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Creating a Commentary

10Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

1)Who is the author of the lines: In fourteen and ninety-two/ Columbus sailed the ocean blue? What kind of poem is it?

2)Find the full variant of the poem.

3)When can we use the exclamation “Hey presto!”? What is its origin?

4)What does the organization YMCA deal with? What are its main aims? When was it founded?

5)Find out the geographical position of Melville Island, Dundas Strait and Torres Strait.

6)Who originally used word combination “The survival of the fittest”? What is its meaning?

Language and Style

11 Translate the following passage.

“She watched the television a lot after the first big accident… – … she thought, everything is connected.” (p. 101)

What accident in Russia is mentioned? What impression do the questions in this passage create?



12Discuss the following question.

1)There is a limited number of countries which are allowed by the international community to possess nuclear weapon and use nuclear energy, including Russia. But some countries like Iran and North Korea have shown their nuclear ambitions, while the international community shows its opposition to their nuclear programmes. There is a fear that once these countries are allowed to use nuclear energy (it’s very cheap, safe and efficient) they will develop nuclear weapon. What is your point of view on the problem?

13Surf the Internet, find the information and prepare

short reports about.

1)the disposal of nuclear weapons in nowadays world;

2)nuclear powers;

3)non-proliferation treaty, test ban treaty of different countries.

Chapter 5. Shipwreck


Focus Activity 1 Discuss the following questions.

1)Read the title of the chapter. What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter?

2)Could you think of some famous paintings showing catastrophes (e.g. The Last Day of Pompeii, etc.). What do you feel when you are looking at them?

3)How often are catastrophes turned into pieces of art? Give examples (books, films, poems, etc). What attracts their creators to those events?

4)What is the purpose of art? What is the place of art in human world?

5)Do you know anything about the following painters: Theodore Gericault, Delacroix, Edward Hicks, Botticelli, Poussin? If no, find some information about them.



Vocabulary Practice

2Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in.

Portent; embark; egotism; mutineer; prudish

3Find the English equivalents to the following words and

expressions. Give the context they are used in.

Знамение, предвестие; стая, косяк (рыб); приписывать, относить на счет; некомпетентность, неумелость (2 варианта); советы бы- ли проигнорированы; самовлюбленность, эгоизм; ждать своей участи; неминуемая смерть; снова затеплилась, зажглась наде- жда; облегчить, скрасить последние моменты; начиная с этого дня; подогревать интерес зрителя; дать толчок развитию сюжета и сделать его популярным; неискушенный взор; всерьез возму- щаться чем-либо; невидимая нить между; высвобождать эмоции в ком-либо.

4 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

Complement; depravity; to convert; delusion; despondency; elation; the temerity of one’s enterprise; to deduce; to prefigure; underling; delirium

5Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word or expression from the box below. Put it in an appropriate form. Some words and expressions are used more than once.

enflame the spectator

a school

soothe his last moments

deduce from


be converted

1. I … the small crowd that the speaker is not very popular. 2. They were sailing north before a fresh wind when …of unknown fish surrounded the frigate. 3. If two chemicals are put together and heated, they can … into a completely different substance. 4. What can …nowadays? Colourful strokes, whimsical subjects, rumours


connected with painter’s name or maybe still skill of the artist and his natural gift? 5. He was an …in this big corporation, but his ambitions could really make him hold a high post. 6. He decided that bottle of wine and a cigar could …, but there was nobody near him with whom he could share it.

6Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay

attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Окружающие его люди всегда возмущались его эгоизмом и самоуверенностью, но это не мешало ему быть успешным как в карьере, так и в семейных отношениях. 2. Он решил, что ее ноч- ной визит был просто галлюцинацией, но, осознав, что она на са- мом деле приходила к нему, говорила с ним, убеждала его оста- новиться, он понял, что ее появление в его жизни это знамение, и он должен оставить прошлое позади и строить будущее. 3. От- чаяние и безразличие всего личного состава корабля заставило капитана осознать безрассудство предпринятых действий и при- знать свое поражение. 4. Что мы имеем в виду, когда говорим о порочности, развращенности современного общества? 5. Она ре- шила, что не будет просто ждать своей участи, и, начиная с этого дня, будет жить той жизнью, которую заслуживает. 6. Его восторг был вызван тем, что впервые за последние годы в его сердце вновь затеплилась надежда, и у его существования снова появилась цель. 7. Его некомпетентность легко объясняется его неопытно- стью в этих вопросах, и еще и тем фактом, что все советы знаю- щих людей им игнорируются. 8. Между ним и его дедушкой все- гда была невидимая нить, связывавшая их на протяжении мно- гих лет, и, по мнению многих критиков, именно дедушка послу- жил прототипом главного героя его нового романа. 9. Все участ- ники мятежа были пойманы, и их ждала неминуемая смерть. 10. Никто не мог объяснить его бредовое состояние, многие при- писывали его последствиям аварии, но она бала уверенна, что проблема кроется гораздо глубже.

