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17)What does he find in Terra Pacis? Are the explanations and arguments which prove that Bruegel was a heretic believable?

18)Why does Martin decide to check the maps? What does he find there?

19)What does Martin do on his way to their cottage?

8Give a summary of the chapter using words from Vocabulary Practice section.

9Comment on the following quotations and explain their

meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)It wouldn’t change the picture itself one iota, even if it turned out to have been painted by Tony Churt. (p. 142)

2)Who is this self, this phantom internal partner, with whom I’m entering into all these arrangements? (p. 143)

3)Philip II was obsessed with extirpating religious dissent for its own sake. (p. 146-7)

4)He also thought, like Stalin and his henchmen, that great harm, especially in the matter of religion, resulted from the unfortunate commercial necessity of contact with foreigners. (p. 149)

5)It says a lot for his character that he himself felt able to resist the evil effects that excessive prosperity had produced upon the people he ruled. (p. 150)

6)If Bruegel is all things to all men, then he certainly isn’t that to me. (p. 156-7)

7)He painted many things, this Bruegel, that cannot be painted… (p. 157)

8)Every time you think you catch a glimpse of Bruegel, he slips away like this as soon as you look closer. (p. 173)

9)The journey is entirely on foot, and the laboriousness of the travel is brought out by the archaic spelling of the word. (p. 176)

Creating a Commentary

10 Prepare PowerPoint presentation on each entry.

Netherlandish Proverbs (p. 147); The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (p. 147); The Procession to Calvary (p. 153); Fall of the Rebel Angels (p. 156).


11 Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in. personal banker (p. 139); Libertine (p. 140); terra incognita (p. 142); entrepôt (p. 144); establishment (p. 145); Reformation; (p. 145); Philip II (p. 145); Protestantism (p. 146); Luther (p. 147); Calvin (p. 147); Malines (p. 148); primate (p. 148); Franche-Comté (p. 149); Anthonis Mor (p. 149); red hat (p. 150); Seyss-Inquart (p. 150); Faveau and Mallart (About Faveau and Mallart – http://castroller. com/podcasts/QuirkyNomads/1067489-Faveau%20and%20Mallart) (p. 154); Stoic ideal of life (p. 155); Counter-Reformation (p. 156); Arcadian shepherds (p. 156); Merrie England (p. 156); Hieronimus Bosch (p. 163); Pliny’s Historia Naturalis (p. 165); Apelles of Kos (p. 165); Timanthes’ The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (p. 166); Stallburg (p. 169); Cardinal Pole, Bloody Mary’s Granvelle (p. 172); Manichaeanism (p. 173); Cathar (p. 174); theology of the Family of

Love (Familist) (p. 174); Matthew 13, v. 44 (p. 177)

Language and Style

12 Give Russian equivalents to the following heretical symbols that were presumably painted by Bruegel.

The-power-of-the-devils-assaulting, The-forsaking-of-hope, Feare- of-death, Taken-on-witt-or-prudence, Riches-of-the-spirit, Learnedknowledge, Taken-on-freedom, Goodthinking-prophecie, Zeale-after- chosen-holynes, Counterfeit-righteousness, New-invented-humilitee, Pryde-in-ones-owne-spiritualnes, Unmyndful-of-any-better, A-delyte- in-the-pleasurs-of-the-flesh.

Why are these concepts treated as heretical symbols?

13Translate the following passages.

1)What I’m thinking is this… – …listed once again in the postmortem inventory of the Archduke’s collection made on 17 of July 1595. (pp. 167–168);

2)From 1646 to 1656…. – …something that no one had seen be-

fore. (pp. 168–169);

*3) I gently open the ancient cover… – …whose name is Unbeleefe. (While translating, try to preserve the archaic style of the excerpt.) (pp. 176–177)


The Little Walker


Focus Activity

1Comment on the quotation below and answer the questions that follow it.

‘Like the little walker, I’ll plod on alone.’ (p. 224)

1)Have you ever felt that you are all alone in this world? Why do the feelings of anguish and loneliness arise when one is surrounded by people?

2)Why does the author use definite article in the title and in this sentence, while, for example, he says: ‘She should have seen a little walker. She didn’t see a little walker because she was looking in the wrong places, in the wrong spirit.’


