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Pre-reading tasks:

1. Match up:

1. tour a) agent

2. social b) destination

3. travel c) operator

4. destination d) animator

5. tourist e) director

6. car f) rental

7. chief g) geography

2.Cross out one odd term in each line:

  1. customer, interpreter, travel agent, booking agent, guide, ticket agent;

  2. flight, car rental, transfer, commission, hotel accommodation, sightseeing tour;

  3. accommodation, arrangements, promotion, destination, entertain­ment, commission;

  4. discount, career, separate, resort, contest, brochure;

  5. passenger, tourism manager, consumer, career, social director, chief animator.

3.Group the following terms according to the titles in the table (4 terms in each group);

Destination geography, profit, car rental, accommodation, commis­sion, retail, tutoring, social director, sale, knowledge, discount, guide, catering, shop-assistant, animator, cost, interpreter, entertain­ment, wholesale, graduation.


Tourist staff


Travel services

Money matters

4.Answer the questions:

1. Are you planning to enter any tourist college?

2. What college, school or university are you planning to enter?

3. Are you keen on tourism at all? What are you keen on in tourism?

4. Are you fond of travelling at all?

5. What are you fond of in travelling?

6. Are you interested in working with people?

7. What are you interested in at a tourist job?

8. Are you thinking of the position of a travel agent?

9. Are you planning to study? What are you planning to study?

10. Are foreign languages essential in tourism business?

11.What foreign languages are essential in tourism business?

12.Are you doing well in English? What are you doing well in?

13.Is your English getting better? Do you practice your English every day?

14.What skills do you practice every day?

15. What is getting better?

16. What jobs in Tourist industry do you know?

17. Are these jobs popular/interesting/active/well-paid?

18. Would you like to make a career in Tourism?

19. What position do you think is the most suitable for you?

5. Read the dialogue with good intonation.

A: I hear you are going to choose a career in tourism.

B: Definitely. I am planning to enter the East-Siberian Institute for Tourism.

A: Really? Are you interested in traveling or work with people?

B: Frankly speaking, I really enjoy all of these. But I’m not quite sure what I’m going to be.

A: You don’t know any tourist jobs, do you?

B: Don’t say that, I heard about tour guides and animators.

A: Is that all? Besides these professions, there are many others.

B: Put me in picture, then!

A: People in tourism are tour operators, travel agents, booking agents, ticket agents, travel consultants tourism managers, guide-interpreters, travel writers and many others.

B: Wow, quite a choice! What job to choose, then?

A: I don’t know. It’s up to you to decide!

B: All right, I’ll consult with my father.

B: Is he in tourism business?

A: No, he isn’t. But he travels on business a lot.

B: Then he must know some information about tourist firms and jobs in tourism.

A: Yes, I agree with you. Don’t you want to join me and visit my dad?

B: Why not? Let’s go!

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