Comprehension and Discussion 7 Answer the questions below.

1)What was ‘a portent’ the voyage began with? Give a full account of the trip (days, events, etc.)


2)What way was the number of those on the raft reduced from 50 to 15? Describe the process.

3)What is the traditional interpretation of the symbol of a butterfly? How was it interpreted by those on the raft?

4)What happened to the rest of sailors? Were they rescued?

5)What didn’t Gericault paint? Why? What did he paint? Why?

6)What catastrophes does Barnes compare? Why?

7)What is going on with the passengers who are stranding on a life raft? What differences can be seen in people’s behaviour, mood?

8)How is the human nature depicted in the first part?

9)With what question does Barnes begin the second part of this chapter? Does he try to answer it in the continuation?

10)What form is chosen by the author to narrate this part of the chapter? What can be the reasons for choosing it?

11)What picture is in the centre of the chapter? Have you heard anything about it? Have you seen it?

12)The chapter is divided into two parts; what are these parts devoted to? What is the purpose of this division?

13)Why does Barnes mention a woodworm again at the end of this chapter?

14)Noah with his Ark is really a key moment in the history, especially in Barnes’ version. Why aren’t there any pictures of this event?

15)What is the place of this chapter in the history of the world? Why did Barnes choose this episode for his history?

8Barnes gives two interpretations of ‘Scene of Shipwreck’

– traditional and new. As you read complete the chart below with examples of these versions.

Traditional interpretation

New interpretation



Does the new version have a ground to exist? Why does Barnes provide us with this version?

9Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)The healthy were separated from the unhealthy like the clean from the unclean. (p. 144)


2)The voyage of the frigate had begun with a portent, and it ended with an echo. (p. 147)

3)Why did it happen, this mad act of Nature, this crazed human moment? Well, at least it produced art. Perhaps, in the end, that’s what catastrophe is for. (p. 149)

4)Catastrophe has become art: that is, after all, what it is for. (p. 164)

5)No sooner do we come into this world … than bits of us start to fall off. (p. 166)

Creating a Commentary

10Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

1)What can we measure with fathoms?

2)What could be meant by the word “machine” until the 19th century?

3)Where can we buy and read “Moniteur Universel”?

4)Consult dictionary of idioms to learn the meaning of idiom “Ship of state running aground”.

5)What kind of movie is B-Western?

6)What famous Expulsion is mentioned in the text?

7)When is the festival of Christian church “The Annunciation” celebrated? What was it derived from?

8)Who uses “Monkey-up-a-stick”? With what purpose is it used?

9)Who can have “Belsen cheeks”? What is the origin of the word combination?

Language and Style

11 Compare the passage of the original text with its translation. (The raft was barely two leagues from the frigate… – the rocks provoked greater despondency. (pp. 140– 141)). What transformations were made by the translator?

Не отойдя от фрегата и на две мили, плот лишился помощи. У тех, кто был на нем, имелось вино, толика бренди, малый запас воды и немного подмокших галет. Их не снабдили ни компасом, ни картой. Без весел и руля было невозможно управлять плотом и почти невозможно помочь находящимся на нем людям, которых


постоянно сталкивало друг с другом, когда волны перекатыва- лись через платформу. В первую же ночь разразился шторм, и плот едва противостоял его свирепому натиску; крики покину- тых мешались с ревом валов. Некоторые привязались к бревнам веревками; все были нещадно избиты. Рассвет огласился жа- лобными криками, люди возносили к Небесам обещания, кото- рым суждено было пропасть втуне, и готовились к надвигаю- щейся смерти. Всякое представление об этой первой ночи блед- неет перед реальностью.

На следующий день море было спокойно, и у многих вновь затеплилась надежда. Однако двое юношей и пекарь, убежден- ные, что избежать смерти не удастся, распрощались с товари- щами и добровольно отдались в объятия стихии. Именно в этот день у потерпевших крушение стали появляться первые галлю- цинации. Кому-то мерещилась земля, иные замечали суда, иду- щие спасать их, и эти обманчивые надежды, разбиваясь о ска- лы, порождали еще большее отчаяние.


12Discuss the following questions in a group.

1.What is the place of art in the society? In the history of the world?

2.What are the functions traditionally ascribed to art in the society? Does it perform its functions well?

3.Have you changed your opinion concerning the role of art after reading the chapter? Why / Why not?

