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Приложение б. Программа экспертной системы в среде карра 2.4

/** Создание функций **/

/** FUNCTION: Fend **/

MakeFunction( Fend, [],


HideWindow( SESSION );

} );

/** FUNCTION: Main **/

MakeFunction( Main, [],


ShowWindow( SESSION );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript1 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript2 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript3 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript4 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript5 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript6 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript7 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript8 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript9 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript10 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript11 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript12 );

Global:u = int;

Assert( Global, u );

ForwardChain( Stopp );

} );

/** FUNCTION: Stop **/

MakeFunction( Stop, [],


ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript1 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript2 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript3 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript4 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript5 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript6 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript7 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript8 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript9 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript10 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript11 );

ClearTranscriptImage( Transcript12 );

ForwardChain( Stopp );

Global:u = end;

} );

/** FUNCTION: ShowSession1 **/

MakeFunction( ShowSession1, [],


ShowWindow( Session1 );

} );


MakeFunction( ShowSESSION, [],


ShowWindow( SESSION );

HideWindow( Session1 );

HideWindow( Session3 );

} );

/** FUNCTION: ReadBD **/

MakeFunction( ReadBD, [],


SetNthElem( BD:Name, BD:Nr, BD:NamePar );

SetNthElem( BD:Max, BD:Nr, BD:MaxPr );

SetNthElem( BD:Min, BD:Nr, BD:MinPr );

SetNthElem( BD:Eiz, BD:Nr, BD:Eizm );

} );

/** FUNCTION: OpenBD **/

MakeFunction( OpenBD, [],


BD:NamePar = GetNthElem( BD:Name, BD:Nr );

BD:Eizm = GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, BD:Nr );

BD:MaxPr = GetNthElem( BD:Max, BD:Nr );

BD:MinPr = GetNthElem( BD:Min, BD:Nr );

} );

/** FUNCTION: ShowSession3 **/

MakeFunction( ShowSession3, [],


ShowWindow( Session3 );

} );

/** FUNCTION: ValueBD **/

MakeFunction( ValueBD, [],


/** создание классов **/

MakeClass( s1, Root );

MakeSlot( s1:text );

s1:text = "Вымывание ила в отстойник";

MakeSlot( s1:Sts1 );

SetSlotOption( s1:Sts1, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s1:Sts1 = 0;

/** CLASS: Pr11 **/

MakeClass( Pr11, s1 );

MakeSlot( Pr11:textPr );

Pr11:textPr = "Повышенная гидравлическая нагрузка";

MakeSlot( Pr11:textRec );

Pr11:textRec = "Увеличить подачу воздуха в аэраторы, увеличить периодичность откачки";

MakeSlot( Pr11:StPr11 );

SetSlotOption( Pr11:StPr11, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr11:StPr11 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr11:Kr11 );

SetSlotOption( Pr11:Kr11, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr11:Kr11 = 1;

/** CLASS: Pr12 **/

MakeClass( Pr12, s1 );

MakeSlot( Pr12:textPr );

Pr12:textPr = FormatValue ( "\"вспухание\" ила, наличие недопустимых загрязнителей" );

MakeSlot( Pr12:StPr12 );

Pr12:StPr12 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr12:textRec );

Pr12:textRec = "Уменьшить расход рецикла и подачу воздуха в аэраторы";

MakeSlot( Pr12:Kr12 );

SetSlotOption( Pr12:Kr12, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr12:Kr12 = 1;

/** CLASS: BD **/

MakeClass( BD, Root );

MakeSlot( BD:Nr );

SetSlotOption(BD:Nr, ALLOWABLE_VALUES, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 );

BD:Nr = 5;

SetSlotOption( BD:Nr, IMAGE, ComboBox1 );

MakeSlot( BD:Max );

SetSlotOption( BD:Max, MULTIPLE );

SetSlotOption( BD:Max, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

SetValue(BD:Max,350,17,6,790,.5, 4,4,40,40,40,40,40, 40, 40,100, 140, 140,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

