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2. Match the expressions from the text with their Russian equivalents:

1. good public speaking

a. Быть неуместным

2. have sоmething in common

b. Определить их основные характеристики

3. define their essential features

c. Иметь одно общее свойство

4. new insights, a different point of view

d. Установить прямой зрительный контакт

5. take away and use ideas

e. Составить конспект (план) выступления

6. be out of place

f. Хорошее публичное выступление

7. a light touch here and there

g. Вынуждает вас организовать

8. laboriously read out aloud

h. Не отклоняться от вопроса (темы)

9. speak with conviction

i. В логически связанном порядке

10. make direct eye contact

j. Новое понимание, другая точка зрения

11. make an outline

k. Перенять и использовать идеи

12. forces you to organize

l. Легкий намек

13. in a logical, coherent way

m. Говорить убежденно

14. not wander off the point

n. Монотонно читать вслух

5. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

Appropriate, audience, AV aids, feedback, informative, objectives, structure

1. Make sure your presentation is____________________; most people want to learn something new.

2. Your presentation will be easy to understand if it has a clear ___________________.

3. I'm very nervous; there are over a hundred people in the _____________________.

4. At the start, explain your ________________________so people know why you are talking to them.

5. Knowing your audience will help you choose material that is _____________ for their interests.

6. Using ______________ is a good way to help communicate your ideas.

7. If you want to know if your presentation was interesting, ask the audience for their _______________.


3. Translate the questions into English and discuss them with your partner using information from the text.

1. Почему пригласили именно Вас, чтобы сделать эту презентацию?

2. На каком языке говорят Ваши слушатели?

3. Являются ли они друзьями, коллегами, заказчиками или совсем незнакомыми людьми?

4. Смогут ли люди услышать Вас?

5. Какие связанные с работой проблемы имеют эти люди?

6. Ценят ли Ваши слушатели юмор?

7. Как лучше наладить контакт с аудиторией?

8. Должны ли Вы пользоваться записями?

9. Должны ли Вы демонстрировать какие-нибудь наглядные пособия?

10. Как долго должна длиться презентация?




1.Read this introduction to negotiating . Negotiating

A successful negotiation is when two people (or teams) reach agreement on something which they are both happy with. There should not be a winner and a loser. The negotiation should end with both people getting what they want (win-win). For example, if workers negotiate with the company's management, the workers may get more pay and the management may get better productivity.

To be a good negotiator takes a lot of skill and preparation. You need to:

  • understand what is a good result for the other team as well as yourself

  • have a clear idea of your objectives

  • be willing to compromise on your objectives

  • be sure what your priorities are - what is most important to you

  • have a strategy - a plan of what you are going to do and say

  • listen carefully to the other people - what they say, and how they say it

  • be well-prepared.

Good preparation is key to a successful negotiation, according to Rupert Mack, Head of Management Studies at Denton College.

Being underprepared can mean you fail to reach agreement with the other party that's why it's important to spend some time beforehand thinking about what you ideally want to get out of the negotiaton, and what you are prepared to accept. Prioritize your aims - what's your main aim? What secondary goals do you have? Are you flexible about what you want to achieve? If you can't achieve your ideal goal, what would be an acceptable end to the negotiation for you - that is, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)?

The next step is to consider the approach you will take - will you negotiate face to face or on the phone? Will you be on your own or as part of a team? What will your role be?

Also try and find out as much as you can about the person or team you will be negotiating with - who are they? What's their role in the company? What might they want out of the negotiation? And what might their objections be to your proposals? If the other party is from a different culture, think how their way of negotiating might be the same as, or different from, your own. Consider how you might try to build trust and understanding, offer compromises and find common ground - crucial not just for the success of this negotiation but for building a long-term business relationship. 'It can be useful to run through your ideas with a colleague, ask their advice, and so on. If you are negotiating on behalf of others, perhaps a group of colleagues, take time to understand their concerns so that you can accurately represent their views.