Vocabulary Practice

2 Find the following words/phrases in the text, give their definitions from a dictionary, and find the Russian equivalents to them. Give the context they are used in. Make up your own sentences / situations using these words.

obfuscate (p. 223); supplication (p. 218); learnedly (p. 189); bequeath (p. 194); inept (p. 197); cack-handedly (p. 198); portend (p. 201); eminent (p. 205); acolyte (p. 207); warfare (p. 212); calumny (p. 217); gallows (p. 219); ubiquitous (p. 229)

3 Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the underlined words and expressions.

1. Сомневаюсь, что существовал более преданный приспешник экономического Евангелия от Рональда Рейгана, чем м-р Си- мингтон. 2. Он приступил к работе со знанием дела. 3. Политик, не имеющий целостности взглядов и суждений, никогда не дос- тигнет пика карьеры, каким бы выдающимся и популярным он не был. 4. Вездесущая система видеонаблюдения не дала пре-


ступникам улизнуть. 5. Он неуклюже пытался припарковаться, и столкнулся с другим автомобилем. 6. Некомпетентные дейст- вия правительства подорвали престиж государства. 7. Ложные обвинения преследовали его. Двусмысленность его высказыва- ния еще больше усложнила задачу. 8. Повстанцы намеревались свергнуть правительство путем партизанских военных действий. 9. Она простерла руки в безмолвной мольбе. 10. Сколотив состоя- ние, он завещал его школе, которая была его жизнью. 11. На мес- те казни стояла наспех сколоченная виселица. Новейшие от- крытия предвещают бум в области компьютерных технологий.

4Fill in missing words/expressions in the following sentences.

1)We were … with all the neighbors. (p. 188)

2)Like every really smart lobbyist, Boggs knows the importance of being subtle and of …. (p. 189)

3)It's about time you … of that old car. (p. 191)

4)College students … of analyzing their temperaments based on principles from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. (p. 192)

5)… is a powerful chemical substance used to remove paint from walls, doors etc. (p. 195)

6)Where was the kid's mother, …? (p. 195)

7)Repent, the kingdom of God is …! (p. 200)

8)It was over-the-fence... to do Bobby out of the first bit of luck he'd had for …. (p. 202)

9)He tried that trick once … and in the end they caught him. (p. 210)

10)Putting the sales figures up, by …, is exactly what we have to be concerned about right now. (p. 214)

11)I can't wait to get the interview …. (p. 216)

12)Bob didn't want to jump, but his friends kept …. (p. 224)

5 Paraphrase the following sentences from the text.

1)‘My little flourish of plausible detail was unnecessary.’ (p. 190)

2)‘Laura, meanwhile, gazes at the great abduction – wistfully, it seems to me now, seeing her own life in that preposterous scene.’ (p. 191)

3)‘I’m still not sure whether I’m merely the inert catalyst for this explosion, or whether I’m by any chance part of the life of her own that she’s attempting to make.’ (p. 192-3)


4)‘I get into my car and start the engine, still in shock, unable to think because my mind’s totally occupied by a huge and shapeless mass of panic, through which all I can see is the agonizing image of the picture, left propped up on some workbench while the paint stripper takes effect.’ (p. 195)

5)‘The message I’ve come back to deliver, so desperately cogent to me, must sound to her like the lamest excuse ever invented by a timid seducer.’ (p. 200)

6)‘He looks at me and makes a face that seems intended to express amusement at knowing something that I don’t, perhaps also at the alarm I’m failing to conceal.’ (p. 200)

7)‘The spring sunshine comes and goes as I drive down the hill, lighting our quiet valley with hope and plunging it into despair as bewilderingly often as my own moods change in the shifting circumstances of my quest.’ (p. 204)

8)‘I’m overwhelmed by perpetual preoccupation, the perpetual anxiety, the perpetual load of decisions and judgements to be made, swaying and teetering like the piled chairs and china on the tightrope walker’s head.’ (p. 213)

9)‘So Calumny’s still at work, though here it’s her instead of her victim who’s to be dragged off for punishment.’ (p. 220)

10)‘I examine it again, like an investigator in a crime story who comes to think that a witness he interrogated before might have kept something back.’ (p. 223)

11)‘So maybe this is why Bruegel fled from Antwerp to Brussels – to secure a foothold inside the lion’s den, because he knew that no one would dare to touch anyone living so close to the lion.’ (p. 228)

6Use the following synonymous words in the sentences below.

small little diminutive petite short squat tiny wee minute microscopic miniature

1)The skin is covered with … hairs, invisible to the naked eye.