MakeSlot( BD:Min );

SetSlotOption( BD:Min, MULTIPLE );

SetSlotOption( BD:Min, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

SetValue( BD:Min, 150, 5, 4, 350, 0.5, 2.5, 2.5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 30, 130, 130, 130, 0);

MakeSlot( BD:Name );

SetSlotOption( BD:Name, MULTIPLE );

SetValue( BD:Name, "БПК на входе", "БПК на выходе", "Концентрация растверённого кислорода/зона1", "Расход поступающей воды", "Уровень ила во вторичном отстойнике", "Концентрация растворённого кислорода/зона2", "Концентрация растворённого кислорода/зона3", "Давление в аэраторе№1", "Давление в аэраторе№2", "Давление в аэраторе№3", "Давление в аэраторе№4", "Давление в аэраторе№5", "Давление в аэраторе№6", "Давление в аэраторе№7", "Давление от компрессора", ила, в, отстойнике, "

", Концентраци, растворённого, кислорода, /, зона2, "

", Концентраци, растворённого, кислорода, /, зона3, "

", Давление, в, аэраторе№1, "

", Давление, в, аэраторе№2, "

", Давление, в, аэраторе№3, "

", Давление, в, аэраторе№4, "

", Давление, в, аэраторе№6, "


SetSlotOption( BD:Name, IMAGE, Edit6 );

MakeSlot( BD:MaxPr );

SetSlotOption( BD:MaxPr, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

BD:MaxPr = 3.5;

SetSlotOption( BD:MaxPr, IMAGE, Edit39 );

MakeSlot( BD:MinPr );

SetSlotOption( BD:MinPr, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

BD:MinPr = 0.5;

SetSlotOption( BD:MinPr, IMAGE, Edit38 );

MakeSlot( BD:Eizm );

BD:Eizm = м;

SetSlotOption( BD:Eizm, IMAGE, Edit40 );

MakeSlot( BD:NamePar );

BD:NamePar = "Уровень ила во вторичном отстойнике";

SetSlotOption( BD:NamePar, IMAGE, Edit6 );

MakeSlot( BD:Eiz );

SetSlotOption( BD:Eiz, MULTIPLE );

SetValue( BD:Eiz, "гО2/м3", "гО2/м3", "г/м3", "м3/ч", м, "г/м3", "г/м3", кПа, кПа, кПа, кПа, кПа, кПа, кПа, кПа);

/** CLASS: s2 **/

MakeClass( s2, Root );

MakeSlot( s2:text );

s2:text = "Продувка аэраторов";

MakeSlot( s2:Sts2 );

SetSlotOption( s2:Sts2, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s2:Sts2 = 0;

/** CLASS: s3 **/

MakeClass( s3, Root );

MakeSlot( s3:text );

s3:text = "Засорение аэратора";

MakeSlot( s3:Sts3 );

SetSlotOption( s3:Sts3, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s3:Sts3 = 0;

/** CLASS: Pr31 **/

MakeClass( Pr31, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr31:textPr );

Pr31:textPr = "засорение аэратора№1 минерализатора";

MakeSlot( Pr31:textRec );

Pr31:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr31:StPr31 );

SetSlotOption( Pr31:StPr31, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr31:StPr31 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr31:Kr31 );

SetSlotOption( Pr31:Kr31, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr31:Kr31 = 0.2412;

/** CLASS: Pr32 **/

MakeClass( Pr32, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr32:textPr );

Pr32:textPr = "засорение аэратора№2 минерализатора";

MakeSlot( Pr32:textRec );

Pr32:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr32:StPr32 );

SetSlotOption( Pr32:StPr32, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr32:StPr32 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr32:Kr32 );

SetSlotOption( Pr32:Kr32, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr32:Kr32 = 0.276;

/** CLASS: Pr33 **/

MakeClass( Pr33, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr33:textPr );

Pr33:textPr = "засорение аэратора№1 нитрификатора";

MakeSlot( Pr33:textRec );

Pr33:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr33:StPr33 );

