and steppes”. Public activities of V.I. Dahl in Kazakhstan and its creative legacy. Written language. Beginning of Russian education in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX century. Colonization of Kazakhstan. Tsarist reforms in Kazakhstan (1867-1868) and their character. Contents of the “Temporary Provisions, on regulations of Semirechenskaya and Syrdarya regions” and “in the steppe regions of Orenburg and West-Siberian General-Governorship”. Reorganization of the administrative structure and management system. Judicial system. Education, spirituality and health care. Changes in the tax system. Enhancing and strengthening of the tsarist provisions in Kazakhstan. Land issue and the form of taxes. The causes and nature of uprising in Turgay and Ural regions (1868-1869), Mangyshlak (1870). Reforms of the late 80s early 90s. Position on the governing of the “Turkistan region” and Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechenskaya, Ural and Turgay regions.

Emigrant issue in 80-90 s of the XIX century. “Temporary Provisions” of the transmigration of the Russian peasantry to Kazakhstan. Resettlement movement and its stages. Resettlement of Uigurs and Dungans to Zhetysu region. Employment of migrants and their socio-economic status. Expropriation of communal lands and its impact on the traditional economy of the Kazakhs.

Ethno-demographic characteristics of the population of Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX century.

Penetration and development of capitalist relations in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century. Involvement of Kazakhstan in the overall Russian economy, expansion of economic ties with Russia. The transformation of Kazakhstan into a market and source of raw materials for industry in Russia.

Agrarian questions in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century. Changes in the economic life of village. Growth of merchantability of ranching economy. Agriculture. Process of transition of nomadic Kazakh village to settle down. Strengthening of bay economy. Labor interaction of people of Kazakhstan.

Trade. Fair. Trade and usury capital. Cities of Kazakhstan and their role in economic and political life of the region. Beginning of entrepreneurship

Internal industry, crafts, and trade. Structure of the industry in Kazakhstan, its character and features. Social and ethnic structure of entrepreneurs. Role of merchants and merchant capital in the industry of Kazakhstan. Beginning of railway construction in Kazakhstan. Siberian road and its importance for the spread of capitalism “in breadth.”

Formation of the Kazakh industrial and agricultural workers, their size, structure. Wages, salaries, employment conditions, working and living conditions of workers. Strengthening of class contradictions. Forms of workers’ struggle against social oppression.

Culture of Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX century. Oral creative activity and literature. Akins-improvisers Shozhe, Sarah, Maykot Suyumbay, Zhayau-Musa, Nogaybay, Shortanbai, Kanaev (1818-1881). Dulat Babatayev (1802-1874). Beginning of the creative activity of Zhambyl.

Scientist, educator C.C. Valikhanov and his scientific legacy on history, geography, economy and culture of Kazakhstan. Travel to Kashgar. Travel to Kyrgyzstan. C. Valikhanov and G.N. Potanin. Contribution of Ch.Ch. Valikhanov into the study of the history of the Kazakh people. Condition of Public Education. Kazakh youth in educational institutions of Russia. Altynsarin - a teacher, educator, writer, scientist, ethnographer, his life and work. Altynsarin is creator of children’s literature. Contribution of Altynsarin into the development Kazakh literary language and ethnography. The value of education Altynsarin. The great poet and enlightener Abai Kunanbaev. Abay - the founder of Kazakh written literature. Abai and E.P. Michaelis. Musical heritage of Abai. Historic Site of Abai Kunanbayev in history and culture of the Kazakh people.

Musical folk composers. Songs, Cuis, “Balbyraun” (“Graceful”), “Sary-Arka” (“Golden steppe”), “Bulbul” (“Nightingale”), “Kambar kui”, “Kazan kui”, etc. Outstanding Kazakh composer Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev (1818-1889), composer Dauletkerei Shygayev (1829-1882), Birzhan-sala Kozhagulov (1832-1895), Ahan-seri Koramsin (1843-1913), Zhayau-Musa Bayzhanov (1835-1929) and others. Interaction of cultures in Kazakhstan and other peoples of Russia.

Russian intelligentsia and Kazakhstan. Contribution to the study of Kazakhstan of such scientists as P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N. Severtsov, I.V. Mushhetova, V. Radlov, F.A. Shcherbina, L. Meyer, M. Krasowski, AI Dobromyslova, KM Baer, G. Potanin. V. Work Sonya-Zernov “The value of the divisions and subdivisions of Russian graphic Society” (Orenburg, Semipalatinsk, Turkestan divisions).

