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1)For months I had sought in vain until suddenly, … , an opportunity presented itself. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Shannon's Way’, book I, ch. 3)

2)Don’t worry. I'll … it.

3)She had held so … of late that her trouble, never generally known, was nearly forgotten in Marlott. (Tess of the d'Urbervilles – A Pure Woman by Thomas Hardy)

4)There is a need to raise … in the teaching profession.

5)Nearby there is a village with a … pub.

6)His efforts finally paid off.

7)Grieving fans around the world … this morning to the "Crocodile Hunter, " Steve Irwin.

8)I worked through the night, stopping only once to give a … at eight p.m. It was a general astronomy course meant for undergraduates.

9)Water has become not only a precious … in China. It is fast becoming a defining social and political issue.

10)Booth, an actor at the theater and the handsome son of Junius Brutus Booth, and his Confederate conspirators made plans to … Lincoln, Grant, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward.

11)Haiti's first elected president was deposed in a violent … .

12)Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the … .

13)Doctors have warned against … in fighting common diseases.

14)At 11.30 we'll be showing … from the Third Round of the FA Cup.

15)It's difficult to … the cause of the accident.

6 Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Выходные в Венеции стали самым запоминающимся момен- том нашего путешествия. 2. Я хочу воспользоваться этой возмож- ностью и публично отдать ему дань восхищения. 3. Ты об этом позаботишься? 4. В классе она всегда держалась в стороне от мальчиков. 5. Большинство жителей этого квартала вполне при- личные люди. 6. Не жди меня. У меня через 15 минут консуль- тация с научным руководителем. 7. Цены на товары резко упа- ли. 8. Вы не присмотрите за моим багажом, я хочу купить воды. 9. Давайте перейдём к последнему пункту повестки дня. 10. Раз-


работчики компьютерных игр не могут вкладывать большие средства в игру для российского рынка, потому что она просто не окупится. Это связано с высоким уровнем пиратства. 11. Они должны четко указать, какие навыки им требуются. 12. Дженни быстро схватывает суть проблемы, это особенность ее характера. 13. Десятки тысяч человек были убиты или пропали без вести в Аргентине в годы правления военной хунты, которая пришла к власти в результате переворота 24 марта 1976, когда была сверг- нута президент-женщина Мартинес де Перрон. 14. Решение ком- пании General Motors не продавать свое европейское подразде- ление Opel российско-канадскому концерну Magna – Сбербанк прозвучало как гром среди ясного неба. 15. По подсчетам компа- нии Rfilms, за последние три с половиной года только 60 % вло- жений в российское кино окупилось. 16. Президент Дж.Ф. Кен- неди был убит в Далласе в 1963 году. 17. Несмотря на вчераш- нюю победу, нет места самодовольству, если хотите остаться в высшей лиге.

7 Decipher the abbreviations.


8Make up your own sentences or a story using the vocabulary from the exercises above.

Comprehension and Discussion

9 Answer the questions below.

1)Why did Henry get involved in politics? What influenced his choice? What were his political beliefs?

2)There are two Henry’s interviews (pp. 124–127, 138–139) in the chapter. What is similar and what is different in them? How could you characterise his manner of speech? Are these interviews the only true evidence of real Henry?

3)How does the following quotation characterise Henry’s attitude towards his duties in the Parliament ‘Not having much to do this morning wandered into the House at around eleven. The agenda wasn’t promising …’? (p. 127)

4)What was Henry’s attitude towards National Health Service? Why did he support the reform?


5)How did Henry’s feeling towards Margaret develop? What influenced it?

6)Compare your impressions of Henry as a teenager and student and impressions of him as a grown up (show his development). What was the turning point in his development?

7)Why does ‘his’ chapter appear after Hilary’s?

10Characterise Henry as a politician, party member, Margaret Thatcher’s devotee, husband, nephew and brother by completing the chart below. What techniques and language does the narrator use to characterise him? Support your ideas from the text.



Quotes from


the chapter





party member



Margaret Thatcher’s devotee









brother /cousin



11Make Henry’s biography.

12Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)But he told me not to worry about that and said something mysterious about wheels within wheels. (p. 121)

2)… health care was like prostitution, it was something for which the demand could never dry up: it was inexhaustible. (p. 123)

3)… there was no point in starting at the bottom, I might as well go straight on to the board. (p. 124)

4)Real power lies in the media and in backroom policy-making … (p. 133)

5)Asked him if he’d noticed I hadn’t answered any of the questions, and he said no, not really. Must tell this to the PR people: they’ll be pleased. (p. 135)


6)… Margaret’s definition of consensus as ‘the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies’ and ‘something in which no one believes and to which no one objects’. (p. 135)

7)We’ve got to squash this dewy-eyed belief that people can be motivated by anything other than money. (p. 136)

8)… quality is quantifiable! (p. 123, 140)

Creating a Commentary

13 Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

Labour party (1950–1990); Conservative party (1950–1990); Margaret Thatcher; Thatcherism; National Health Service (1950–1990)

Language and Style

14The chapter is written in a variety of languages: diary, transcription of a TV programme and memoirs. Why does the author introduce them into the narration? What is their function?

