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9.What are the main peculiar features of Romanticism?

a.the fuller appreciation of the writings, arts, and attitudes of the Greeks and Romans

b.paintings of religious subjects to adorn altarpieces and chapels

c.exalted intuition, feeling, inspiration, and the genius of human creativity; took delight in the exotic--the sights, sounds, and stories of foreign lands, other cultures, and the fantasy world of the imagination.

10.What happened in the icy

depths of the North Atlantic at 2:20 AM on April 15, 1912?

a.the Titanic, the world's largest and most luxurious ocean liner, disappeared

b.The American brig Mary Celeste disappeared

c.the legendary Flying Dutchman disappeared

11.Who was the first man on the


a.United States astronaut Neil A. Armstrong

b.Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.

c.Michael Collins

12.When did the era of space exploration begin?

a.in 1957

b.in 1950

c.in 1967




Chapter 1. The Stowaway


Focus Activity 1 Discuss the following questions.

1)What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter judging by its title?

2)What do you know about the story of Noah’s Ark? The Deluge? Read the story of Noah’s Ark (Bible: Genesis Chapters 6–9) and find out.


Vocabulary Practice

2 Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in. Make up your own sentences using these words. stowaway; compendium; stench; rota; muck out; cram; vengeance; confinement; lamentation; smuggle; tentatively; extermination;

envisage; outsmart; revelation

3 Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Give the context they are used in.

содрогаться при виде чего-либо; сглаживать неловкости; по чьи- либо подсчетам; поговаривали; идти из рук вон плохо; отмыть репутацию; страстно желать, ждать с нетерпением; сильное не- годование; быть сомнительным преимуществом; позволить себе от души посмеяться; быть невеждой во многих отношениях; слу- хи, наговоры; не иметь и тени, мысли; слабо разбираться в чем- либо; быть вынужденным делать что-либо.

4 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

tailcoat; fraternizing; twosome; sage; pathetic sight; revelation; exterminatory policy; a pious and honourable deed; a puffed-up patriarch; to grovel to; to malinger


5 Find the synonyms to the following words and expressions.

Reasonable idea; beforehand; to be sleepy; to be eager to engage in competition; to be discovered slowly; to disregard smth; to light upon a secret; to eat in plenty

6 Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

revelation; to disdain; sordid rumours; sage; fraternizing; compendium; to malinger; twosome; tentatively; exterminatory policy; pathetic sight

7 Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. По его подсчетам на ужине должно было быть большое коли- чество высокопоставленных чиновников, и надеть фрак было вполне разумным решением. 2. Дела их фирмы шли из рук вон плохо, но ни у одного из совладельцев не было и мысли о воз- можном крахе, и сильное негодование у каждого вызывали слухи о том, что вот-вот их предприятие станет банкротом. 3. Ее муж был невеждой во многих отношениях, и на протяжении всей со- вместной жизни ей приходилось сглаживать неловкости в тех ситуациях, когда его невежество могло грозить ему потерей ра- боты или хороших отношений с друзьями. 4. В компании Бретта он всегда мог позволить себе от души посмеяться, а благодаря кулинарным способностям его мамы еще и вдоволь накушаться. 5. Она содрогнулась при виде квартиры на утро после своего дня рожденья и поняла, что быть виновницей торжества в этом слу- чае сомнительное преимущество. 6. Можно смело сказать, что те студенты, которые часто притворяются больными, чтобы не по- сещать занятия, очень слабо разбираются во многих предметах и с большим трудом восполняют пробелы в своих знаниях. 7. Он был рад, что сумел отмыть репутацию, работая в компании своего кузена, и презирал все, что было связано с его прошлой жизнью. 8. Он был вынужден все лето провести в читальных залах биб- лиотеки, обложившись учебниками, словарями, краткими руко- водствами, и теперь с нетерпением ждал дня экзамена. 9. Пого- варивали, что ему пришлось пресмыкаться перед начальником,


чтобы получить эту должность, но по проведенному анализу дея- тельности всех работников медленно выяснилось, что он на самом деле заслужил продвижение по службе. 10. Мудрые люди очень быстро раскрыли секрет их панибратских отношений, и разобла- чение это принесло мало приятного обоим.

Comprehension and Discussion

8The chapter is the new version of the story of Noah’s Ark. Irony is created by an unusual point of view on the events described. As you read, think about the purpose of shifting the viewpoint in the chapter.

9Read the original story of Noah’s Ark (Bible: Genesis Chapters 6–9) and complete the chart by listing differences in the official (human) and new versions.


