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Английский язык. Учебник 1 курс

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semi-formal adj


remark n

замечание, ремарка

inevitable adj

неизбежный, неотвратимый

meaningful adj


polite adj


requirement n

требование, потребность

greet v


swap v

(разговорное) обмениваться

follow v

следовать, идти (за)

compatriot n


react v


exactly adv


offend v

обижать, оскорблять, нарушать

dismiss v

отпускать, увольнять, переставать думать

accept v

принимать, допускать

ability n

способность, умение

upbringing n


contradict v

противоречить, опровергать

hurricane n


uproot v

вырывать с корнем, искоренять

hesitation n

колебание, нерешительность, сомнение

3.2.2. Прочитайте текст и определите, почему англичане считают умение вести разговор о погоде признаком хорошего воспитания:


In 1758 Samuel Johnson, that great authority in the country, noted “It is commonly observed, that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather, they are in haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm.” As with much else in English life, this has remained unchanged and is cherished as a good English tradition.

The weather really is a national weakness. All the jokes and anecdotes which are told about this are totally justified. Every English conversation really does turn around this subject, even semi-formal letters from organizations will contain some remark about good or bad weather. And as for private conversation, the weather is simply inevitable. In a little English church, two charming middle-aged (but certainly not old) English ladies, upon hearing that you are from Russia will almost certainly say “Lovely weather today, don’t you think? So much better than yesterday.” Having found strength in


this meaningful remark, they then carry on the conversation on a different subject (for example, how is the weather in Moscow? Cold as usual?).

In Europe talking about the weather means that you are 1. making polite conversation, 2. bored, 3. fulfilling the requirements of formal politeness, 4. talking to people you do not know or to officials. For the English, talking about the weather is entirely different, it is 1. interesting, 2. important, 3. necessary, 4. affects everybody. Every morning the English greet their neighbours with the phrase about the weather and swap this important information. There is also the greeting “How are you?” but everybody knows that you do not need to answer as it is not interesting.

In pubs, museums, hotels, wherever you run into the English, you need to be ready to start your conversation with the phrase about the English weather and then follow that up (since you are a foreigner) with a conversation about the weather in Russia. Surprisingly enough the English react in exactly the same way when they meet with their compatriots and even with close friends. Even if you saw each other last night, you need to be ready for the inevitable “It’s a bit chilly today, isn’t it?’ Do not be offended, this does not mean that they are dismissing you and putting you in your place, just accept it as part of English life. The ability to hold a conversation about the weather is always seen as a sign of good upbringing.

There is one golden rule for discussing the weather in England, and it was formulated by Hungarian called George Mikes who made England his home. He wrote: “You must not conflict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from the sides of the road and should someone remark to you: “Nice day, isn’t it?” – answer without hesitation : “Isn’t it lovely?”.

3.2.3. Прочитайте текст ещё раз. Найдите в тексте ответы на данные вопросы. вопросы. (Работа в парах)

1.What is the topic of the first talk when two Englishmen meet?

2.How do they usually describe the weather?

3.What is thought as a national weakness?

4.Why do even semi-formal letters contain remarks about the weather?

5.Why is the weather inevitable subject of private conversation?

6.What do the English think about the weather in Russia?

7.What does it mean when you talk about the weather in Europe?

8.And what does it mean when you are in England?

9.How do the English greet their neighbours?

10.What greeting doesn’t need an answer in Britain?

11.What is a sign of good upbringing in England?


2.12.What is the golden rule of discussing the weather in England?

3.13.When the weather is nasty and you are asked “Fine day, isn’t it?”

what is the

right answer if you are in England? And if you are in



3.2.4.. Выпишитеизтекста слова, отражающиеосновнуюидеютекста.

3.2.5.Составьте план текста на английском языке.

3.2.6.Напишите небольшое сообщение на английском языке по теме текста.

Раздел 3.3

3.3.1. Прочитайте текст. Дайте ответ на данный вопрос?

What is the age of the author?”