Socio-economic relations between Kazakhstan in the late ХIХ-ХХ centuries. Class structure of the population. Categories of peasants and workers. Penetration of capitalistic relations in agriculture. Cattle breeding and agriculture. The use of advanced technology in agriculture. The growth of wage labor. The development of capitalist private industry. Manufactory, factory enterprise. Activities of corporations and companies, the penetration of foreign capital into the economy of Kazakhstan. Craft and trade. Transportation. Banks and credit. The historiography of the history of industry and workers in Kazakhstan of modern times.

Participation of the population of Kazakhstan in the Russian revolution of 1905-1907. Kazakhstan in years of reaction and a new revolutionary raise. Growth of the national and democratic movement, exacerbation of social contradictions in Kazakhstan. The first congress of the Kazakhs and the Srtucture of their documents. Birth of the Kazakh political press. Ideological and political content of the magazine “Aikap” and the newspaper “Kazakh”. Activities of Alikhan Bukeyhanov , Ahmet Baytursunuly, Myrzhakyp Dulatuly. Formation of the Marxist, the liberal-democratic ¬ nomic, cadet groups and trends. The program “Ush zhuse”. Participation of Kazakhstan at the elections to the State Duma. The Agrarian question and peasant revolts. Character of strikes in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan during the World War I. The influence of the imperialist war on the outskirts of colonial Russia. The growth of direct, and indirect taxes, worsening of the life in Kazakhstan. Nature of the requisition of cattle, agricultural products and “donations”. Austro-Hungarian and German prisoners of war in Kazakhstan. Raising of the national crisis. The decree as of June 25, 1916 on “Requisition of natives of Central Asia and Kazakhstan”, its antinational nature. National liberation uprising of 1916, its causes, driving forces, beginning, progress and milestones. The role of Amangeldy Imanov, Tokash Bokin, Bekbolat Ashikeyev, B. Maguov, Abdigafar Zhanbosynov and others in the organization of rebel armies. Repressive measures of the government and military actions of the punitive troops. The art of war of rebels. Reasons for the defeat of the uprising and historical significance. The first wave of mass immigration of Kazakhs to China (Kuldzhinsky region, Kashgar), Afghanistan. The ratio of Kazakh intellectuals to rebellion in 1916 New Look to the evaluation of the 1916 uprising in the historiography of the history of modern times of Kazakhstan

February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russia and Kazakhstan. Formation of the Soviets and the Temporary Government of Kazakhstan. The decision of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’, Peasants’ and Soldiers’ Deputies to revoke the punitive expeditions. Policy of the Temporary Government of Kazakhstan. Question of land. National question. Growth of social asset activity of population.

First Allkazak Congress and the content of its documents. Creation of the party “Alash”, and software installation. Party “Ush Zhuse”and its political orientation. Revitalization of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets, Social Democrats. Tsarist agrarian policy in Kazakhstan in the historiography of modern time, and contemporary periods.

Culture of Kazakhstan at the beginning of XX cebtury. Education and health. Increasing quantity of schools. Special medium and spiritual (Muslim) schools. Kazakhs in higher educational establishments of Russia. Folklore and musical culture.

Kazakh culture. Mukhamedzhan Seralin (1872-1929), Spandiyar Kubeyev (1878-1956) his educational and literary activity, Sultanmahmud Toraigyrov (1893-1920), poet and writer of lyrical lines, etc. The beginning of the publishing industry. Periodical Press.

Science. Kazakhstan’s contributions to science researchers, A.A. Divayev (1856-1933), V. Barthold (1869-1930), L.E. Alektorov, A. Bokeihanov, etc. Works of the outstanding orientalist V.V. Barthold in the history of Kazakhstan.

Section IV


October Revolution of 1917 and its prerequisites. attitude of various social strata of the society towards the revolution. Discussion of the social base and driving forces of October.

Features of the establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan. Socio-political situation in the province. Beginning of the Civil War. II Allkazakh Congress and its decision on autonomy. Party “Alash” as a factor in the political struggle. The first steps of the Soviets and their perception in the society.

