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Устная практика- задания (Меркулова) / World around us / CLIMATE, WEATHER, SEASONS – STUDENT’S BOOK UNITS 4-6.docx
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        1. Unit 5: seasons

        2. TASK 33. Seven sentences or parts of sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the A–H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Be ready to translate the text into your mother tongue.

  1. It is best to think of it as a way of making the hot days feel more special.

  2. …and so the seasons often overlap or don’t follow the standard pattern.

  3. This brings with it plants shooting up all over the country, trees regaining their leaves and animals giving birth.

  4. In general, it is usually quite wet and windy …

  5. People swarm to beaches, sit out in parks and generally revel …

  6. The leaves begin to change colour, transforming England’s landscape into an array of autumn colours.

  7. This leads to frost in the mornings, ice on car windscreens and roads, and sometimes snow fall.

  8. …with days in London getting as short as 8 hours at the end of December.