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6. Translate the sentences into English using the phrasal verbs and word combinations from Text 1.

1. Хто буде піклуватися про мою кішку, якщо я поїду?! 2. Зараз я знаю всіх моїх одногрупників на ім’я. 3. Ми старанно працюємо над вимовою, граматикою, правописом, тому і робимо успіхи у вивченні іноземної мови. 4. Я докладу усіх зусиль, щоб завершити проект вчасно. 5. Як тільки в мене з’явиться вільний час, я піду на підготовчі курси з комп’ютерних наук. 6. Вони з нетерпінням чекають на поїздку до літньої школи. 7. Я пишаюся тим, що став студентом Чернівецького університету. 8. Я довго шукав книгу, а потім згадав, що забув її вдома. 9. Ми дуже зайняті, проте проводимо інколи добре час разом відпочиваючи. 10. Друзі не поважають Миколу, оскільки він гордий, як павич, і вважає себе краще за інших…………..

Dialogue 1

Oksana has got a pen-friend Pamela Smith. She is from the USA. The girls got acquainted in GB at the summer school. There they made friends and after returning home phone each other from time to time. Now Kathrine is calling to the USA to congratulate Pam on her birthday and to exchange the latest news.

P: Hello?

O: Hello! Could I speak to Pamela Smith?

P: Yes, it’s me! Pamela is speaking!

O: Oh, Pam, it’s Kathrine! I’m so happy to hear you! How are you doing?

P: I’m fine, thanks! I study at the University, my major is Law. I also found a part-time job. So after classes I work at our University library. I live in the dorm and share a room with an Italian girl. We get on pretty well. And how are you? What’s new?

O: Pam, dear, I have so much to tell you! First, I’d like to congratulate you on your birthday! Be healthy, wealthy and lucky!

P: Thank you so much!

O: And second, I’ve got terrific news! I am a student now!

P: My congratulations!

O: Thanks! It’s great, of course, but at the same time it’s extremely difficult. I’ve got a pretty tight schedule now. I am up to my neck in studies! But I don’t complain, I like it!

P: Right! Life isn’t easy, you know. But remember that you are on the way to fulfilling your plans!

O: I know, I know…My lifetime dream is to become a professional in English.

P: And you are working at it and making progress!

O: Thank you! So, I guess I have to wind up

P: Good bye, dear! Keep in touch.

O: Sure! Good bye, Pam! Don’t forget to drop me a line!

P: No, no! No ordinary letters! I’d rather e-mail you! Bye!!!!!!

Active Vocabulary

  1. exchange (regular verb) – міняти(ся), обмінювати(ся); обмінювати (валюту), e.g. The store will not exchange goods without a receipt. We still exchange gifts at Christmas. Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?

  2. part-time (adjective)неповний, частковий, e.g. Mattie had a part-time job in the evenings.

part-time (adverb) – частково, неповний робочий день, e.g. She will work part-time after she’s had the baby.

  1. dorm (AmE, informal, a dormitory; BrE, Hall of Residence) – студентський гуртожиток, e.g. Living in the dorm young people share their skills and get some experience.

  2. complain (regular verb) – висловлювати невдоволення (about – чим-небудь), жалітися, скаржитися (of – на біль, about - щось ), e.g. She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work. Dan’s been complaining about severe headaches recently. Employees complained about working conditions.

complaint (noun, countable and uncountable) – скарга, невдоволення, e.g. We have received a number of complaints about your behaviour. Our main complaint is the poor standard of service.

  1. fulfill (regular verb) – виконувати, здійснювати, e.g. Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled his boyhood dream.