The Civil War - the tragedy of the people (1918-1920). Complication of the political situation and the further growth of civil strife. The overthrow of Soviet power in the north, north-east of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan during the years of war. Events in the west and south parts of Kazakhstan. Creation of Semirechensk, emergence of the Urals, Aktubinsk, Turkistan fronts. “White” and “red” terror. Role and place of political parties and movements during the war. Ideology, policy and practice of “red” and “white” authorities. Socio-economic and political results of the Civil War.

Formation of the Kazakh Soviet statehood. Formation of the Revolutionary Committee, governing of the Kazakh Region and its activities. Transition from the revolutionary committees to the Soviets. Activities of the All Union Central Executive Committee Commission (VCIK) and the CPC of the RSFSR for Turkestan. Decree of the Soviet government on August 26, 1920, “On Education of the Autonomous Kirghiz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Republic”. V.I. Lenin - preparation and establishment of the Kazakh Soviet statehood. Founding congress of the Soviets of the Kazakh Autonomous Republic. “Declaration of rights of workers of Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR" and its contents. Formation of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People’s Commissars of the Republic.

Policy of “war communism” in Kazakhstan.

“War Communism”- the first attempt of the Bolsheviks’ “bestovarnoy utopia”. Nationalization, labor conscription, requisitioning. Strengthening the “class” terror. Question about the activities of committees of poor in Kazakhstan.

Economic crisis as a reaction to a policy of “war communism”. Collapse of industry. Collapse of the agricultural production. Hunger of 1921-1922. Scale of the disaster. The growth of social tension in the society and the political crisis. Peasant resistance movement: the anti-Soviet uprising in the province.

NEP in Kazakhstan. Socio-economic and political preconditions of transition to NEP. Struggle and the socialist interaction and coexistence of pre-capitalist and elemental commodity market trends. Formation of mixed economic structure. Socio-economic results of NEP: beginning of industry restoration, transport and agriculture. Cooperative movement of trade. Completion period of NEP. Beginning of moving away from the ideas of NEP. “Kulak” bread-strike: food crisis years 1927-1928. Transference to the procurement of agricultural products. Tax regime strengthening. Beginning of the anti-peasant mass repression.

Cultural life in the province. Ideological outlook of the intelligentsy and creative activities of Magzhan Zhumabayev, Ahmet Baitursynov Zhusupbek Aimautov, Mirzhakypa Dulatov, Alikhan Bukeyhanova, Shakarim Kudayberdyuly, S. Seifullin, etc.

Soviet state-building in the province. Territorial-administrative division. The reunion of the Kazakh lands in the Autonomous Republic. Demographic situation: census of 1926.

The Bolshevik agrarian revolution in Kazakhstan. Restoration of justice in the land matter. Soviet “class” reforms in the village, as the first blow to the traditional social and economic structure of Kazakhstan: hay-redistribution of arable land, confiscation of cattle from the large “semi-feudal bais,” Bolshevik idea of “social justice” in the credit and tax policies.

Socio-political and ideological struggle. Idea of "Maliy October" and the forced Sovietization of Kazakh aul: F.I. Goloshchekin. The opposition.

Collectivization - the tragedy of the peasantry. Industrialisation and the problems of accumulation. Statification of the agricultural sector as a mechanism of the problem solving. The elimination of private ownership of land and raskrestyanivaniye. Stalinist policy of transference of the nomads mode of life into the semi-sedentary mode of life. Question of ecological rationality, feasibility and effectiveness of social policies “settling”. Political aims of nomadic life to sedentary life: myths and reality. Building of a “class assault”. The course of the liquidation of the kulak farms bais. Final destruction of the traditional structures of Kazakhstan and its tragic consequences. Hunger of 1932-1933. Mass migration of population. Peasant resistance movement: the scope and geography. Suppression of the peasant uprisings by.

the Soviet regime.

Industrialization: nature, pace, scope and geography. The first five-year plan and its failure.

Socio-political situation in Kazakhstan: the massacre of the ideological and political opposition. Increasing of the ideological political terrorism.

Socio-economic and political situation in Kazakhstan on the eve of the war. Creation of the Kazakh SSR. Social, demographic and ethno-demographic situation in the republic. Proceedings of “repressed census” of 1937 and data of the falsified census.