13Work in group/pairs. Choose one picture depicting great historical events, find detailed information about these events and analyse the picture (as it was made in the chapter) from the point of view of a person who not just contemplates amazing piece of art but knows deep meaning of every detail pictured in it.


Chapter 6. The Mountain


Focus Activity 1 Discuss the following questions.

1)What do you anticipate to read about in the chapter judging by its title?

2)Do you know any holy places where people go on pilgrimage to? What are their reasons?

3)What is a superstition? Are you superstitious? Is it in our nature? Is religion connected with superstitions?


Vocabulary Practice

2Find the following words in the text, give their definitions, derivatives and translations. Give the context they are used in.

Sibling; hazard; malice; pertinacity; intercede for

3Find the English equivalents to the following words and

expressions. Give the context they are used in.

С надутыми губами, с недовольным выражением лица; смертное ложе; суеверие; непогожий, ненастный день; сдержаться; быть судимым в полном соответствии с законом; укорять кого-либо за что-либо; без малейшего неблагоразумия; солнечная погода круг- лый год; божественный промысел; стать обузой; поддерживать веру; достигать вершины; быть решительно настроенным.

4 Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

Oblivion; precocity; felicitous aspects of the display; benevolence; mulberry; walnut; simulacrum; credulous; to intercede; impertinent; halo; cell; obsequiousness; forefather; to speak passable French


5 Match the words (1–7) with their definitions (a-g).

1. forefather


the bed where someone is dying or has died

2. impertinent


a small deciduous tree with broad leaves,


native to the Far East and long cultivated



3. deathbed


an image or representation of someone or



4. obsequious


not showing proper respect; rude




5. simulacrum


a circle of light shown around or above the


head of a saint or holy person to represent


their holiness

6. mulberry


a member of the past generations of one's


family or people; an ancestor

7. halo


obedient or attentive to an excessive or


servile degree

6 Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Он отрицал всякого рода суеверия, говоря, что это лишь люд- ские предрассудки, но при этом всегда поддерживал веру в Бо- жий промысел и высшие силы. 2. Такой ненастный день большая редкость в наших краях, ведь тут круглый год светит солнце, бла- гоухает зелень, цветут цветы, царит вечное лето. 3. Его судили в полном соответствии с законом, и надо отдать должное благоже- лательности судьи и тому, что за него ходатайствовал сам мер города. 4. Ребенок стал для нее обузой, и порой она уже не могла сдержаться и не наговорить ей гадостей. 5. Всю семью поражало столь раннее развитие мальчика, его уверенные первые шаги, обдуманная речь, прилежность в учебе, и единственное, за что его укоряли родители, это было его упрямство, неуступчивость. 6. Он предавался забвению в своей келье, размышлял о вечности и бесконечности бытия, о бесцельности существования большин- ства живых существ. 7. Он с детства был таким доверчивым, легковерным, что, когда ему было 5 лет, соседский мальчик лет семи легко убедил его в том, что очищенный грецкий орех это мозг одного из волшебных существ, которые водятся у них в лесу.


Comprehension and Discussion 7 Answer the questions below.

1)At the very beginning of the chapter there is a statement, which belongs to the Colonel ‘It was important to stick to what you knew, right to the end, especially at the end.’ (p. 169). WHAT did he know? Why was it so important, especially at the end?

2)What is the setting in this chapter?

3)What is xestobium rufo-villosum? What does ‘tick, tick, tick, tick, tock’ stand for? What is a role of it in the chapter? Is there any link with Chapter 1?

4)What was the difference between Monsieur Gericault’s Great Picture

and Messrs Marshall’s Marine

Peristrephic Panorama of the Wreck and the Fatal Raft? Why wasn’t Gericault’s Great Picture popular in Dublin? Why did the Colonel like Messrs Marshall’s Marine Peristrephic Panorama of the Wreck and the Fatal Raft? Why did Amanda like Monsieur Gericault’s Great Picture?

5)Why does Miss Fergusson decide to arrange a trip? What preparations are being made? How has the atmosphere of the chapter changed?

6)What is discovered by Amanda and her companion? What do they compare two mountains with? What worried Amanda after her father had died?

7)Why wasn’t it possible to climb Ararat? Why did she want to climb Ararat?

8)How do the young ladies perceive everything told by Archimandrite? What do they think about the monastery?

9)How does Amanda explain destroying the monastery by the earthquake? What comparisons with biblical stories are made? Was the earthquake a punishment for disobedience of the monastery church or Amanda? Prove it with the examples from the text.

10)Could you think of any reason that made Amanda stay on the mountain and die? Was it an act of sacrifice to save her father’s soul? Why? / Why not?

11)What is the place of this chapter in the history of the world? Why did Barnes choose this episode for his history?


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