SetSlotOption( Pr33:StPr33, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr33:StPr33 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr33:Kr33 );

SetSlotOption( Pr33:Kr33, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr33:Kr33 = 1;

/** CLASS: Pr34 **/

MakeClass( Pr34, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr34:textPr );

Pr34:textPr = "засорение аэратора№2 нитрификатора";

MakeSlot( Pr34:textRec );

Pr34:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr34:StPr34 );

SetSlotOption( Pr34:StPr34, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr34:StPr34 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr34:Kr34 );

SetSlotOption( Pr34:Kr34, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr34:Kr34 = 0.2068;

/** CLASS: Pr35 **/

MakeClass( Pr35, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr35:textPr );

Pr35:textPr = "засорение аэратора№3 нитрификатора";

MakeSlot( Pr35:textRec );

Pr35:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr35:StPr35 );

SetSlotOption( Pr35:StPr35, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr35:StPr35 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr35:Kr35 );

SetSlotOption( Pr35:Kr35, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr35:Kr35 = 0.6896;

/** CLASS: Pr36 **/

MakeClass( Pr36, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr36:textPr );

Pr36:textPr = "засорение аэратора№1 блока доочистки";

MakeSlot( Pr36:textRec );

Pr36:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr36:StPr36 );

SetSlotOption( Pr36:StPr36, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr36:StPr36 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr36:Kr36 );

SetSlotOption( Pr36:Kr36, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr36:Kr36 = 0.5516;

/** CLASS: Pr37 **/

MakeClass( Pr37, s3 );

MakeSlot( Pr37:textPr );

Pr37:textPr = "засорение аэратора№2 блока доочистки";

MakeSlot( Pr37:textRec );

Pr37:textRec = "Включить продувку аэраторов";

MakeSlot( Pr37:StPr37 );

SetSlotOption( Pr37:StPr37, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr37:StPr37 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr37:Kr37 );

SetSlotOption( Pr37:Kr37, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr37:Kr37 = 0.724;

/** CLASS: s4 **/

MakeClass( s4, Root );

MakeSlot( s4:text );

s4:text = "Возможен дефицит биогенных элементов";

MakeSlot( s4:Sts4 );

SetSlotOption( s4:Sts4, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s4:Sts4 = 0;

/** CLASS: Pr41 **/

MakeClass( Pr41, s4 );

MakeSlot( Pr41:textPr );

Pr41:textPr = "недостаточное питание";

MakeSlot( Pr41:textRec );

Pr41:textRec = "Увеличить расход рецикла";

MakeSlot( Pr41:StPr41 );

SetSlotOption( Pr41:StPr41, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr41:StPr41 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr41:Kr41 );

SetSlotOption( Pr41:Kr41, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr41:Kr41 = 0.638152680652681;

/** CLASS: s5 **/

MakeClass( s5, Root );

MakeSlot( s5:text );

s5:text = "Возможен недостаток кислорода";

MakeSlot( s5:Sts5 );

SetSlotOption( s5:Sts5, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s5:Sts5 = 0;

/** CLASS: Pr51 **/

MakeClass( Pr51, s5 );

MakeSlot( Pr51:textPr );

Pr51:textPr = "недостаточная аэрация в минерализаторе";

MakeSlot( Pr51:textRec );

Pr51:textRec = "Увеличить подачу воздуха в минерализатор";

MakeSlot( Pr51:StPr51 );

SetSlotOption( Pr51:StPr51, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr51:StPr51 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr51:Kr51 );

SetSlotOption( Pr51:Kr51, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr51:Kr51 = 0.947818181818182;

/** CLASS: Pr52 **/

MakeClass( Pr52, s5 );

MakeSlot( Pr52:textPr );

Pr52:textPr = "недостаточная аэрация в нитрификаторе";

MakeSlot( Pr52:textRec );

Pr52:textRec = "Увеличить аэрацию нитрификатора";

MakeSlot( Pr52:StPr52 );

SetSlotOption( Pr52:StPr52, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr52:StPr52 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr52:Kr52 );

