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4. Answer the questions:

  1. Why do managers not exist outside organizations?

  2. What is an organization?

  3. The word “organization” is derived from Latin, isn’t it?

  4. In what way do organizations differ?

  5. In what way are they alike?

  6. Do you agree that all developed nations are societies of organizations?

Why? / Why not?

  1. What are the legal types of organizations?

  2. What disciplines study organizations?


5. Match the following words with their definitions.

  1. goal

  1. the group of people who govern a country or state

  1. society

  1. an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick etc.

  1. experience

  1. something that you hope to achieve in the future

  1. government

  1. a careful examination of something in order to understand it better

  1. corporation

  1. an area of knowledge or teaching, especially one such as history, chemistry, mathematics etc. that is studied at a university

  1. charity

  1. a particular large group of people who share laws, organizations, customs etc.

  1. analysis

  1. a big company, or a group of companies acting together as a single organization

  1. discipline

  1. knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this

6. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

government , goal , experience, charities, analysis, corporation, society

  1. He works for a large American____.

  2. His ultimate ___was to set up his own business.

  3. The country now has a democratic ____for the first time.

  4. Several___ sent aid to the flood victims.

  5. Britain is now a multi-racial___.

  6. They were doing some type of statistical___.

  7. He had no previous___ of managing a farm.

7. Complete the sentences:

  1. All managers operate in …

  2. An organization may be defined as …

  3. Organizations are alike in their …

  4. But all organizations differ with respect to …

  5. Organizations have existed …

  6. Organizations, their goals, and their managers are very important today because…

  7. There are a variety of legal types of organizations…

  8. Organizations are the object of analysis for…


Organizational structure

1. Every company has its organizational or company structure. Match the titles of the jobs and departments with their Russian equivalents.

1. Board of Directors

a. отдел маркетинга

2. Chairperson

b. директор-распорядитель

3. Managing Director (M.D.)

c. коммерческий директор

4. PR (Public Relations) Officer

d. бухгалтерия

5. Chief Accountant

e. плановый отдел

6. Sales Manager (Mngr.)

f. председатель

7. Sales Department (Dpt.)

g. cотрудник по связям с общественностью

8. Finance Dpt.

h. главный бухгалтер

9. Accounts/Accounting Dpt.

i. отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел

10. Advertising Dpt.

j. совет директоров

11. Training Dpt.

к. отдел исследований и развития

12. Planning Dpt.

l. финансовый отдел

13. Marketing Dpt.

m. отдел рекламы

14. R & D/ Research & Development Dpt.

n. отдел обучения и подготовки кадров

15. Administration Dpt.

о. отдел снабжения

16. Distribution Dpt.

р. производственный отдел

17. Packaging Dpt.

q. отдел кадров

18. Production Dpt.

r. отдел упаковки товара

19. Purchasing Dpt.

s. отдел административного управления

20. Personnel Dpt.

t. отдел распространения продукции
