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Английский язык (тексты и упражнения).doc
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Visiting a ship

Last month we visited the m/v Seagate a car and passenger ferry which is on regular service between St. Petersburg and Stockholm.

When we approached the ferry some cars were rolling off it. The ship was unloading. We knew that the ferry could carry not only 370 passengers, but also 50 cars at a time.

The officer on watch met us at the gangway and when we got on board we saw that all the sailors were working hard. Some of them were busy with unloading; others were preparing the ferry for the departure.

First of all the officer of the watch took us to the navigating bridge. We found the Third Officer there who was making entries into the log-book. He showed the ship's navigational equipment to us.

Then we went to the radio room. When we entered the Second Radio Officer was tuning the emergency transmitter. We saw a lot of modern radio equipment in the radio room: some transmitters, receivers, teleprinters and satellite communication devices. As the Second Radio Officer was busy we decided not to interrupt his work and went to the engine-room.

There were many sailors in the engine room. The motormen were lubricating the pumps, the Second Engineer was overhauling the main engine and the Third Engineer was regulating the air-conditioning system.

Then our guide showed us comfortable passengers and crewmen's cabins, musical saloons, galley and mess-room.

We spent two hours on board the ferry and were very pleased with our visit. We thanked the Second Officer, wished him a happy voyage and left the ship.

ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Describe the m/v Seagate. 2. How many passengers and cars could the ferry carry at a time? 3. What were the sailors doing on board a ship? 4. Who was making entries into the log-book? 5. What did the Third Officer show the cadets? 6. Where was the Second Radio Officer? 7. List radio equipment that was in the radio room. 8. Who were lubricating the pump? 9. What were the duties of the Second Engineer and the Third Engineer? 10. How long were cadets on board a ship?

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise I. a). Find the English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик, делать записи в судовом журнале; готовиться к отправлению судна; осадка; скорость судна; смазывать насосы; аппаратура спутниковой связи; паром; прерывать чью-либо работу; грузить/разгружать судно; нести вахту; осматривать насос; перевозить груз; настраивать оборудования; обязанности второго механика / второго помощника капитана; мотористы, главный двигатель, вахтенный; кают-компания, каюта стармеха/старпома; зайти на камбуз; включить/отключить приёмник; смазанный механизм; осмотренный насос; потраченное время; прибытие.

b). Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to be on regular service; to approach a ship; to roll on; to roll off; to invite smb in; to prepare for the departure; an officer on watch; to make entries into the logbook; navigational equipment; to tune an emergency transmitter; satellite communication; to lubricate equipment; to overhaul the main engine; main particulars; draft, to spend time (money); broken device; to enter the mess-room; tuned receiver; turned off teleprinter; washed deck.

Exercise II. Read the text. The Master describes the m/v Transitor in detail.Pay attention to there is / there are. Replace Russian words with English terms.

On the m/v Transitor there are five палуб. The машинное отделение is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the камбуз, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the прачечная there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings' кают-компания. To the right of the ratings' mess-room is an office. There are no кают on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the лоцмана and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officers' mess-room. There is a cabin for the капитана on the fourth deck between the радио рубкой and the Chief Engineer's cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master's cabin. The капитанский мостик is on the fifth deck.

Exercise III. Match the crew member with the work he was performing during visiting a ship. Model: When the cadets came the ship's cook was preparing dinner.


The work they were performing

1. the Master 2. the Chief Mate 3. the Second Mate 4. the Third Mate 5. the Chief Engineer 6. the Second Engineer 7. the Third Engineer 8. the motormen 9. the pumpman 10. the electricians 11. the Radio-Officer 12. the Radio Operator 13. the sailors 14. the Boatswain

a. to prepare for the departure

b. to overhaul the main engine

c. to regulate the navigational equipment

d. to paint the hull

e. to check the life saving equipment

f. to wash and scrub the deck

g. to talk to a pilot

h. to unload the cargo

i. to plot the course

j. to repair me air-conditioning system

k. to lubricate the pumps l. to give commands m. to make entries into the log-book n. to tune the radio device

Exercise III. Read and translate the dialogue.