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  • e) essential [I'senS(q)l] (істотний, суттєвий) = Basic or indispensable; necessary: essential ingredients.

  • f) probably ['prPbqblI] (можливо) = Most likely; presumably.

  • g) reform [rI'fO:m] (реформа, поліпшення) = 1. A change for the better; an improvement. 2. Correction of evils, abuses, or errors. 3. Action to improve social or economic conditions without radical or revolutionary change.

  • h) training ['treInIN] (навчання; підготовка; освіта) = 1.The process or routine of one who trains. 2. The state of being trained.

  • Synonyms: teaching, discipline, drill, exercise

  • i) citizen ['sItIz(q)n] (громадянин) = 1. A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. 2. A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. 3. A civilian. 4. A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place: "We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

  • j) prosper ['prPspq] (процвітати) = To be fortunate or successful, especially in terms of one's finances; thrive (To make steady progress) = flourish.

  • 3.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  • to focus on smth ;

  • the interactions of groups and individuals ;

  • to seek answers to such questions;

  • pressure groups;

  • to deal with smth.;

  • to relate ;

  • to supply a framework ;

  • to affect political life ;

  • to provide a factual basis for smth ;

  • to participate in smth ;

  • to develop useful materials .

  • 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:

  1. впливати на політичне життя ;

  2. розробляти корисні матеріали ;

  3. охоплювати(вивчати) походження(витоки) чогось ;

  4. взаємодія груп та індивідів ;

  5. зосереджуватись на чомусь ;

  6. групи тиску ;

  7. брати участь у чомусь ;

  8. забезпечувати(формувати) структуру ;

  9. громадське право ;

  10. забезпечувати реальну основу для чогось ;

  11. радники ;

  12. процвітати ;

  13. поширення демократії ;

  14. виправдовувати ;

  15. законодавець .

  • 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):

  1. Economics deals with goods and services ;

  2. Political scientists never participate in government programs ;

  3. Governments don't deal with socioeconomic problems ;

  4. Political scientists provide a factual basis for state reform ;

  5. Political science is the sporadic study of political life ;

  6. A democratic society could not prosper without the control of all material resources ;

  7. Political activities don't involve basic human relationships.

  • 6. Choose the correct word(s).

  1. Political science deals with/at such fundamental values as equality, freedom, justice, and power.

  2. Political science is/were essential in the processes of government.

  3. Many political scientists participate in/at government programs as advisers.

  4. That work provides/ have been providing a factual basis for reform.

  5. History provides many / much of the raw material.

  6. They developing / develop useful materials.

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