Industry. Transport. Energetics. Categories of workers and their sources of revenue. Agricultural production. Urbanization.

Cultural construction of Kazakhstan in the 20-30s. Changes in cultural and educational institutions. Education. Elimination of adult illiteracy. Discussions about schools construction. Latinized alphabet. Contribution of educated population of 20- 30s in order to create a national system of education. Successes of the educational school. Development of vocational education and the formation of the Soviet Kazakh national intellectual potential. Secondary educational establishments. First universities in Kazakhstan. Science, education and research institutions. Activities of the Kazakh Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Kazakh BAS). The role of A. Baitursynov and other cultural figures in the consolidation of the national intellectuals. potential.

The formation of the Kazakh Soviet literature. S. Seifullin, I. Zhansugurov, J. Aymautov, M. Dulatov, B. Mailin, M.O. Auezov, M. Zhumabayev, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov and others. Activities of writers I.I. Anov, I.P. Shukhov, D. Snegin, H. Aliyev, M. Khamrayev, etc. Development of literature in the frames of the party, class, socialist realism principles. Consequences of repression of 20-30s. Formation of the Kazakh Soviet art. Creation of national theaters and clubs. Place and role of composers: A.V. Zatayevich and E.G. Brusilovsky in the collection of kyuis and development of opera musical art of the Kazakh people. Prominent Kazakh singer A. Kashaubayev. Prominent Kazakh Art people: K. Bayseitov, K. Zhandarbekov, J. Shanin and others. Decade of Kazakh Literature and Art in Moscow. Visual arts: N. Khludov, Kasteyev. Publishing and printing. Experience of cultural development in Kazakhstan. Negative and positive aspects of cultural development. Tragic fate of national intelligence.

Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Outbreak of war, its nature. The participation of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War. Kazakhstan in the plans of Nazi Germany. Mobilization of human and economic resources of Kazakhstan. The formation of military units. Kazakhstan –as a part of a unified military camp. The restructuring of the region's economy on a war footing. Activities of state in the development of military industry in Kazakhstan. Rear and front. Labor heroism of workers and peasants. Role of women and youth in the national economy of Kazakhstan. Evacuation to Kazakhstan. Reception and accommodation of displaced businesses, community and cultural values. Kazakhstan as one of the mighty arsenal.

People of Kazakhstan at the front. Heroism of the Brest Fortress defenders. Kazakhstan heroism in the battle for Moscow and Leningrad. The first heroes of Kazakhstan. 28 Panfilovtsev. S.Momysh-uli (Hero of the Soviet Union. 1990). Kazakhstan during the period of radical change in the Great Patriotic War (November 1942-1943). Heroism of Kazakhstan worries in the defeating of German troops at Stalingrad. Letters to the Kazakh people, war veterans and patriotic oath of Kazakhs soldiers. Defeat of German forces at Kursk and Kazakhstan participation in the battle. The people of Kazakhstan in the liberation of Ukraine and other Soviet republics.

Peoples' Movement «help the front». Fundraising for the defense fund. Participation of Kazakhstan in the construction of tank columns, air squadrons. Special immigrants, people of Kazakhstan in the construction areas of of the Urals and Siberia. Kazakhstan's assistance in the released areas in order to rebuild the economy. The deportation of repressed peoples to Kazakhstan during the war and their placement. First Heroes of the Soviet Union, women of the East: A. Moldagulova, M. Mametova.

The participation of Kazakhstan in the guerrilla movement in the occupied areas. The contribution of the guerrillas - Kazakhs in the liberation of the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and north-western regions of the RSFSR.

Kazakhstan during the final phase of the Great Patriotic War, (1944-1945). The people of Kazakhstan in the battles for the liberation of peoples of Central and South Eastern Europe from Nazi occupation and in the storming of Berlin.

Participation of Kazakh soldiers in the defeating of the imperialistic Japan. Historical significance of the victory of the Soviet people in the World War II. Heroes of Kazakhstan (T. Bigeldinov,Beda,etc)

Culture and Science of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. Role of intelligence. in the rise of patriotism, internationalism, and strengthening of the fraternal unity of the USSR peoples. Education in Kazakhstan during the war. Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the republic. Creation of new ones and activities of evacuated universities and research institutions.