SetSlotOption( Pr52:Kr52, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr52:Kr52 = 0.881151515151515;

/** CLASS: Pr53 **/

MakeClass( Pr53, s5 );

MakeSlot( Pr53:textPr );

Pr53:textPr = "недостаточная аэрация блока доочистки";

MakeSlot( Pr53:textRec );

Pr53:textRec = "Увеличить подачу воздуха в блок доочистки";

MakeSlot( Pr53:StPr53 );

SetSlotOption( Pr53:StPr53, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

Pr53:StPr53 = 0;

MakeSlot( Pr53:Kr53 );

SetSlotOption( Pr53:Kr53, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Pr53:Kr53 = 0.881151515151515;

/** CLASS: s6 **/

MakeClass( s6, Root );

MakeSlot( s6:text );

s6:text = "Процесс идёт нормально";

MakeSlot( s6:Sts6 );

SetSlotOption( s6:Sts6, VALUE_TYPE, BOOLEAN );

s6:Sts6 = 1;

/** создание объектов **/

MakeSlot( Global:u );

Global:u = end;

MakeSlot( Global:C1 );

SetSlotOption( Global:C1, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Global:C1 = 0.446153846153846;

MakeSlot( Global:C2 );

SetSlotOption( Global:C2, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Global:C2 = 0.830151515151515;

MakeSlot( Global:Null );

Global:Null = -;

MakeSlot( Global:C3 );

SetSlotOption( Global:C3, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Global:C3 = 0.725757575757576;

MakeSlot( Global:C4 );

SetSlotOption( Global:C4, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Global:C4 = 1;


SESSION:X = 133;



SESSION:SessionNumber = 0;

SESSION:Width = 1084;

SESSION:Height = 512;




ResetWindow( SESSION );

/** INSTANCE: Session1 **/

MakeInstance( Session1, KSession );

Session1:X = 174;

Session1:Y = 45;

Session1:Title = Session1;

Session1:SessionNumber = 1;

Session1:Width = 502;

Session1:Height = 884;

Session1:Visible = FALSE;

Session1:State = HIDDEN;

ResetWindow( Session1 );

/** INSTANCE: Session3 **/

MakeInstance( Session3, KSession );

Session3:X = 332;

Session3:Y = 129;

Session3:Title = Session3;

Session3:SessionNumber = 3;

Session3:Width = 578;

Session3:Height = 396;

Session3:Visible = FALSE;

Session3:State = HIDDEN;

ResetWindow( Session3 );

/** INSTANCE: Oper **/

MakeInstance( Oper, Root );

MakeSlot( Oper:BODin );

Oper:BODin = 244.016;

SetSlotOption( Oper:BODin, IMAGE, Slider3 );

MakeSlot( Oper:BODout );

Oper:BODout = 9.915;

SetSlotOption( Oper:BODout, IMAGE, Slider4 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Q1 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q1, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:Q1 = 4.756;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q1, IMAGE, Slider6 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Fin );

Oper:Fin = 524.514;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Fin, IMAGE, Slider7 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Lil );

Oper:Lil = 1.862;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Lil, IMAGE, Slider5 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Q2 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q2, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:Q2 = 3.056;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q2, IMAGE, Slider6_0 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Q3 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q3, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:Q3 = 3.2519;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Q3, IMAGE, Slider6_1 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P1 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P1, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P1 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P1, IMAGE, Slider9 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P2 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P2, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P2 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P2, IMAGE, Slider10 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P3 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P3, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P3 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P3, IMAGE, Slider11 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P4 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P4, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P4 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P4, IMAGE, Slider8 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P5 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P5, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P5 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P5, IMAGE, Slider10_4 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P6 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P6, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P6 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P6, IMAGE, Slider10_5 );

MakeSlot( Oper:P7 );

SetSlotOption( Oper:P7, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:P7 = 30;

SetSlotOption( Oper:P7, IMAGE, Slider10_6 );

MakeSlot( Oper:Pkom );

SetSlotOption( Oper:Pkom, VALUE_TYPE, NUMBER );

Oper:Pkom = 28.272;

