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Додаток а Анотація до курсової англійською мовою

Paying special attention to innovative technologies and quality products, the company develops Logitech peripherals for personal computers that allow users to explore the modern world of digital technology. History began in 1981 producing computer mice, which (only appeared at the time) provided a more intuitive way to interact with a PC. The company became the world leader in mice and developed a set of models, relevant emerging needs of users of desktop and laptop computers.

Since the range of products the company has expanded considerably. In addition to computer mice developed numerous models of interface devices, which represent the last link between the user and the computer or game consoles, digital music playback device or home multimedia system.

The company's products are sold almost everywhere, including in Ukraine. Dominance of Logitech in the development of innovative technologies now provides a wide range of peripheral devices (both wired and wireless) for personal computers. Most widely used products for computer navigation, games, communicating via the Internet, the devices play digital music and home multimedia systems.

For each category of our products carry out investigations aimed at identifying ways people use their digital devices, and then the designers and engineers put forward proposals to create new and upgrading existing devices to be more comfortable and will get a real job satisfaction, games, communication, media management systems and other activities for which they are appointed.

Computer mouse - the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word of Logitech. Indeed, this device brought fame to the Swiss company, although to date product range is quite varied. Columns, trackball, keyboard, webcam, headphones, headsets, interactive gaming devices, network music system, remote controls. Logitech amazing innovation in PC navigation, Internet communications, digital music, home entertainment control, gaming and wireless devices.

Throughout its existence, Logitech is rapidly expanding its geography. If in 80 years, the company actively conquered markets in countries such as Italy, Germany, USA, Ireland, Sweden, UK, in 90 it presents itself in China, Singapore, Canada, Austria, of Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Malaysia, Hungary and Poland. In the new millennium Logitech starts its activities in Ecuador ¸ Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay. Today Logitech supplies products to more than 100 countries and has offices in major cities in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. The company works with most major PC manufacturers. President and CEO of today is Gerald P. (Jerry) Kvindlen and Huerrino De Luca - Chairman of the Board.

Every company develops its own strategy in view of its purpose and features of the market. However, the strategy usually helps businesses achieve the set, but does not guarantee, because in a competitive environment interacts many factors influence the content and direction are difficult to predict.

One of the main problems of competitiveness of enterprises can maintain a competitive advantage. On the basis of competitive advantage lies with specific experience and skills, professional companies, which do not have competitors and they can not buy a short period of time. In this sense the competitive advantage of essentially identical design of competitive strategy as a way of achieving the benefits of a particular market.

Strategy Focus - a more profound differentiation of products by, or achieve lower costs for the segment is maintained. Sometimes both sides of this strategy are implemented simultaneously.

For business to business strategy focusing is a complex decision for the list of target segments, which will run the firm, and a way of positioning the product (service) enterprises in each of the target segments.

Logitech has created a quality known Brent product that is popular worldwide. The company developed the following characteristics of a product that will only bring pleasure to use manipulators. Ergonomics, bright, stylish and modern - that the benefits of a Swiss company over its competitors.

Each buyer receives Logitech mice for use only quality products that satisfy their needs. Manipulators are designed for customers of any class, whether it be to use a PC Newbie or an experienced user, or «gamers».

So, Logitech is a leader in the market. With the chosen competitive strategy the company has great advantages over other producers’ mouse manipulators.


Баланс компанії Logitech International S. A. за 2009 рік [14, 15]


Звіт про прибутки компанії Logitech International S. A. за 2009 рік [14, 15]


Динаміка ціни акцій компанії Logitech International S. A. З 1997 по 2010 роки [14, 15]


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  17. Компьютерное обозрение [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу http://ko.com.ua/node/50933 (28.10.2010 р.)