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Історія України - методичка

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Ministry of health protection of Ukraine.

Ukrainian medical stomatology academy (Poltava)

Department of philosophy and social sciences

Educational object

History Of Ukraine

Methodical recommendations on conducting of seminar employments, independent work, questions for the control of knowledges in the help to the students-foreigners.



Methodical recommendations on conducting of seminar employments, independent work, questions for the control of knowledges in the help to the students-foreigners include both the questions of seminars and questions for self-control of knowledges of students, list of necessary literature: For the students of the first courses of faculty on preparation of foreign students.

Author: Stavitskaya N.P. – candidate of history sciences, associate professor of department of philosophy

and social sciences.

Reviewer: Moroz M.V. - teacher of department of philosophy and social sciences.

Are ratified

on meeting of department of philosophy and social sciences.

Protocol № from .

Manager by a department

N. P. Stavitskaya

associate professor


In the conditions of modern development of high medical school of Ukraine, to integration of profesionalnoy and sotsialno-gummanitarnoy preparation the large value has mastering of achievements of Ukrainian scientific-history thought.

Program of course of raschitana on 108 hours: lectures – 10 hours; seminars – 36 hours, independent work – 62 hours.

Forms of educational process:


·seminar employments;

·consultations (group and individual);

·workings off of the skipped employments;

·vneauditornaya work (conferences, scientific reading, discussions, student scientific group)

·independent work of students.

·test (work out the totals of study of course).

Theme 1

Primitive communal system on territory of Ukraine. First settlements.

"2 hours"


1.Doslavyanskie people on territory of modern Ukraine in the epoch of paleolith, mezolita, neolith and eneolita.

2.Tribes of tripilskoy culture.

3.Becoming and development of traditions of state education: kimeriytsi, scythians, sarmati.

4.Public and state organization of antov.

1.Племена tripilskoy cultures.

Tripilskaya culture – it is the archaeological culture of copper age (40002000 years B.C.). Its name originates from the name of the Tripile (Kiev region) village, where at the end of a 19 age the archaeologist V. Hvoyko found out tailings of settlements of ancient people.

Tripiltsi – heirs of one of ancient people of the Asia minor, came on earths of modern Ukraine from Lower Pridunaviya about 6000 years ago, and in course of time mastered enormous spaces from Dnestr to Dnepr, from modern Volini to the steppes of Prichernomorya.

In existence tripilskoy cultures select three periods:

1.Early. At this time (A 1 half of 4th is the thousand B.C.) there was adaptation of migrants to new territories. Tripiltsi lived by small communities. Were their above all employments the agriculture, cattle breeding, collector, hunt and fishing. House was run by primitive methods.

2.Middle (2 half a 4 thousand B.C.). In this period of tripiltsi were settling apart on considerable territories, attaining the middle flow of Dnepr. The amount of population grew, the settlements became large. Dwellings of this period a multiroom, sometimes multistory. At this time began tripiltsi to use a cattle for ploughing, transportation of loads. There was metallurgy. The ceramics developed: baked a clay crockery in a stove and painted by a decorative pattern. The tools of were various and were made from a stone, bones with the use of polishing and boring, and also from a copper through a hammer and sledge-hammer. Various jeweller decorations were made.

3.Late (3 thousand B.C.). In this period a tripilskaya culture experiences a crisis. The amount of population increased, and new earths suitable for

agriculture were not already present. Gradually a tripilskaya culture fell into decay.

2. Becoming and development of traditions of state education: kimmeriytsi, scythians, sarmati.

In a 1 thousand B.C. on territory of Ukraine easterly the tribes of nomads encroached – kimmeriytsi, scythians, sarmati which created the rabovladelcheskie states.

kimmeriytsi – bellicose people, which consisted of the tribes incorporated in unions at the head with tsars-leaders.

kimmeriytsi occupied territories of North Prichernomorya, Crimea and Caucasus. The Kimmeriya city on the Kerch peninsula was the capital of the state of kimmeriytsev. Were their basic employments cattle breeding, agriculture, handicraft (making of military equipment is special). The population divided by a family aristocracy, free obshinnikov and slaves. kimmeriytsi had a mighty equestrian army and accomplished successful hikes in the Asia minor, were at war an assyria with Urartu, devastating raids were accomplished on earths of praslavyan. In the middle of a 5 item B.C. kimmeriytsi were forced out by scythians.