SetSlotOption( Oper:Pkom, IMAGE, Slider9_8 );

/** INSTANCE: Button1 ‑ кнопка «Пуск» **/

MakeInstance( Button1, Button );

Button1:SessionNumber = 0;

Button1:Title = Пуск;

Button1:Visible = TRUE;

Button1:X = 774;

Button1:Y = 327;

SetValue( Button1:BackgroundColor, 0, 128, 64 );

Button1:Action = Main;

Button1:FunctionKey = NULL;

ResetImage( Button1 );

/** INSTANCE: Button2 – «Стоп» **/

MakeInstance( Button2, Button );

Button2:SessionNumber = 0;

Button2:Title = Стоп;

Button2:Visible = TRUE;

Button2:X = 775;

Button2:Y = 358;

SetValue( Button2:BackgroundColor, 255, 0, 0 );

Button2:Width = 100;

Button2:Height = 24;

Button2:Action = Stop;

Button2:FunctionKey = NULL;

ResetImage( Button2 );

/** INSTANCE: Button3 – «закрыть» - окно оператора **/

MakeInstance( Button3, Button );

Button3:SessionNumber = 0;

Button3:Title = Закрыть;

Button3:Visible = TRUE;

Button3:X = 780;

Button3:Y = 390;

SetValue( Button3:BackgroundColor, 128, 128, 0 );

Button3:FunctionKey = NULL;

Button3:Action = Fend;

ResetImage( Button3 );

/** INSTANCE: Button5 - вызов окна установки текущих значений Session1 **/

MakeInstance( Button5, Button );

Button5:SessionNumber = 0;

Button5:Title = Тест;

Button5:Visible = TRUE;

Button5:X = 613;

Button5:Y = 326;

SetValue( Button5:BackgroundColor, 86, 143, 194 );

Button5:FunctionKey = NULL;

Button5:Action = ShowSession1;

Button5:Width = 122;

Button5:Height = 25;

ResetImage( Button5 );

/** INSTANCE: Button7 – вызов формы заполнения БД Session3 **/

MakeInstance( Button7, Button );

Button7:SessionNumber = 0;

Button7:Title = "Эксплуатационные пороги";

Button7:Visible = TRUE;

Button7:X = 612;

Button7:Y = 362;

SetValue( Button7:BackgroundColor, 128, 255, 255 );

Button7:FunctionKey = NULL;

Button7:Width = 123;

Button7:Height = 42;

Button7:Action = ShowSession3;

ResetImage( Button7 );

/** INSTANCE: Button11 –просмотр значений БД **/

MakeInstance( Button11, Button );

Button11:SessionNumber = 3;

Button11:Title = Просмотр;

Button11:Visible = TRUE;

Button11:X = 272;

Button11:Y = 46;

SetValue( Button11:ForegroundColor, 0, 0, 0 );

SetValue( Button11:BackgroundColor, 255, 128, 128 );

Button11:Font = "MS Sans Serif";

Button11:TextSize = 8;

Button11:Bold = TRUE;

Button11:Underline = FALSE;

Button11:Italic = FALSE;

Button11:StrikeOut = FALSE;

Button11:FunctionKey = NULL;

Button11:Action = OpenBD;

ResetImage( Button11 );

/** INSTANCE: Button4 - запись в БД **/

MakeInstance( Button4, Button );

Button4:SessionNumber = 3;

Button4:Title = Запись;

Button4:Visible = TRUE;

Button4:X = 271;

Button4:Y = 220;

SetValue( Button4:BackgroundColor, 255, 128, 64 );

Button4:Action = ReadBD;

Button4:FunctionKey = NULL;

ResetImage( Button4 );

/** INSTANCE: Transcript1 <- пример создания поля для вывода текста **/

MakeInstance( Transcript1, Transcript );

Transcript1:SessionNumber = 0;

Transcript1:Title = NULL;

Transcript1:Visible = TRUE;

Transcript1:X = 78;

Transcript1:Y = 31;

SetValue( Transcript1:ForegroundColor, 128, 0, 0 );

