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Пособие. Баранова Никулина.rtf
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VIII. Give a good translation of the following passages in a written form:

  1. ‘It’s the impersonality… on earth to please you.’

  2. ‘Although my feelings … having in camp.’

  3. ‘He is an awfully … it bores him dreadfully.’

IX. Translate the sentences and comment on the notions in italics paying attention to their cultural meaning:

  1. The new clerk in the post office at Bonnyrigg Four Corners drank every drop of Jamaica ginger they had in stock – seven dollars' worth – before he was discovered.

  2. The lower slopes are covered with woods, but the top is just piled rocks and open moor.

  3. And poor Mrs. Semple believes that people who go fishing on Sundays go afterwards to a sizzling hot hell.

  4. I remembered that I'd left a cushion and rug and hat and Matthew Arnold’s poems under a tree in the orchard, so I dashed out to get them, all quite soaked. The red cover of the poems had run into the inside; Dover Beach in the future will be washed by pink waves.

X. Explain the use of the words given in italics:

  1. If you are in that dreadful New York, I wish I could send you some of this lovely, breezy, sunshiny outlook. The country is Heaven after a week of rain.

  2. During our week of rain I sat up in the attic and had an orgy of reading Stevenson, mostly.

  3. The thought of Vailima makes me wild. I want to see the tropics. I want to see the whole world.

  4. Such a flutter as we are in!

  5. Our clothes were drenched before we reached home but our spirits not even damp. You should have seen Mrs. Semple's face when we dripped into her kitchen.

  6. I started this letter ages ago, but I haven’t had a second to finish it.

  7. I'm finding Mrs. Semple’s conversation pretty unseasoned food.

XI. Task:

  1. Point out the features of the formal (official) style of writing in the letter of the 10th of June. Why do you think Judy chooses this manner?

  2. Remember Judy’s first visit to Lock Willow. What did she feel on her first visit? What did she do that summer? Does it differ from her present emotions and occupations? In what way? Write down the epithets Judy used to describe the place and its dwellers in both cases to illustrate your answer. What does it tell you about the development of Judy’s personality?

  3. Dwell on the image of Master Jervie as it is presented in Judy’s letters. What does he look like? What is his manner of speaking and acting? What kind of words and stylistic devices does the narrator use to describe him and his behavior?

Part IX: September 26th – December 20th

I. Find the words and word combinations given below in the text:

  1. to convey

  2. uphill

  3. meekly

  4. to flout

  5. down town

  6. to get attached to smb

  7. to bid (bade; bidden)

  8. sulky

  9. kin

  10. studious

II. Translate the words and word combinations given above and describe the situations in which they were used in your own words.

III. Translate into English the following sentences using the words from Task I:

  1. Вы не представляете, каких усилий мне стоит поддерживать этот дом в приличном состоянии, не говоря уже о деньгах.

  2. Полагаю, теперь мне придется просить его остаться, хотя мы все не можем на него смотреть без отвращения после случившегося.

  3. Лишь немногие компании смогли пережить кризис, и запустение в когда-то шумных офисах, заполненных людьми, как нельзя лучше передает наше отчаяние при мысли о будущем.

  4. Нам дали большое задание для самостоятельной проработки, и я, как прилежная ученица, все выходные занималась им, вместо того, чтобы пойти в ночной клуб вместе с моими подружками.

  5. Я обожаю деловой центр Нью-Йорка с его небоскребами, ресторанами и толпами вечно куда-то спешащих людей.

  6. Когда Элис упомянула о своем увлечении вязанием, я почувствовала, что встретила родственную душу.

  7. Распоряжение начальства было таким бредовым, что секретарша предпочла не подчиниться ему, за что и поплатилась своей должностью.

  8. Бобби не получил вожделенную конфету и весь вечер бродил по дому надутый и мрачный.

  9. На все расспросы дяди он отвечал кротко, как ягненок, чем еще больше раздражал сумасбродного старика.

  10. За последнее время мы очень привязались к своей кузине и не хотели расставаться даже на такой короткий срок.