Scythians – bellicose nomadic tribes at the head of which stood tsars. Territories of North Prichernomorya were occupied, is partial Crimea, south territories between Don and Danube. Were engaged in the cattle breeding, agriculture, handicrafts (making of weapon, smelting of iron, jeweller art), trade. The city Naples was the capital of the state of scythians (not far from modern Simpferopol). The government was carried out by tsars, officials, folk collection. The population divided by a family aristocracy, free obshinnikov and slaves. Having a well-armed army, scythians accomplished soldiery hikes on Urartu, Persia, Greece. At the end of a 3 item B.C. Skifiya was conquered by sarmatami.

sarmati – association of nomadic tribes (alani, roksolani, savromati and dr.) at the head with soldiery leaders. Lived on territory between Don and Dnepr from South Bug to Danube. The Tanais city in the mouth of Don was the capital of the state of sarmatov. sarmati were engaged in the cattle breeding, agriculture, handicrafts, trade. Permanent wars with the states of Zakavkazya and Rome conducted. The population divided by a family aristocracy, free obshinnikov and slaves. In a 4 item A.D. sarmati were raided by huns.

3.Общественная and state organization of antov.

anti – the most mighty group of slavonic tribes which are considered most scientists by the ancestors of Ukrainians. The tribes of antov lived on territory of Pridneprovya. in times Great migration of people anti began to transmigrate southward, on the Balkan peninsula.

Were basic employments of antov arable agriculture, cattle breeding, treatment of metals, ceramics, production of fabrics.

The tribes of antov in a 3 item were included in the state is ready, joint hikes were accomplished on the domains of the Roman empire. In a 4 item the goths were forced out by huns, and the tribes of antov entered in the complement of hun association. As allies of nomads anti accomplished hikes on pridunayskie earths and Byzantium.

The first independent hikes of slavs on Byzantium took place at the end of 5

– beginning of a 6 item Especially important there was a hike 550-551 After him on territory of Balkan mass there are the slavonic settlements.

At the end of a 6 item in the relationships of antov with Byzantium avari interfered – nomads of tyurkskogo origin. Necessity to resist to them, was instrumental in association of former competitors. In 601 anti together with Byzantium contested against avarov. After these events an antskiy military union disintegrated, and for slavonic tribes which were his member, a new period of history, which is related to the modern yugnoslavyanskimi people, began.

Questions for the control of knowledges:

1.Give chronologic description to the periods of development of man in the epoch of primitive society.

2.What community of people do you know and than they differ in prehistoric times?


1.History of Ukrainian SSR in 10 – ti volumes. – TO., 1985.

2.M Grushevskiy . S. Ocherk histories of the Ukrainian people. – TO., 1990.

3.Orest subtelniy. Ukraine. History. – TO., 1993

4.N. Stavitskaya p.. History Of Ukraine. – the Methodical manual for the students of foreigners., Poltava, 1999.

Theme 2

Kiev Russia – the rannefeodalnoe state of east slavs.

"4 hours"


1.Kiev Russia. Basic stages of its development.

2.Theories of origin of the state Kiev Russia.

3.Acceptance of christianity and his value.

4.Political device of Russia and social-economic relations.

5.Reasons of disintegration of Kiev Russia.

6.galitskiy prince period.

7.History value of the drevnekievskogo state.

1. Kiev Russia. Basic stages of its development.

Kiev Russia – the state of east slavs, which existed from 8 in. 1132 to In 1012 vv. Kiev Russia was the largest state of Europe. On its territory there were hundred cities – centers of handicraft and culture.

In history of Kiev Russia it is possible to select three stages:

1.Period of becoming and development of the state system (end 8 – 10 vv.). During 6-8 vv. the unions of slavonic tribes were transformed in pedigree principalities. They became the basis of forming of the state system of east slavs. In 8 - the state association Russian earth was formed to the middle of a 9 item, earths of glades, drevlyan and severyan entered in which. In a 2th floor. To a 9 item Askold and Dir reigned in Kiev - heirs of Cue. They gave a rebuff to hazaram and pechenegam, were at war with Danube Bulgarians, successful hikes were accomplished on Byzantium (860) In 866 Askold and his brigade adopted christianity.