1.we would wake up – мы бывало просыпались

2.at the bottom of the bed – в ногах кровати

3.in the years up until then – в предыдущие годы до этого возраста

4.dip in - зачерпнуть

5.a sit-down meal – застольe

Christmas at my parent’s house was quite a big event, I mean for the children especially, and I remember when I was very small it was so exciting. We would wake up at 6 o’clock or earlier on Christmas morning, and immediately look at the bottom of the bed, where there would be a pillow case, not a stocking (which was good because you can get more presents into a pillow case) at the bottom of the bed, which supposedly Father Christmas had brought. It was full of little present and fruit and nuts and all kinds of little things. Mine was always very exciting, I think my mum had very original ideas, I don’t remember when we stopped getting them, I suppose I was about fifteen, but in the years up until then we used to get them, in some form. However, towards the end they got smaller and smaller, so that in the end it was just a sock, maybe with an orange and a walnut in it.

As I got older, the big parties used to be on Christmas Eve, on the 24th, when all my cousins would come around – actually, four cousins, a boy and three girls – and maybe some of their respective boyfriends and girlfriends, and my two brothers with their girlfriends. It would start at maybe 8 o’clock


in the evening, and we’d make a big punch, which consisted of red wine, vodka, orange juice and fruit, and put it in the hall so people could dip in and have a drink if they wanted to. We would also have a cold buffet with crisps, chicken, sausages and quiche, so it wasn’t a sit-down meal but just snacks really. When everyone had had enough punch to drink, we started playing games, just silly party games that people play in England. For example, we used to play “pass the orange”, where you have two teams, and you all stand in a line and have to pass the orange under your chin to the next person, who would take it under their chin. It sounds really boring, but for some reason it gets really funny, because it’s quite difficult, as the orange tends to travel down your chest. Then we would also play charades, where again you have two teams and you think of a film, a book, a play or a TV program, and you give the title to the other team who then have to act it. It’s quite simple but also quite difficult, as there are lots of different signs you can use, but you mustn’t speak. That would go on all evening.

After that, there’s Christmas Day, the 25th, which is supposed to be the big day, the big event. While the turkey was being cooked in the morning, everyone would open their presents, and then usually hang around in the kitchen and annoy my mum who’d be trying to cook. We would have a turkey with bacon on the top, which was really nice, and sausages, stuffing – two kinds of stuffing, chestnut stuffing and a kind of sage and onion stuffing

– roast potatoes, sprouts, gravy, and bread sauce, which my cousin really liked. Afterwards, we’d have Christmas pudding, which is an incredibly rich, very sweet, very heavy pudding made from all kinds of dried fruit, like raisins and sultanas, with a lot of alcohol in it. You pour brandy over the top and set fire to it, so it comes into the room alight, on fire, and then you eat it with brandy butter, which is made of butter, sugar and brandy, I think, all mixed up. We also had mince pies, which are small dried fruit-filled pies. So it’s an incredibly heavy meal. Everyone eats that for about an hour, and then we have to watch the Queen’s speech, which I think is at two o’clock, and a kind of tradition. My father insists that we all have to sit down and watch the Queen as she speaks for five or ten minutes about the year that’s gone by, and than, usually, everyone just carries on watching television all afternoon.

The Christmas weather in England is so uninspiring, either rainy or cold, so after such a huge meal people just sit down, flop in front of the television and watch old films until evening. When evening comes, we have tea. We have a cup of tea and some Christmas cake – a very rich, heavy cake which my aunty Patty always makes, with sultanas, raisins, nuts, cherries and all kinds of dried fruit in it. After that, nobody does anything other than maybe open a few more presents, if there are any left, or play with the children, to keep them entertained until it’s time for them to go to bed.


3.3.2.Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста:

1.Christmas Presents

2.Christmas Eve


4.Christmas Meals

3.3.3.Ролевая игра.

Вмеждународном студенческом лагере вы оказались в одной комнате со студентами из разных стран. Расспросите друг друга о традициях и обычаях народов ваших стран.

Раздел 3.4

3.4.1.Письменно составьте предложения разного типа из данных слов.

He /is often asked/ at the lesson/? Is he often asked at the lesson? When is he often asked?

1. The shops/ are usually closed/ at this time/? 2. The students/ are examined /in June/? 3. The bills/ are paid /every day/? 4. The office is cleaned every evening/? 5. These books are published in Italy/? 6. The museum is always opened in the daytime/? 7. The children are taught French at school/? 8. She is often told the news at work/? 9. He is seldom asked this question/? 10. She is often invited to dinner/?