15Read the following passage from chapter Henry once again and find four cases of pun. What role do they play? What effect do they produce?

BEAMISH: Do you foresee that Mr. Macmillan will face any problems in recognizing the new government?

WINSHAW: Oh, I'm sure he’d . . . know them if he saw them. I gather he’s pretty well acquainted with that part of the world.

BEAMISH: No, my point, Mr. Winshaw – my point is that there is concern, in some quarters, about the effect that the violent imposition of a new, left-wing regime will have on our trading prospects with Iraq. And indeed on our relations generally.

WINSHAW: Well, I personally don’t have any relations in Iraq, but anybody who does would be well advised, I would have thought, to get them flown home at once. It sounds absolutely ghastly out there at the moment.

BEAMISH: Let me put it another way. There’s been considerable disquiet in the House over Mr Macmillan's decision to send


British troops into the area. Do you think we could now be faced with another Suez?

WINSHAW: No, I don’t, and I’ll tell you why. The Suez, you see, is a canal: a very large canal, as I understand it, running through Egypt. Now there are no canals in Iraq. Absolutely none at all. This is the essential factor which has been overlooked by people who have tried to make this point. So I really don’t think the comparison stands up to scrutiny.

BEAMISH: Finally, Mr. Winshaw, do you see any irony in the fact that this coup – so hostile, potentially, to our national interests – has been carried out by an army trained and equipped by the British? Traditionally, the British and Iraqi governments have cooperated very closely in this area. Do you think their military ties will now be a thing of the past?

WINSHAW: Well, I very much hope not. I’ve always thought that the Iraqi military tie is an extremely attractive one, and I know there are many British officers who wear it with pride. So it would be a sad day for our country if that were to happen. (126–127)

16Translate this passage, pay special attention to the cases of pun.

17Now read the translation made by Maxim Nemtsov. Has the translator managed to keep the cases of pun or the effect produced by them?

БИМИШ. Предвидите ли вы какие-то проблемы для мис- тера Макмиллана в признании нового правительства?

УИНШОУ. О, я уверен, что он... поймет, когда они возник- нут. Я полагаю, что он сравнительно неплохо ознакомлен с этой частью света.

БИМИШ. Нет, я говорю это к тому, мистер Уиншоу, – я го- ворю это к тому, что в некоторых кругах существует озабоченность последствиями насильственного установления левого режима для перспектив нашей торговли с Ираком. Да и как это скажет- ся на наших дружеских отношениях с этой страной в целом.

УИНШОУ. Ну, лично у меня нет никаких дружеских отно- шений ни с кем в этой стране. Но всем, у кого там друзья, по мо- ему мнению, можно дать один хороший совет: вывозите их отту- да побыстрее. Мне кажется, жить там сейчас абсолютно жутко.


БИМИШ. Позвольте мне поставить вопрос иначе. В пала- те общин несколько бурно обсуждается решение мистера Мак- миллана отправить в этот регион британские части. Считаете ли вы, что это может привести нас к новому Суэцу?

УИНШОУ. Нет, не считаю. И могу объяснить почему. Ви- дите ли, Суэц это канал, очень крупный канал, протекающий, насколько я понимаю, через Египет. А в Ираке нет никаких ка- налов. Абсолютно никаких каналов в нем нет. Это существен- ный фактор, о котором постоянно забывают те, кто пытается по- ставить такой вопрос. Поэтому я считаю, что подобное сравнение не выдерживает никакой критики.

БИМИШ. И, наконец, мистер Уиншоу, не видите ли вы какой-либо иронии в том, что этот путч потенциально враж- дебный нашим национальным интересам был проведен арми- ей, обученной и снабженной британцами? По традиции прави- тельства Великобритании и Ирака очень тесно сотрудничали в этой области. Не считаете ли вы, что масштабы их военных уз теперь отошли в прошлое?

УИНШОУ. Ну, я очень надеюсь, что нет. Я всегда считал усы иракских военных довольно привлекательными и... эгхм...

масштабными. Да и многие британские офицеры, должен заме- тить, носят их с гордостью. Поэтому, если такое случится, это станет поистине печальным днем для нашей страны.


(*Гарольд Макмиллан (1894–1984), позднее граф Стоктон. Консерватор-парламентарий от Бромли и премьер-министр с

1957 по 1963 г.)


18Discuss the following questions.

1)What is your opinion on the reform of the National Health Service carried out in the UK? How far do you agree with the idea of turning hospitals into ‘provider units’ which provide services and work like shops? Give your reasons.

2)Do you agree with Henry’s claim that quality is quantifiable? Why? Why not? Give examples.


October 1990


Focus Activity

1 Discuss the following questions.

1)Do you like receiving letters? Which do you prefer e-mails or traditional paper ones? Why?

2)Have you ever received a very important letter which changed your life? What was it about?


Vocabulary Practice

2 Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in.

accomplish; stamina; homicidal (maniac); stalker; fabulous; bliss; plummet; atonement; lure (n)

3 Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Give the context they are used in.