In 882 the prince Oleg with the Novgorod brigade conquered Kiev and united Kiev and Novgorod earths. Power of the Kiev prince spread on peripheral earths of Russia. The prince Oleg accomplished a hike on Byzantium (907), which was completed by signing of agreements advantageous for Russia 907 and 911

The prince Igor overmastered pedigree principalities of ulichey and drevlyan, confirmed the terms of agreements with Byzantium (944), accomplished successful hikes on Caucasus. Wife of Igorya – Olga – conducted the first state reforms which put in order the process of collection and sizes of contribution from earths subject to Kiev. The duchess Olga adopted christianity, developed the diplomatic relationships with Byzantium and German empire.

The prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (945-972) was a prince-warrior. He succeeded to overmaster Volgskuyu Bulgaria, Hazarskiy kaganat, to win pechenegov, to release Bulgaria from power of the Byzantine empire.

2.Period of the greatest bloom of Kiev Russia (end 10 – a 11 item). It is related to activity of two grand dukes – Vladimir Velikogo (980-1015) and Yaroslava Mudrogo (1036-1054).

Vladimir Great conducted administrative-political reforms: added the basic unions of slavonic tribes to Kiev, liquidated power of pedigree princes and replaced her by reigning of the sons; founded the system of defensive of south scopes; entered christianity as state religion (988). Yaroslav Wise continued carrying out reform. Most value had the code of law of collection of the laws «Russian true», which regulated all sides of the Old Russian life. Yaroslav Wise pursued an active external policy, concluded the row of dynastic marriages of the children advantageous for Russia with foreign rulers. In 1054 a prince legalized «horizontal» practice of inheritance of velikoknyageskogo throne (stareyshinstvo). Appointed the first Russian metropolitan Illariona. It was instrumental in development of science and culture.

3.Period of the political breaking up of Kiev Russia (end 11 – middle of a 13 item). Growth of feudal landownership, amounts of cities, strengthening of power of pomestnih princes, megusobitsi and encroachment of nomads, resulted in the political crushing of country. Only to Vladimir a monostroke and his son Mstislavu succeeded to retain unity of earths of Russia. Contradictions between separate principalities grew in a 2 half of a 12 item. Numerous megusobnie wars became the consequence of this. Completed the invasion of hordes of the монголо-tatar khan Batiya (1240) process of disintegration of Kiev Russia.

2. Political device of Russia and social-economic relations.

Kiev Russia was formed as the feudal state. For him the device of power on principle of feudal stair was characteristic. At the head of the state there was a grand duke Kiev. He carried out political guidance by the state, managed the Russian army, appointed officials, represented the state in international communications.

Specific princes governed by separate earths of Kiev Russia. boyare and noble landed interests represented power of prince, handled the militia in the war-time, taxes were collected, a court was accomplished. Power of

prince leaned against a brigade permanent army which was contained by a prince.

The role of folk vecha was saved in Kiev Russia - folk collection on which discussed and decided important public questions: candidatures were discussed on a prince throne; decisions were made about soldiery hikes, agreements; the section of positions was produced.

Kiev Russia was the rannefeodalnim state. For its public device such lines were characteristic:

·power of prince was not complete and exhaustive;

·dependence of subject population was limited to different duties, instead of no attachment to earth;

·a prince continued to collect the folk militia.

For the economy of Kiev Russia were characteristic own of feudal lords on earth and natural economy.

The population of Kiev Russia divided by the «best people» and «black people». Into first category fell grand duke, clergy, specific princes, boyare, noble landed interests, druginniki, well-to-do townspeople. Peasants, artisans, chandlers, city the poor, were considered «black people».

The following forms of feudal dependence were formed in Kiev Russia:

·polyude - collection by the prince of contribution on subject earths;

·povoz – the subject population brought contribution to the prince;

·dependence of peasants on feudal lords: for the loan (zakupi), on an

agreement (ryadovichi), slavery in the economy of feudal lord (holopi). The feudal relations in Kiev Russia were fastened by the feudal legislation. The court of prince and his boyar was accomplished on the basis of pandects of the «Russian true» and true Yaroslavichey».

3. Reasons of disintegration of Kiev Russia.

Post mortem the prince Yaroslava of Wise discords between princes began in Kiev Russia. On some time of them the prince Vladimir halted monostroke. But post mortem his son Mstislava in 1132 Kiev Russia disintegrated on separate principalities. The period of the feudal breaking up began.

Reasons of disintegration of Kiev Russia:

·Strengthening of power of specific princes. Principalities grow into territories politically independent of Kiev. Specific princes legislate, chinks are minted, a court is repaired regardless of the Kiev prince.