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МУ Я студент МГТУ.Максимова Е.М.doc
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7. Complete the following sentences using the information from the text.

1. As you know students work…, but most people in our country work…

2. I have… off.

3. On Sunday I… to hurry up anywhere.

4. I am not an early riser and it is rare Sunday when…

5. When I have time for leisure, I need something that can…

6. As I am busy…, the only thing I want is…

7. Of course, it doesn't mean that I stay in…

8. As I am fond of sport I go to a gym…

9. I don't mind… because, I think, television helps us…

10. …different countries, cities and people who live there.

11. Radio and television…

12. But it…, I am sure, it is rather boring and I am always…

13. It is much more interesting to go…

14. I help my mother about the house…

15. So, on this day I try not…

16. I just…

17. My day off… and when I go to bed, I am thinking, that the day… and the next week will bring new…

8. Read the following statements and express your agreement or disagreement. If you disagree give the correct information.

To express your agreement use such expressions as:

I think, that exactly so; How right you are; Speaking frankly, you are quite right; Exactly, just so; I quite agree with you; I fully agree with you; I can't agree more; That is my opinion too; That is very true; etc.

To express your disagreement use such expressions as:

I am afraid you are wrong/ mistaken/ not quite right; Nothing of the kind; It is unlikely; It is doubtful; I don't think you are right; Well I think that's not so; Are you sure?; That's your opinion, not mine; I don't believe that; etc.

To give the correct information and to express your opinion use such expressions as:

I think/ suppose/ believe/ consider/ feel/ guess; In my opinion; From my point of view; Frankly speaking; As far as I understand; The matter/ the problem/ trouble is that; etc.

1. As you know students work five days a week, but most people in our country work six days.

2. On Sunday I don't have to hurry up anywhere.

3. I am an early riser and it is rare Sunday when I get up before 9 o'clock.

4. When I have time for leisure, I stay in bed idling away the time.

5. I prefer to go out and fortunately, there aren't a lot of clubs and cinemas in our city, where I can spend time with my friends.

6. As I am not fond of sport I don't go to a gym to keep fit.

7. I am sure, it is rather boring to watch TV-programs and I am always sorry for those TV-addicts.

8. It is not interesting to go roller-blading or to skate and ski.

9. I never help my mother about the house with washing up.

10. I don't do my flat and never help mother cook.

11. So, on this day I always think of my study and I never enjoy this day.

9. Answer the questions using information from the text and compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.

1. How many days a week do students work?

As you know students work six days a week.

2. Do students have a weekend?

No, they have the only day off – Sunday.

3. Why don't you get up early in the morning on Sunday?

I don't have to hurry up anywhere on Sunday.

4. What do you need when you have time for leisure?

When I have time for leisure, I need something that can interest and amuse me.

5. How do you spend your free time?

I go out and fortunately, there are a lot of clubs and cinemas in our city, where I can spend time with my friends.

6. Why don't you mind watching TV?

I don't mind watching TV because, I think, television helps us to "visit" different lands, see fish and insects, lakes, rivers, seas. We are shown different countries, cities and people who live there. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world.

7. What do you prefer to watching TV?

I am always sorry for those TV-addicts. It is much more interesting to go roller-blading or to skate and ski.

8. Do you do anything about the house?

I help my mother about the house with washing up. I do my flat and sometimes help mother to cook.