The story of Noah’s Ark

(Human version)



forty days and forty nights

of rain:


The story of Noah’s Ark (New version) a year and a half

10Answer the questions below.

1)What or who does WE refer to in the following sentence: The men were overburdened with the feeding rota, and their women, who beneath those leaping fire-tongues of scent no doubt reeked as badly as WE did, were far too delicate.(p.3). Who narrates the story? What effect does the author want to achieve entrusting this character with the narrative?

2)How many vessels were there initially? What happened to four of them?

3)Describe the process of choosing the animals for the Ark. How does the narrator explain the gap in the diversity of wildlife?

4)Why was it more appropriate to say that the dove discovered the land?

5)The ideas of clean and unclean animals, cross-breeds and purity of species penetrate the story. What do they stand for? What political and social practices do they allude to?


6)What situations from the chapter prove the obsession of people with the figure 7?

7)The new version of the story is a metaphor for characteristic social and political behaviour. What are the parallels between events in the chapter and political and social practices in modern society?

11Characterise Noah, his sons and their wives. Support your characteristics with the words from the chapter.

12Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)Now I realize that accounts differ. Your species has its much repeated version, which still charms even skeptics; while the animals have a compendium of sentimental myths (p. 4).

2)It came as little surprise to us that God decided to wipe the slate clean; the only puzzle was that he chose to preserve anything at all of this species whose creation did not reflect particularly well on its creator. (p. 9)

3)But among us there had always been … a sense of equality. (p. 11)

4)If you had a Fall, so did we. (p. 12)

5)… still he certainly knew which side his bread was buttered; and I suppose being selected like that as the favoured survivor, knowing that your dynasty is going to be the only one on earth

– it must turn your head, mustn’t it? (p. 25)

6)Guilt, immaturity, the constant struggle to hold down a job beyond your capabilities – it makes a powerful combination, one which would have had the same ruinous effect on most members of your species. (p. 36)

Creating a Commentary

13The book is full of references and allusions to the British social, political, cultural life which are very important for understanding and interpretation of the novel.

Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

1)Who are stool-pigeons? What is the origin of this word?


2)What role did Tree of Knowledge play in the Bible?

3)What kind of creature is Simurgh? Can it be found in real nature?

4)Who are called Darby-and-Joan? In what literary work can we find these characters?

5)In what part of the Bible can we find the law concerning Clovenfooted ruminants? What does it say?

6)When can a person be called Cock-eyed? What is the origin of this word?

7)What is called Rough trade?

8)What do you get when you get the best quid pro quo out of anything? Find the origin of this word combination.

9)What is the meaning of the phrase “Shift the goalposts”?

Language and Style 14 Translate the following passage.

“And of course once the Voyage was over… – … Have you ever thought about the origins of the hysterical pregnancy?” (pp. 26–27)

15Think of the means the author uses to make some kind of a dialogue with a reader.

16Barnes is a master of contemporary English famous for mingling registers. Find the examples of formal, informal, old-fashioned words. What is the effect achieved by using such a mixture of registers? How does it characterise the narrator?

17The Chapter is hilariously funny. Identify passages or scenes you find especially funny and then discuss how Barnes creates humour / irony.


18 Work in pairs/groups and discuss the following.

We know the story of Noah from the Bible, in this chapter we have learnt it from another point of view. Think over, choose one more narrator whose vision of the events happening before, during and after the Deluge may be different and interesting. Make a short retelling of the story from his/her point of view.


Chapter 2. The Visitors


Focus Activity 1 Discuss the following questions.

1)Read the title of the chapter. What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter? Consult a dictionary and find all possible definitions of the word “visitor”.

2)What is terrorism? Why is the problem of terrorism so acute nowadays? What are the common reasons of terrorism?

3)What do you know about cases of terrorists hijacking and taking people hostage? What are their demands? What usually happens to terrorists and hostages?


Vocabulary Practice

2Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are

used in. Make up your own sentences using these words. paunch; patron; corroboration; zeal for smth.; stale; flatter; backstabbing; torpor; contemptuous; conciliatory; compliance; apprehension; summon; homicidal; repellent; bizarre; ludicrous

3 Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Give the context they are used in.

бывалый, опытный человек; выразитель, рупор чужого мнения; циничный век; первый этап; отдать должное, делать честь; с оди- наковым вкусом; выясняться; широкий взгляд на вещи; иметь храбрость; девичье имя; что-то среднее; отклонение от закона.