Contribution of Kazakhstan scientists. Activity of the Kazakhstan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Commission of the Academy of Sciences to identify and mobilize the resources of Kazakhstan for the defense needs. The first edition of «"The History of Kazakh SSR."

Kazakh Soviet literature, art, and the periodical press. Concert brigades on the front.

Socio-political and economic position of Kazakhstan in 1946-1970. Victims of authoritarian system. "Case of Bekmakhanov" and others. Nuclear test sites in Kazakhstan. Environmental consequences from nuclear testing. XX Congress of the CPSU and the question of Stalin cult overcoming. Beginning of the rehabilitation process in Kazakhstan.

Restructuring of the economy on a peaceful way. Industry and its brunches. Creating an integrated transport system in the country. Scientific and technological progress and economic reform of 1965. Agriculture. Virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan, its socio-economic impacts. Effect of development goals Influence of Virgin and fallow lands on the ethno-demographic structure of population in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan in the 70-80s. Comparative analysis of the economic plans of Kazakhstan of 1970-1980. Their progress and main findings. Trends in socio-economic development. Industry. Crisis in agriculture. Political life and national relations. Socio-demographic processes in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan in Soviet foreign policy. Movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk". Cultural processes. Education. Science, Literature and Art.

Kazakhstan on the ways of establishing the independence and sovereignty. The course of the April (1985) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee. Democratization and glasnost. Beginning of perestroika, its character. Socio-political atmosphere in the country. December event (1986) in Alma-Ata, their causes and consequences. Activities of independent organizations, political parties and movements and their program installation.

Kazakhstan - a sovereign, independent state. Collapse of the Soviet Union. Collapse of the totalitarian system. Economical crisis. Legislative activity of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. Post of President. Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR. Election of President. Republic of Kazakhstan: as a sovereign state. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan's economy during the transition period and its nature. Privatization and liberalization of prices. Activities of corporations and private enterprises. Foreign investment in the Kazakhstan's economy.

The introduction of the currency. Elections to the Parliament on a new basis. Rebuilding of the education system and personnel training. Modern cultural processes in Kazakhstan.

Formation of foreign policy. International relations of sovereign Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's accession to the UN and other international organizations.

The current state of socio-economic relations in Kazakhstan. Causes of the economic crisis. Historical and demographic situation. Expansion of Kazakhstan's integration into the system of international political and economic relations.


1. What are the views on the appearance of mankind on the Earth?

2. What historical period a man appeared on the territory of Kazakhstan in?

3. What are the main periods of the Stone Age?

4. What are the main periods of primitive society?

5. What changes took place during the period of primitive society?

6. What periods is the history of mankind divided into?

7. Bronze Age in the territory of Kazakhstan.

8. Andronov culture.

9. What is "History"?

10. What views on the historical process do you know?

11. Peculiarities of historical stages in the territory of Kazakhstan.

12. Stages of primitive community.

13. Paleolithic and Mesolithic Ages in the territory of Kazakhstan

14. Neolithic and Eneolithic in the territory of Kazakhstan.

15. Bronze Age. Development of economic and public life.

16. Andronov and Begazi-Dandibai archeological cultures.

17. Sakies' tribal unions in the territory of Kazakhstan.

18. Public structure of Saks

19. War and military art of Saks

20. Scythian and Saka culture

21. Early state unions of Usuns and Kangju.

22. Hun tribes in the territory of Kazakhstan. "The great migration of peoples."

23. Historical conditions of formation and development of the international caravan trade Great Silk Road.

24. Turkic and West Turkic Khanate.

25. Turgesh Khanate and its role in the fight of the people of South Kazakhstan and Central Asia against the Arab aggression.

26. Karluk state.

27. Oguz state

28. Kimak Khanate.

29. Kipchak Khanate.

30. State of Karakhanids.

31. State of Carakitaiy in Dzetisu.

32. Medieval cities of Kazakhstan (VI-XII).

33. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Al Farabi.

34. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Usuf Balasaguni.

35. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Makhmud Kashgari.

36. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Akhmed Yassawi.