врач общей практики, терапевт; осенять, приходить в голову, доходить (ph.v.); приемная врача; пригласить сходить куда-либо (ph.v., infml); срезать (путь) (ph.v.); сделать крюк, обойти (объехать); страстно хотеть чего-л.; во весь голос (id.); объединить усилия

4 Match the words (1–13) to their synonyms (a-m).


dawn on










(infml) wonderful, excellent




staying power, toughness




achieve, carry out


ask smb. out


expiation, amends










take a detour


strike, become apparent


long for


desire, yearn








delight, pleasure, happiness









5Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word or expression from the box below. Put it in an appropriate form. Some words and expressions are used more than once.


dawn on



accomplish surgery

ask out

long for at the top of one’s voice


stalker fabulous



make a detour GP

1)Malc wasn't mature enough to resist the … of drink and drugs.

2)He … a shower.

3)Here you are talking … , scandalizing the whole heighbourhood... . (The Titan by Th. Dreiser)

4)The truth finally … us.

5)He read the warning in the doctor's … .

6)If we'd all work together, I think we could … our goal.

7)We have … all we set out to do.

8)The pilot … the earth until his parachute opened.

9)Last year Tushar Gandhi, the great grandson of independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, said the famous Koh-i-Noor diamond, which has been part of the Crown Jewels for 150 years, should be returned as "… for the colonial past".

10)She hopes he'll … her … .

11)They … peace but are driven to war.

12)She noted that posing in four-inch stilettos for three hours is a test of … .

13)He imagined that his superior held him in contempt, and so he chafed and fumed inwardly until one evening his madness became suddenly … . (Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs)

14)A … who wrote an online novel about raping and murdering a children's writer has been jailed for six months.


15)She wore a … dress.

16)The Mandarin Duck symbol is also used in Chinese weddings, because in traditional Chinese lore they symbolize wedded … and fidelity.

17)The priest is a representative of his people, making atonement for their sin.

18)We … through the mountains.

19)I've got an appointment with my … at five o'clock.

6Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay

attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Доходы компании за 2009 год резко упали с £49 миллионов £11 миллионов. 2. Для того чтобы пробежать марафон, нужно быть очень выносливым. 3. До меня наконец-то дошло, что Джо был абсолютно прав с самого начала. 4. Работа реформатора не заканчивается до тех пор, пока остается что-то, что можно ре- формировать. 5. Он уже третий раз пригласил меня пойти с ним куда-нибудь. 6. После того, как она меня покинула, мне очень хотелось радикально изменить свою жизнь. 7. Мне не нужно вставать в 5 утра, это такое счастье! 8. После того, как в газетах появились сообщения о жестоких убийствах, по городу поползли слухи о новом маньяке-убийце. 9. Из-за дорожных работ на шос- се образовалась огромная пробка и нам пришлось объезжать по проселочной дороге. 10. Собака заливается лаем. 11. Дженифер Энистон заявила, что чувствует себя гораздо спокойнее после того, как суд запретил Дж.Р. Пейтону, очень настойчивому по- клоннику, приближаться к ней. 12. Некоторые пятидесятилет- ние актрисы продолжают потрясающе выглядеть и без услуг пластических хирургов. 13. Фильм "Искупление" с Кирой Найт- ли и Джеймсом Макавоем претендовал на "Оскар" в семи номи- нациях. 14. Надпись «Распродажа 50 %» огромный соблазн для любителей походить по магазинам. 15. Нам необходимо объеди- нить усилия по борьбе с терроризмом.

7Make up your own sentences or a story using the vocabulary from the exercises above.


Comprehension and Discussion

8 Answer the questions below.

1)How did Michael’s relations with Fiona develop? What brought and kept them together? Prove your ideas using the text.

2)How does Michael explain his obsession with the film What a Carve up!? What do you get to know about the pre-history of this obsession?

3)Is Fiona right saying: ‘You’ve probably never learned to form real relationship with people.’? (p. 146) Why? Why not?

4)Michael believed in the power of letters to transform his existence (p. 157). Would they really change it (especially the one from Mr Onyx)? Analyse Michael’s father’s letters to his son. What kind of relationship did the father and son have?

5)What are the connections between this part of the novel and the two epigraphs?

6)Michael had three dreams that he remembered. What is the role of them in the narration and Michael’s life? Could you make predictions?

9Present the events of the chapter from Fiona’s point of view.

10Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)‘You’ve probably never learned to form real relationships with people.’ (p. 146)

2)‘…there’s nothing worse than being on your own. Nothing.’ (p. 146)

3)‘… ever since then I’ve had this strange feeling that it’s never really finished …’ (p. 152)

4)For some reason I have never lost faith, not since I was a young child, in the power of letters to transform my existence. (p. 157)

Creating a Commentary

11 Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

Ray’s Pather Panchali (p. 144); Mizoguchi’s Ugetsu Monogotari

(p. 144); Tarkovsky’s Solaris (p. 144); Wender’s The American


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