2)It’s a bit incongruous that such a … woman should write such huge tomes.

3)The word ‘duckling’ is formed with the help of … suffix ‘-ling’.

4)He looked like a … version of his handsome and elegant big brother.


5)In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the … hours.

6)I waited a … while before I called back.

7)But, surprisingly, when individuals were asked whether they felt this about themselves only … minority admitted to such a feeling.

Comprehension and Discussion

7 Answer the questions below.

1)Why is the chapter called ‘The Little Walker’?

2)Why does Martin decide to examine the painting again?

3)What does Laura tell Martin about her married life?

4)What discovery does Martin make about actual proprietors of the paintings?

5)Why does Martin decide to visit Tony’s workshop? What does he find there?

6)Which pretext does Martin provide for his return to Upwood? Does Laura believe him?

7)Why does Martin give titles from “Terra Pacis” to the neighbouring lands?

8)Who did Tony Churt show the picture to? Why is it difficult for Martin to come to realization that it was his wife?

9)Why doesn’t he like the fact that Kate has seen it?

10)Why does Martin doubt once again as to authenticity of the picture? What makes him continue the pursuit for the clues to Bruegel’s mystery?

11)What unites “Calumny of Apelles” and “Christ and Woman Taken in Adultery”? To what conclusion does Martin come? Is Martin’s interpretation far-fetched?

12)What real event is depicted in the painting “Calumny of Apelles”?

13)Why does Martin want to go to London one more time?

14)Why does it surprise Martin that “Calumny of Apelles” is painted from Melanchton’s description?

15)What political accusation was Bruegel afraid of?

8Give a summary of the chapter using words from Vocabulary Practice section.


9Comment on the following quotations and explain their meaning. Do you agree with them?

1)Who whom? The fundamental question, as Lenin said. (p. 197)

2)All my researches have led nowhere; all my great conjectural Tower of Babel has collapsed. (p. 215)

3)There’s something profoundly odd about Bruegel’s version, though, that Massing sets out but doesn’t comment on, and that no one else seems to have noticed at all. (p. 226)

4)Yes, we’re still working on this together, myself and I, even if Kate’s out of it. (p. 226)

5)What’s most striking about the allegation – so striking that it’s survived the change in the story’s setting – is its nature; it’s a political one. (p. 234)

Creating a Commentary

10 Prepare PowerPoint presentation on each entry.

The Corn Harvest (p. 214); The Calumny of Apelles (p. 217); Landscape with the Magpie on the Gallows (p. 219); The Painter and the Connoisseur (p. 224).

11 Comment on the meaning and usage of the following references and allusions, give the context they are used in.

The Occupation (p. 189); Chatsworth (p. 191); inheritance tax (p. 193); Aga (p. 199); gains tax (p. 203); Inland Revenue (p. 205); Niclaes (p. 214); police state (p. 217); grisaille (p. 218); ‘He that is without sin…’ (p. 218); Escher (p. 219); Calvary (p. 219); Herod (p. 221); Philipp Melanchthon (p. 227); Augsburg Confession (p. 227); Trotsky (p. 227); The Satanic Verses (p. 227); Beria (p. 227); ayatollah (p. 227); Alexander the Great (p. 228); Eddie Izzard (p. 233).

12Comment on Bruegel’s life as it is depicted in “The Calumny of Apelles”, “Landscape with the Magpie on the Gallows”, “The Adoration of the Kings”, “The Flight into Egypt”.

Language and Style

13 Give Russian equivalents to the following titles allegedly given to peasants seen by the Travailler.

Stricken-in-Heart; Cumbered-in-Mynde; Wofulnes; Sorrowfulnes; Anguish; Fear; Dismayednes; Perprexetee; Uncomfortablnes;


Undelytfulnes; Heavymyndednes; Many-maner-of-thoughts; Discourage.

Why were these names chosen to identify the peasants?

14Translate the following passages.