Transcript1:Font = "MS Sans Serif";

Transcript1:TextSize = 12;

Transcript1:Bold = TRUE;

Transcript1:Underline = FALSE;

Transcript1:Italic = FALSE;

Transcript1:StrikeOut = FALSE;

Transcript1:VertScroll = AUTO;

Transcript1:HorzScroll = AUTO;

Transcript1:Width = 341;

Transcript1:Height = 73;

ResetImage( Transcript1 );

/** создание правил **/

/** RULE: Konf2 –разрешение конфликтов ситуации 3 –«засорение аэратора» **/

MakeRule( Konf2, [],

Global:u #= kon2,


If ( Pr31:StPr31 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr31:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr31:Kr31 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr31:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr32:StPr32 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr32:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr32:Kr32 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr32:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr33:StPr33 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr33:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr33:Kr33 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr33:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr34:StPr34 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr34:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr34:Kr34 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr34:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr35:StPr35 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr35:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr35:Kr35 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr35:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr36:StPr36 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr36:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr36:Kr36 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr36:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr37:StPr37 #= 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr37:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr37:Kr37 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr37:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


Global:u = kon3;

} );

/** RULE: Int_S – определение проявившихся ситуаций **/

MakeRule( Int_S, [],

Global:u #= int,


Global:u = end;

If ( Oper:Lil > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 5 ) )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s1:text ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Lil ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 5 ) ) );

s1:Sts1 = 1;


Else {

s1:Sts1 = 0;


If ( Oper:Pkom > GetNthElem( BD:Min, 15 ) )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s2:text ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Pkom ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 15 ) ) );

s2:Sts2 = 1;


Else {

s2:Sts2 = 0;


If ( s2:Sts2 == 0 And ( Oper:P1 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 8 )

Or Oper:P2 > GetNthElem( BD:Max,9 )

Or Oper:P3 > GetNthElem( BD:Max,10 )

Or Oper:P4 > GetNthElem( BD:Max,11 )

Or Oper:P5 > GetNthElem( BD:Max,12 )

Or Oper:P6 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 13 )

Or Oper:P7 > GetNthElem( BD:Max,14 ) ) )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s3:text ) );

s3:Sts3 = 1;


Else {

s3:Sts3 = 0;


If ( Oper:BODin < GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s4:text ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) );

s4:Sts4 = 1;


Else {

s4:Sts4 = 0;


If ( Oper:BODin > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) And Oper:BODout > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) And s3:Sts3 == 0 And s1:Sts1 == 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s5:text ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODout ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) ) );

s5:Sts5 = 1;


Else {

s5:Sts5 = 0;


Global:u = s6;

} );

/*RULE:Int_Pr2 определение причин выявленных ситуаций, подсчёт критериев развития */

MakeRule( Int_Pr2, [],

Global:u #= prih2,


If ( s5:Sts5 == 1 And Oper:Q1 < GetNthElem( BD:Min, 3 ) )

Then {

Pr51:StPr51 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:BODin - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) / 150;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:BODout - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) ) / 33;

Global:C3 = Abs( Oper:Q1 - GetNthElem( BD:Min, 3 ) ) / 1.5;

Global:C4 = 1;

Pr51:Kr51 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 + Global:C3 + Global:C4+ Global:C4 ) / 5;


Else {

Pr51:StPr51 = 0;


If ( s5:Sts5 == 1 And Oper:Q2 < GetNthElem( BD:Min, 6 ) )

Then {

Pr52:StPr52 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:BODin - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) / 150;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:Q2 - GetNthElem( BD:Min, 6 ) ) / 0.5;

Global:C3 = Abs( Oper:BODout - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) )/ 33;

Global:C4 = 1;

Pr52:Kr52 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 + Global:C3 + Global:C4+ Global:C4 ) / 5;


Else {

Pr52:StPr52 = 0;


If ( s5:Sts5 == 1 And Oper:Q3 < GetNthElem( BD:Min, 7 ) )