3.4.2. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He/ was asked/ yesterday/? Was he asked yesterday? When was he asked?

Who was asked yesterday?

1. She /was excited/ by the news/ yesterday/? 2. Coffee/ was prepared /some minutes ago/? 3. He/ was chosen/ for this position/ a week ago/? 4. We/ were invited/ to the party/ last weekend/? 5. He/ was answered/ yesterday/? 6. Carol/ was asked/ about the accident/ when she came to the police station/? 7. They/ were taught/ economics/ last term/? 8. This book/ was pub-


lished/ a year ago/? 9. This shop/ was closed/ yesterday/? 10. The dinner/ was cooked/ quickly/ when we returned home/?

3.4.3. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He /will be asked/ tomorrow/? Will he be asked tomorrow? When will he be asked?

Who will be asked tomorrow?

1. The library /will be closed /tomorrow/? 2. The plan/ will be improved /tomorrow/? 3. The article/ will be published /next month/? 4. The problem/ will be solved/ in two days/? 5. The dinner/ will be served/ in quarter of an hour/? 6. My friend/ will be chosen/ for the position of Sales Manager/ next week/? 7. He/ will be asked/ at the next lesson/? 8. The goods/ will be sent/ next Monday/? 9. He/ will be invited /to the conference/ in a week/? 10. The report/ will be corrected/ the day after tomorrow/?

3.4.4. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He/ is being asked /now/? Is he being asked now? Who is being asked now?

1. He/ is being examined/ now/? 2. The text/ is being translated/ in the auditorium/ at this moment/? 3. The lunch/ is being served /at present/? 4. The book is being read/ in the reading-room/ now? 5. The report/ is being made/ in the office/ at the moment/? 6. The articles on inflation/ are being written /now?/ 7. The message/ is being sent /to London /at the moment/? 8. This book/ is being published/ in Oxford/ at present/? 9. The tests/ are being checked/ now/?10. They/ are being told/ now/ what has happened/?

3.4.5. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He/ was being asked /when she came? Was he being asked when she came? When was he being asked?

1. The lunch /was being served/ in the dining room/ at a quarter past noon/? 2. They/ were being trained/ on banking/ at this time/ last year/? 3. She/ was being taught/ the French language /the whole month/ before she went to Paris/? 4. This novel/ was being written/ when it happened/? 5. The new house /was being built/ when they arrived/? 6. The car/ was being repaired/ from eight till eleven in the morning/? 7. The problem/ was being discussed/ when I came into the office/? 8. The students /were being given/ a lecture on economics/ when it happened/? 9. The students / were being asked/


about the results/ of the exam/ when they saw the dean/? 10. The flowers/ in the garden/ were being watered/ at this time/ yesterday/?

3.4.6. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He/has already been invited/? Has he been invited yet? Who has been invited yet?

1. The message /has been sent/ to London and Liverpool/? 2. All the books /have been sold/? 3. Such a house/ has been built/ near the hospital/? 4. This play/ has been shown /twice /on TV/? 5. This article /has been published/ in the Times/? 6. The exhibition/ has been opened/ in Paris/? 7. Two contracts /have been discussed/ this week/? 8. Their advertisement/ has been shown/ on TV/? 9. Dinner/ has been served/in the dinning-room/?10. The new manager/ has been introduced/ to his chief/?

3.4.7. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He /had been examined /by three o’clock/ yesterday/? Had he been examined by three o’clock yesterday? Who had been examined by three o’clock yesterday?

1. He /had been sent/ abroad/ when she got their letter/? 2. The work /had been done/ by last weekend/? 3. The program/ of the concert/ had been changed/ when we bought the tickets/? 4. We /had been invited /to the party /when she asked us to dinner/? 5. The house/ had been painted /when the rain began/?

6. The article/ had been published /when new information was got/? 7. The lunch/ had been served /in the dinning-room/ by the time/ they came back/? 8. By this time yesterday /the decision/ had been already made/? 9. When he returned from abroad/ the book/ had been translated/? 10. The exhibition /had been closed/ when I came to the gallery/?