4 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

ochre; beige; beguiling zeal for the job; to allot duties; to go awry; contemptuous suavity; to vouch for; to divert from one’s purpose;


5 Match the words (1–7) with their definitions (a-g).

1. ludicrous

a) evidence or information that supports


what someone has said

2. to vouch for

b) to praise insincerely, especially in order


to win favour or reward

3. backstabbing

c) make someone worthy of praise or respect

4. corroboration

d) mentally or physically inactive; lethargic

5. to flatter

e) to say that something is true, correct, or


good based on your own knowledge or



6. torpid

f) foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as


to be amusing

7. to do smb credit

g) the action or practice of criticizing


someone in a treacherous manner while


feigning friendship

6 Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Он проработал управляющим много лет и был опытным чело- веком в распределении обязанностей, как своих подчиненных, так и своих домочадцев. 2. После долгих поисков всей необходи- мой информации и после того, как выяснилось ее девичье имя, он, наконец, смог узнать многое о ее прошлом и ее семье. 3. Мы должны отдать должное тому человеку, который имел храбрость разоблачить эту преступную организацию. 4. У вас двоих одина- ковый вкус, и подтверждением тому может служить тот факт, что вы предпочитаете бежевые и коричневато-желтые цвета в одежде, мясные блюда в еде, классиков в литературе. 5. И хотя он любил многое приукрашивать и часто изменял детали собы- тий, в отношении финансовых вопросах за него можно было ру- чаться. 6. Быть выразителем чужого мнения в наш циничный век гораздо проще, чем смело преподносить свои собственные идеи на суд окружающих. 7. Всякое отклонение от закона в на- ше время очень сурово карается этим же законом. 8. Стоило ей отклониться от поставленной цели, как все пошло наперекосяк, и она даже представить себе не могла, что может быть первым шагом на пути исправления всех допущенных ошибок. 9. Высо-


комерная обходительность окружающих и их вялые попытки помочь ребенку в сложившейся жизненной ситуации наводили на мысли о неисправной черствости и безразличии нашего об- щества. 10. Его широкий взгляд на вещи всегда заставлял окру- жающих воспринимать его высказывания и соображения по тому или иному поводу, как, безусловно, истинные и безоговорочные.

Comprehension and Discussion 7 Answer the questions below.

1)What kind of voyage is it going to be? What is said about the passengers getting on the board?

2)Who is Franklin Hughes? What is his job? Is he travelling as an ordinary passenger? His assistant Tricia?

3)When describing people Franklin pays much attention to the clothes. Why?

4)For Tricia many TV people seemed a bit fake, but it was different with Franklin –‘he was just the same offscreen as on’. Why? Isn’t he fake?

5)In what context is Franklin’s desire to be a writer mentioned? Find and comment on.

6)Could you describe the atmosphere on the board? What characteristics are given to the trip by the author?

7)How have the visitors appeared on the board? What is the first reaction of the passengers on them?

8)Find the extract of Franklin’s first negotiations as a representative of passengers with the head of the terrorists. What has Franklin understood? What is the development of the situation?

9)Why have the passengers been divided into groups on the basis of their nationality? What are the plans of the terrorists?

10)Commenting on the process of the division of passengers Zimmermann said the following: ‘Separating the clean from the unclean’. What does he mean? Is there any connection with Chapter 1?

11)Why is the experiment with the monkey mentioned?

12)What is the Franklin’s final lecture devoted to? Should passengers try to understand terrorists’ reasons and aims?

13)What is altruism? Can we call Franklin’s actions altruistic?

14)Whose point of view is the story presented from? Prove it.

15)Why do you think the chapter is called ‘The Visitors’?


8Franklin under pressure of the terrorists had to give a lecture explaining their actions, he had to present their version of the historical events. How does the Western world interpret those events? Find some additional information about the following events, how they are presented in our (Western) and their (Eastern) versions and complete the chart.


Western version

Eastern version

Zionist movement



The Balfour Declaration



Jewish immigration from






World War II and the






Creation of the state of



Israel (1948)



Six Day War



Israeli-Palestinian conflict



9Characterise Franklin (appearance, character, background, relationship with women / others, things he says, things he does, what happens to him and changes (if any) to his character, things others say about him). What techniques and language does the narrator use to characterise her? Support your ideas from the text.

10The Black Thunder Group want to be seen by passengers as freedom fighters but not as terrorists. They use a lot of euphemisms to present the situation in a different light. As you read complete the chart below with examples.


What they really mean

So we are obliged by your govern-

We are going to kill the

ment to do what we say we will do.

passengers if your govern-

If they started negotiating at once,

ment doesn’t do what we

there would be no problem.




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