37. Economy of the Turkic states

38. Cultural heritage of the Turks

39. Formation of the Mongol Empire.

40. Genghis Khan's aggressive policy in Kazakhstan.

41. Kazakhstan as the part of the Golden Horde.

42. Creating of ulus system in Kazakhstan.

43. Ak-Horde

44. Timur and his conquests

45. Nogai Horde.

46. History of Mogolistan.

47. Khanate of Abulhair. (State of Nomadic Uzbeks)

48. Formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the Kazakh nation.

49. Kazakh Khanate in the XVI century.

50. Kazakh Khanate in the XVII century.

51. "Jeti-Zhargy."

52. Djungarian State

53. Fight of Kazakhs against the Djungarian invasion.

54. The accession of Kazakhstan to Russia: historical conditions and milestones.

55. Joining of the Elder and the Middle zhuzes.

56. Participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war led by Pugachev. (1773-75).

57. Revolt of S.Datov in the Junior Zhuse (1783-1797).

58. Culture of Kazakhstan in the XVIII century.

59. The Charter of the Siberian Kirghizes, 1822

60. Articles of Orenburg Kirghizes, 1824

61. Rebellion Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836-38).

62. National liberation movement led by Kenesary Kassimov (1837-47).

63. Administrative-territorial reforms in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century.

64. Revolt in the Urals (1868), Turgay (1869) and in Mangyshlak areas (1870).

65. Development of industry and trade in the second half of the XIX century.

66. History of Kazakhstan in the studies of XVIII-XX centuries. (A.I. Levshin)

67. History of Kazakhstan in the studies of XVIII-XX centuries. (V.V. Radloff,)

68. History of Kazakhstan in the studies of of XVIII-XX centuries. (Shcherbina F.A.)

69. Kazakhstan science in the XIX century. Ch Valikhanov.

70. Development of education in Kazakhstan. Altynsarin I.

71. Poet and educator Abai.

72. Joining of Zhuzes to the Russian Empire

73. Economic development of Kazakhstan in the XIX century

74. Folk Art in the XIX century

75. Changes in the life of Kazakhstan in the early XX century

76. Kazakhstan Culture in the XIX century.

77. Immigration policy in the second half of XIX - early XX century.

78. The Revolution of 1905-07 in Kazakhstan.

79. Stolypin agrarian reforms in Kazakhstan.

80. The participation of Kazakhstan in the work of Duma

81. Kazakhstan during the I-World War.

82. Revolt of 1916

83. February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Kazakhstan.

84. First All Kazakhstan Congress.

85. Formation of the party "Alash".

86. Education and activities of the Alash Horde.

87. Establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan

88. Kazakhstan during the Civil War (1918-20).

89. Policy of "war communism" during the Civil War in Kazakhstan.

90. Nation-building in Kazakhstan (1920-30s.).

91. NEP in Kazakhstan.

92. Socialist industrialization of Kazakhstan.

93. Stalinist collectivization in Kazakhstan.

94. The development of education in the 1920s and 30s.

95. Science and Culture of Kazakhstan (1920-30s.).

96. Political repression of the 1930s

97. Political and social life in the Kazakhstan in 1920-1930-ies

98. Stalinist policy of forced resettlement in Kazakhstan of Peoples from the Caucasus, the Volga region, Far East and other regions of the USSR.

99. Heroism of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War.

100. Kazakhstan – as an arsenal for front during the World War II.

101. Kazakhstan people - Heroes of the Soviet Union.

102. Culture and Science of Kazakhstan during the World War II.

103. Kazakhstan in the post-war period (1946-1953).

104. Scientific and cultural life of the republic during the second half of 1940 - 1950-ies.

105. Development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan.

106. Functioning of Baikonur and Semipalatinsk.

107. Economic and socio-political development of Kazakhstan in 1965-85-ies.

108. Education, science and cultural life of Kazakhstan in 1965-85-ies.

109. Kazakhstan during the period of adjustment policies.

110. Economic and political reforms in Kazakhstan's in 1985-91.

111. Collapse of the Soviet Union. Proclamation of Kazakhstan as a sovereign and independent state.

112. First steps of independent Kazakhstan

113. Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

114. Economic development of the sovereign Kazakhstan.

115. Political development in the period of its sovereignty.

116. Parties and public organizations of Kazakhstan.

117. Social policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

118. Education and cultural life in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

119. Kazakhstan in 2030. (President's Appeal to the Nation of Kazakhstan).

120. Republic of Kazakhstan and International relations.