3.4.8. Письменно составьте вопросы разного типа из данных слов.

He /will have been examined/ by tomorrow/? Will he have been examined by tomorrow? Who will have been examined by tomorrow?

1. The work/ will have been finished/ by five o’clock/ tomorrow/? 2. Our message /will have been sent/ to Liverpool/ by noon/? 3. The test/ will have been written/ by two o’clock/? 4. The books/ will have been returned/ to the library/ by July/? 5. All the documents/ will have been checked/ by Friday/? 6. This contract/ will have been signed/ in London/ by the beginning of


October/? 7. The article on marketing /will have been translated /into Russian/ when the sales manager comes/? 8. The goods/ will have been tested/ by tomorrow/? 9. The date /of our departure/ will have been changed/ when the top manager calls/? 10. A new /shop /will have been built/ in our district/ by next month/?

3.4.9. Заполните данную таблицу, пользуясь словарем.

























Грамматика: Modals.


Тема: American Way of Life

Раздел 4.1

4.1.1. Отработайте произношение данных слов и словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.

Pioneer n

пионер, первооткрывтель

Permanent adj


Evident adj

очевидный; ясный

Trailer n


Tow v


Truck n


Site n

место, местоположение

Connect v

место, местоположение

Put up


Complete adj

полный, законченный, завершенный

Deceptive adj


Rent n

арендная плата, квартплата

Security n


4.1.2. Прочитайте текст и дайте ответ на данный вопрос:

“What peculiarities characterize Americans in choosing homes?” THE MOBILE HOMES

Do you know what kind of homes Americans prefer?

During the 19th century thousands of emigrants crossed America on their way to the west. Out of those pioneers has grown a generation of restless Americans. The desire “to move away” becomes evident when some Americans prefer mobile homes to permanent ones.

Living in a mobile home is becoming more and more popular. These mobile homes aren’t just trailers, which are fine for spending a week-end in or for a short vacation but rather small for a longer time. These are, in fact, real homes. Up to 10 meters long they have to be towed by a truck. In spite of being smaller than a house they can have up to five rooms. They are beautifully designed, air-conditioned, and are fitted with all kinds of equipment – refrigerator, toilet, bath and television, sometimes even a dishwasher and a


washing-machine. They are towed to a mobile home site, where they are moved into position. Connecting water and electricity, plugging in a telephone and putting up a television antenna – all these don’t take long.Then the mobile home has all the advantages of a permanent home – warm, hygienic, constant hot water – complete and comfortable.

But it has several extra advantages. The most important one is this – if you don’t like your neighbours, you simply unplug everything and tow your home to another site. This doesn’t mean that the people who live in these homes are permanently “on the move”. Most of them stay in the same place for years. But they always know that if they wanted to, they could move away the next day.

Keeping a dog is difficult for people who live in a flat. Here you just open the door and let him out. And the children enjoy being able to play right outside the door. Living in the country is much healthier for them, too. If a man wants to change his job he doesn’t need to worry about finding a new house or flat. He simply tows his mobile home to the place where his new job is. New models come out every few years. Just like cars. If you have the money you sell your mobile home and buy the latest model. You’ll have no difficulty in selling your old one – there’s a big market for second-hand homes.

Most people who live in mobile homes would prefer a permanent house if they had enough money. However, mobile homes are much cheaper to buy than houses. And yet, the low cost is deceptive as builders use cheap materials and this means that doors, windows, paintwork and equipment soon have to be repaired. The prices of permamnent houses rise over the years, but if you sell a mobile home again after five years you will not get more than half the price back. The owners often have to pay high ground rents for their sites and there may well be extra charges for connecting water, electricity and so on.

Grown-ups may be keen on moving around from place to place in mobile homes. But is it good for children? They live in cramped rooms, have to keep changing schools and find it difficult to make real friends. Children need security of a permanent home.

4.1.3.Прочитайте текст еще раз. Укажите какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.Mobile homes are convenient enough for long vacations.

2.You cannot leave the site even if you don’t like your neighbours.

3.Childern and their pets enjoy being able to play outside the door.

4.Mobile homes are equipped with a lot of appliances.

5.Mobile homes need to be repaired very often.

6.Americans can change the parking sites every few years.