Then {

Pr53:StPr53 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:BODin - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) / 150;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:Q3 - GetNthElem( BD:Min, 7 ) ) / 0.5;

Global:C3 = Abs( Oper:BODout - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) ) / 33;

Global:C4 = 1;

Pr53:Kr53 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 + Global:C3 + Global:C4+ Global:C4 ) / 5;


Else {

Pr53:StPr53 = 0;


Global:u = dis;

} );

/** RULE: Display **/

MakeRule( Display, [],

Global:u #= dis,


If ( Pr12:StPr12 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) );


If ( Pr11:StPr11 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Fin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 4 ) ) );


If ( Pr31:StPr31 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P1 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 8 ) ) );


If ( Pr32:StPr32 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P2 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 9 ) ) );


If ( Pr33:StPr33 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P3 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) );


If ( Pr34:StPr34 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P4 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 11 ) ) );


If ( Pr35:StPr35 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 12 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P5 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) );


If ( Pr36:StPr36 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 13 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P6 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) );


If ( Pr37:StPr37 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 14 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P7 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q1 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 3 ) ) );


If ( Pr52:StPr52 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q2 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 6 ) ) );


If ( Pr53:StPr53 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q3 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 7 ) ) );


Global:u = kon1;

} );

/** RULE: Konf1 **/

MakeRule( Konf1, [],

Global:u #= kon1,


If ( Pr12:StPr12 #= 1 And Pr11:StPr11 #= 1 And Pr11:Kr11 > Pr12:Kr12 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:Kr11 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:Kr12 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textRec ) );


If ( Pr12:StPr12 #= 1 And Pr11:StPr11 #= 1 And Pr12:Kr12 >= Pr11:Kr11 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:Kr12 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:Kr11 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textRec ) );


If ( Pr11:StPr11 == 1 And Pr12:StPr12 == 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:Kr11 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr11:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr12:StPr12 == 1 And Pr11:StPr11 == 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:Kr12 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr12:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


Global:u = kon2;

} );

/** RULE: Konf3 **/

MakeRule( Konf3, [],

Global:u #= kon3,


If ( Pr51:StPr51 #= 1And Pr52:StPr52#= 1And Pr53:StPr53 #= 1 And Pr51:Kr51 > Pr52:Kr52 And Pr51:Kr51 > Pr53:Kr53 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51#=1 And Pr52:StPr52 #=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr52:Kr52 >= Pr51:Kr51 And Pr52:Kr52 >=Pr53:Kr53 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51 #=1 And Pr52:StPr52#=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr53:Kr53 >= Pr51:Kr51 And Pr53:Kr53 > Pr52:Kr52 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51 #=1 And Pr52:StPr52#=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=0 And Pr51:Kr51 > Pr52:Kr52 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );


If (Pr52:StPr52 #=1 And Pr51:StPr51#=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=0 And Pr52:Kr52>= Pr51:Kr51 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51#=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr52:StPr52#= 0 And Pr51:Kr51 > Pr53:Kr53 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );


If ( Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr51:StPr51#=1 And Pr52:StPr52#=0 And Pr53:Kr53>= Pr51:Kr51 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );


If ( Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr52:StPr52 #=1 And Pr51:StPr51#=0 And Pr53:Kr53 > Pr52:Kr52 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );


If ( Pr52:StPr52#=1 And Pr53:StPr53#=1 And Pr51:StPr51#=0 And Pr52:Kr52>= Pr53:Kr53 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );


Global:u = kon4;

} );

/** RULE: Konf4 **/

MakeRule( Konf4, [],

Global:u #= kon4,


If ( Pr41:StPr41 == 1 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr41:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr41:Kr41 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr41:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr51:StPr51 == 1 And Pr52:StPr52 #= 0 And Pr53:StPr53 #= 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:Kr51 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr51:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr52:StPr52 == 1 And Pr51:StPr51 #= 0 And Pr53:StPr53#= 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:Kr52 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr52:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


If ( Pr53:StPr53 == 1 And Pr51:StPr51 #= 0 And Pr52:StPr52#= 0 )

Then {

DisplayText( Transcript2, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textPr ) );

