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5.3. Quiz:

Etiology and patAnatomy prostate cancer.

Classification of prostate cancer in stages, clinic.

Diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

Weather in tumors genitourinary system.

5.4. Final stage:

Control and correction of professional skills and knowledge held by solving situational and clinical tasks, tests for self-control. Assesses knowledge and skills students study each assessment.

The teacher has homework, recommended literature on the subject next class basic and additional.

VI. Materials for methods of classes

6.1.Materialy control baseline (baseline) of students: tests, situational problem (correct answers are marked *)

Test case studies Task 1. Patient complains of pain in the perineum pulling. After completing routine prophylactic examinations ill directed to consult an oncologist. A rectal examination in the right piece of prostate formation of 1x1 cm, dense, hilly. Mizhdolova furrow pronounced. Your preliminary diagnosis? A. Prostatitis; B. Tuberculosis of the prostate; C. Prostate cancer * D. Adenoma of the prostate; E. Sclerosis of the prostate.

Task 2. Patient in '73, pale, complains of poor urination, pain in the abdomen, in the perineum and sacrum, blood in the urine. During rectal palpation revealed nodular, very dense tumor in both pieces of the prostate. What data speak in favor of a malignant tumor prostate? A. Pallor, anemia. B. Pain in the perineum and sacrum. * C. Poor urination. D. Danny palpation of the prostate. E. Blood sechy.

Problem 3. Patient F., 48 years complains of frequent painful urination, pain in the perineum, buttocks and back, periodically increased body temperature. During rectal palpation determined enlarged prostate tuhoelastychnoyi consistency. How much research will be the best? A. Common blood and urine tests, ultrasound of kidney, retrograde pyelography. B. