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11Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)‘The animals came in by two,’ Franklin commented. (p. 40)

2)If Franklin described himself as a writer, then this might nudge him into becoming one. Next time round, there was a definite chance for a book-of-the-series; and beyond that he was toying with something serious but sexy – like a personal history of the world – which might roost for months in the bestseller list. (p. 45)

3)Is it lawful to drop bombs on refugee camps, for instance? I have often tried to discover the law which says this is permissible. But it is a long argument, and sometimes I think argument is pointless, just as the law is pointless. (p. 57)

4)But that was the thing about altruism; it was always liable to be misunderstood. (p. 63)

Creating a Commentary

12Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

1)What events are taking place on Cup Final Day?

2)Find out what appearance Irish passport has and how it is connected with Guinness.

3)What place does Minoan Civilization have in world history?

4)How is Sir Arthur Evans connected with this civilization?

5)Why can Lawrence of Arabia be called a hero?


6)Who are called Zionists? What is the modern form of “Zionism”?

7)What kind of document is The Balfour Declaration? When was it issued?

8)When and where was Six Day War fought? What were the consequences?

9)What happened in 1941 in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii?

Language and Style

13 Translate the following passage.

“Franklin’s television fame soon brought … to understand the principles of Greek architecture.”(p. 41)


14Discuss the following questions in a group.

1)Are there any reasons / goals / ideals worth sacrificing a human life?

2)One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. How far do you agree or disagree with this statement? Should every person be involved in fight against terrorism? What can ordinary people do to prevent attacks and help victims?

3)Is it right to consider all historical events form only one point of view? Should historians penetrate “enemy’s” way of thinking?

4)At which point self-interest takes over altruism in you?

15Surf the Internet, find the information and make small

reports about:

1)the most awful terrorist’ attacks in the recent years;

2)organizations fighting against terrorism and dealing with consequences of terrorists’ actions.


Chapter 3. The Wars of Religion


Focus Activity

1 Discuss the following questions.

1)Read the title of the chapter. What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter?

2)What do you know about law system in your country?

3)What is excommunication? Where and when was it practiced?

4)Do you know about any animals that were really excommunicated? What were the reasons for their expulsion?




Vocabulary Practice


Find out if you know how to translate the following words


and phrases from Latin.


Si quadrupes


Nec enim potest animal injuriam fecisse, quod sensu caret




In absentia


Cum si liceat quid est plus, debet licere quid est minus


Find the following words in the text, give their defini-


tions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in.

diocese; infest; condemnation; malefactors; pilgrimage; endowed; curtail; malevolent; devour

4Make a list of religious and juridical vocabulary. Give the Russian equivalents of the words.

Religious terms


Juridical terms


and notions


and notions







5 Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Give the context they are used in.

Приговор суда; образцовый, достойный подражания; неодобре- ние, осуждение; абсолютная честность; быть достойным чьего- либо взгляда; религиозная традиция; злосчастный день; гнев Божий; не иметь законной силы; под страхом смерти; вести мирную жизнь; скудное знание; священная книга Бытия; без- граничная мудрость; если я заблуждаюсь; потомки; богохульство

6 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

to be contemptuous; to enjoin; volition; to forfeit smb’s right; hindrance; descendants of many generations; dominion over; to abrogate; wickedness of mankind; to be subservient to

7 Match the words (1–8) with their synonyms (a-h).

1. diocese



2. condemnation



3. to be contemptuous


to annul

4. to enjoin



5. volition



6. to abrogate


to be arrogant

7. descendant



8. dominion


to order

8Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay atten-

tion to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Необходимо быть очень внимательным, подписывая всякого рода договоров, так как может оказаться, что заключенный до- говор не имеет никакой законной силы. 2. Он всегда был чело- веком достойным подражания, и его абсолютная честность и не- предвзятость восхищали меня. 3. В этом роду потомкам многих поколений под страхом смерти запрещалось посвящать посто- ронних в семейные тайны. 4. Приговор суда был вынесен, и им ничего другого не оставалось, как только смириться, ведь анну- лировать его было невозможно. 5. Он был прирожденным на- чальником и ему, безусловно, доставляло удовольствие обладать


властью над людьми. 6. Часто неодобрение младшего поколения старшим скрывается за маской безграничной мудрости послед- него. 7. Будущее человека подвластно лишь ему и Господу Богу, и не стоит об этом забывать и надеяться на случай. 8. Она навсе- гда запомнила этот злосчастный день. Он собрал вещи и ушел, решив, что она не достойна даже его взгляда на прощание.

Comprehension and Discussion 9 Answer the questions below.

1)How can you interpret the title of the chapter?

2)Whose point of view is the story presented from? Prove it. What is the form of narrating in this chapter? What does it contribute?

3)What is the case tried by the court? How can the author’s choice of defendants be explained?

4)Why can woodworms be excommunicated?

5)What happened in reality judging from lawyers’ points of view?

6)Who are the judges?

7)What is the sentence of the court? Is it fair? What does a story of Noah’s Ark have to do with this case? What would the narrator from Chapter 1 say in their defense? Prepare a speech of the defendant.

8)The Chapter ends with sentence du juge d’Eglise. What do you think happened to the:




9)Was the sentence carried out?

10)What can you say about the case: is it a parody on modern court system?

11)What is the place of this chapter in the history of the world? Why did Barnes choose this episode for his history?

10The chapter presents the mediaeval legal proceedings. Both the counsel for the prosecution and the counsel for the defense give their speeches in court. The aim of the former is to prove the guilt of the woodworms, the aim of the latter – to prove that they didn’t commit the crime they are charged with. As you read complete the chart below with examples of the arguments of both sides.


Arguments of the counsel

Arguments of the counsel

for the prosecution

for the defense

Creating a Commentary

11Surf the Internet and find the information about Biblical stories and Greek myths connected with the following characters.

1)Like the fiery furnace from which Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came unscathed (The Biblical story)

2)As David found the chink in Goliath’s armour

3)Since the oldest Methuselah in the habitation can remember

4)The Bishop did fall like mighty Daedalus

5)As did the boar to the environs of Calydon

6)Like Ulysses against Ajax

7)Bedizened as Jezebel



10)Did he not send hailstones against the Five Kings?

Language and Style

12 Translate the following passage.

In the name and by virtue of God… – …was cast down into the darkness of imbecility… (p. 95)

13The chapter consists mainly of the speeches made by the counsel for the defense and counsel for the prosecution. What expressive means and stylistic devices do they use? What is the effect produced? Why do they use so many allusions and references? Whose arguments are stronger? Whom does the author support? Whom do you support? Why?


14The Chapter is hilariously funny. Identify passages or scenes you find especially funny and then discuss how Barnes creates humour / irony. Is it irony of words or irony of situation?


15Imagine that you are the judge. Analyse the speeches of both barristers and make your own sentence. Prove the correctness of your decision.

16Role-play. Choose a deal similar to the one described in the chapter and act out the situation in the court.

Chapter 4. The Survivor


Focus Activity 1 Discuss the following questions.

1)Read the title of the chapter. What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter?

2)Having signed the disarmament agreement with the US, Michael Gorbachev put an end to the Cold War. When did it begin? What were the causes of it?

3)What do you know about the Chernobyl nuclear accident? What were the consequences of this accident for Russia and European countries?


Vocabulary Practice

2Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in.

harness; antlers; mink; camouflage; venture


3 Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions. Give the context they are used in.

Разубеждать кого-либо в чем-либо; выплакаться; быть заражен- ным, загрязненным; лимит был превышен в десять раз; сильно пристыдить; умиляться, расчувствоваться; день получки; ругать- ся из-за, на почве чего-либо; разволноваться, встревожиться; при- нимать меры предосторожности; вести счет дням; хитрая такти- ка; коварный, ловкий, правдоподобный; брать верх над чем-либо.

4 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

Resentment; sheeny; to track; hoax; to be daft; impregnator; blunder; to lollop; hangover; lookout; laughable; verdure; consolation

5 Give a word or expression for the following definitions.

1)apparently reasonable, valid, truthful, etc

2)a custom, habit, feeling, etc. that survives from the past

3)the act of keeping watch against danger, etc

4)having a sheen on its surface; lustrous; a contemptuous term for a Jewish person

5)follow the trail or movements of (someone or something), typically in order to find them or note their course

6)a humorous or malicious deception

7)informal to be foolish, simple, or stupid

6 Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Она шла по парку, наслаждаясь зеленью деревьев, ее пьянил весенний воздух, и вдруг ей так захотелось бежать вприпрыжку по дорожке, смеяться, махать руками, а потом упасть в зеленое море свежей травки и забыть обо всем на свете. 2. Когда мне ска- зали, что вода в озере стала грязной, и купаться там было запре- щено, моему негодованию не было предела. С этим озером были связаны мои детские, самые приятные и забавные воспомина- ния. 3. Они поругались из-за банальных вещей. Ей нужно было от души выплакаться, и всякого рода утешения были бессмыс- ленны. 4. Он предпринял все меры предосторожности, продумал все до мельчайших деталей, и казалось, ничто не может поме-


шать осуществлению его плана, ничто, кроме одной грубой ошибки. 5. Мех норки всегда ценился человеком, и в наши дни просто невозможно разубедить женщину в том, что норковая шуба это не роскошь, а предмет просто необходимый для жизни. 6. В отношениях с Джеком у нее была своя хитрая тактика: ко- гда она в чем-то была виновата, она всегда находила малейший промах с его стороны и старалась его сильно за него пристыдить, а самой выйти сухой из воды.

Comprehension and Discussion

7 Answer the questions below.

1)What is the way of narrating this chapter? What is the main difficulty in reading it?

2)Who is the main character of the chapter? How is she described by the author?

3)What is said about her boyfriend Greg and their relations?

4)Why does Kathleen decide to depart? How is her departure organized?

5)What are her thoughts about history, life cycles?

6)What nightmares does she have in hospital? Are there any results of her talks with psychiatrist?

7)What is the persistent victim syndrome? Is it Kath’s diagnosis? Prove it.

8)Kath’s condition is a result of a number of factors both individual and social. Find the examples of each. How are they interconnected (feminism, chauvinism, sexual desire, maternal instinct, etc.)?

9)Kath named her second cat after Paul McCartney’s wife, Linda. As you know they are an image of a devoted couple. What does this fact have to do with Kath’s story, her condition?

10)There is a problem of NORMALITY raised in the chapter. What is normal for Kath? What is normal for Greg and Kath’s doctor?

11)Can she be called a survivor? The survival of the fittest. Who will be the survivor?

12)There are several allusions to the Noah’s Ark story in the chapter. Could you find them in the text and think why Barnes makes them?


13)The idea of clean and unclean animals keeps reappearing in the book. What is the relevance of this idea in this chapter?

14)What is the place of this chapter in the history of the world? Why did Barnes choose this episode for his history?

8The story is written partly through a narrator, partly in Kath’s own words in the first person. As you read complete the chart below with examples of the events and feelings given in these two types of narration.

‘She’ narration

‘I’ narration

Think why Barnes divides the story between two voices. What is the effect achieved? Which version is the true one? Could you prove it?

9Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)Father Christmas ran an all-male team. Typical. Absolutely bloody typical, she thought. (p. 100)

2)Mink aren’t supposed to be very nice … (p. 103)

3)… everything’s connected, isn’t it, and women are more closely connected to all the cycles of nature and birth and rebirth on the planet than men … (p. 106)

4)I’ve always wondered about that phrase the survival of the fittest. Anyone would think, looking at us, that Greg was the fitter to survive: he’s bigger, stronger, more practical in our terms anyway… I’m worrier, I’ve never done carpentry, I’m not so good at being on my own… The survival of the Worriers – is that what it means? People like Greg will die out like dinosaurs. Only those who can see what’s happening will survive, that must be the rule. (p. 116)

5)You couldn’t imagine an animal inventing its own destruction, could you? (p. 123)

6)The future was in the past. (p. 125)

7)Going round in circles. … That’s what the world does. (p. 131)


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