DisplayText( Transcript3, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:Kr53 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript6, FormatValue( "%s\n", Pr53:textRec ) );

DisplayText( Transcript4, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript5, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );

DisplayText( Transcript7, FormatValue( "%s\n", Global:Null ) );


Global:u = end;

} );

/** RULE: Int_S6 – ситуация «процесс идёт нормально» **/

MakeRule( Int_S6, [],

Global:u #= s6,


If ( s1:Sts1 == 0 And s2:Sts2 == 0 And s3:Sts3 == 0 And s4:Sts4== 0 And s5:Sts5 == 0 )

Then { /** вывод всех параметров процесса на экран**/

DisplayText( Transcript1, FormatValue( "%s\n", s6:text ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 12 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 13 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 14 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript8, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Name, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript9, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Eiz, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 12 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 13 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 14 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript10, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Min, 15 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODout ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:BODin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Fin ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q1 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q2 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Q3 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Lil ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P1 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P2 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P3 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P4 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P5 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P6 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:P7 ) );

DisplayText( Transcript11, FormatValue( "%s\n", Oper:Pkom ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 4 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 3 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 6 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 7 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 5 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 8 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 9 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 11 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 12 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 13 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 14 ) ) );

DisplayText( Transcript12, FormatValue( "%s\n", GetNthElem( BD:Max, 15 ) ) );

s6:Sts6 = 1;


Global:u = prih;

} );

/** RULE: Int_Pr1 **/

MakeRule( Int_Pr1, [],

Global:u #= prih,


If ( s1:Sts1 == 1 And Oper:Fin > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 4 ) )

Then {

Pr11:StPr11 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:Lil - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 5 ) ) / 0.5;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:Fin - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 4 ) ) / 40;

Pr11:Kr11 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 ) / 2;


Else {

Pr11:StPr11 = 0;


If ( s1:Sts1 == 1 And Oper:BODin > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) )

Then {

Pr12:StPr12 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:Lil - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 5 ) ) / 0.5;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:BODin - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 1 ) ) / 150;

Pr12:Kr12 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 ) / 2;


Else {

Pr12:StPr12 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P1 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 8 ) )

Then {

Pr31:StPr31 = 1;

Pr31:Kr31 = Abs( Oper:P1 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 8 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr31:StPr31 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P2 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 9 ) )

Then {

Pr32:StPr32 = 1;

Pr32:Kr32 = Abs( Oper:P2 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 9 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr32:StPr32 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P3 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) )

Then {

Pr33:StPr33 = 1;

Pr33:Kr33 = Abs( Oper:P3 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 10 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr33:StPr33 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P4 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 11 ) )

Then {

Pr34:StPr34 = 1;

Pr34:Kr34 = Abs( Oper:P4 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 11 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr34:StPr34 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P5 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 12 ) )

Then {

Pr35:StPr35 = 1;

Pr35:Kr35 = Abs( Oper:P5 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 12 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr35:StPr35 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P6 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 13 ) )

Then {

Pr36:StPr36 = 1;

Pr36:Kr36 = Abs( Oper:P6 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 13 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr36:StPr36 = 0;


If ( s3:Sts3 == 1 And Oper:P7 > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 14 ) )

Then {

Pr37:StPr37 = 1;

Pr37:Kr37 = Abs( Oper:P7 - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 14 ) ) / 10;


Else {

Pr37:StPr37 = 0;


If ( s4:Sts4 == 1 And Oper:BODout > GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) )

Then {

Pr41:StPr41 = 1;

Global:C1 = Abs( Oper:BODin - GetNthElem( BD:Min, 1 ) ) / 130;

Global:C2 = Abs( Oper:BODout - GetNthElem( BD:Max, 2 ) ) / 33;

Pr41:Kr41 = ( Global:C1 + Global:C2 ) / 2;


Else {

Pr41:StPr41 = 0;


Global:u = prih2;

} );

/** GOAL: Stopp **/

MakeGoal( Stopp,


Global:u #= end;

} );


N док.