1)‘I bend over my own books. – …whatever it is in front of the inn.’ (p. 214);

2)‘In The Calumny of Apelles… – …might have kept something back’. (p. 223)

The First Shipment


Focus Activity

1 Comment on the quotations below and answer the questions that follow.

‘… however terrible it is to destroy works of art, it isn’t as terrible as torturing people to death.’ – p. 258

Do you agree with this statement? Why?/Why not?

‘Isn’t what people do more important than in the end than what they feel? Isn’t what they leave behind more important than what they were?’

Which would you choose: to live a happy placid life and be forgotten in a generation or two; or be remembered for centuries?


Vocabulary Practice

2 Find the synonyms to the underlined words and expressions in the text.

1) How did you get mixed up with that hopeless loafer? (p. 240)


2)The religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy. (p. 241)

3)Michael’s relatives had warned him to steer clear of this swindler, but they became close friends. (p. 243)

4)Most remain secret, but a handful have been revealed in memoirs or by the loquaciousness of retirees. (p. 243)

5)But it was more like kneeling in her presence. (p. 253)

6)Constance found him repulsive and she knew immediately that he was dangerous. (p. 257)

7)Undaunted I started my own search and within minutes was holding a medieval buckle. (p. 262)

8)No wonder that theism is abandoned with such eagerness by so many of these new philosophers. (p. 265)

9)There was less arguing after that, but the two actors never became close friends and never worked together again. (p. 267)

10)Ms. Emerson made a few brief but appropriate remarks about the incident. (p. 268)

11)If the law were to threaten Haider, he could cause further tumult. (p. 286)

3Fill in missing words/expressions in the following sentences.

1)Listing these obstacles, he wasn't sure how long he would be able to … to his plan. (p. 239)

2)Most large companies should be able to … out the recession. (p. 240)

3)I don't like the idea of the two of them talking about me behind …. (p. 246)

4)Try to … this kind of bad behaviour in the bud. (p. 251)

5)OK, go blaming me for forcing us to … bunk. (p. 252)

6)The evidence gathered by the inspectors -- an object abandoned at the scene of the crime, a movement captured in a photograph, a phrase overheard by a witness -- these would all seem at first to … explanation, to exist only as a function of their role in an affair which is beyond them. (p. 252)

7)Shall I tell you what IRS really stands for? … thoughts, I should not, I'm Really Scared. (p. 256)

8)My left hand rose … accord and my thumb touched the raised, discolored crescent that topped my cheekbone. (p. 262)


9)Whenever we come … here, she can’t think of nothing else but coming back to London. (p. 264)

10)He put him … somebody who actually then knows Omar Sheikh, and Omar Sheikh walks into this scenario and plans the kidnapping. (p. 265)

4Translate the sentences into English using words and expressions from Vocabulary Practice Section. Pay atten-

tion to the underlined words and expressions.

1.Как только мы приехали сюда из Лондона, мы начали обуст- раивать наше сельское жилище. 2. Я требую объяснений. 3. Я не эксперт в таких делах, но могу свести тебя со знающим человеком. 4. Если бы я только знал об их плане, то пресек бы его на корню. В наше время люди ведут себя просто ужасно: говорят о челове- ке за его спиной чистейшую правду. 5. Но, по зрелом размышле- нии, происходящее уже не казалось таким странным. 6. Казалось, дверь открылась сама по себе. 7. Оказалось, что выйти из этого затруднительного положения довольно-таки непросто. 8. Если мы будем придерживаться плана, то сможем закончить работу над проектом за две недели. 9. Он успел смыться до того как прие- хали представители власти.

5Rewrite the underlined part of the following sentences using a collocation/phrasal verb.

1)The hard ground for parking in front of the building was full. (p. 240)

2)His knife for cutting meat was only about half an inch wide at the centre where constant sharpening had worn it away. (p. 242)

3)We didn’t understand each other because we were talking about different things. (p. 243)

4)I have been stuck in traffic. (p. 244)

5)He slammed his hand down on the top of the small table in a bedroom, causing some of the bottles to topple over. (p. 245)

6)Doctors and scientists are working together to find a cure for AIDS. (p. 248)

7)He sounded slightly upset when I spoke to him on the phone. (p. 254)

8)A militant revolutionary hid himself in the deserted house. (p. 256)


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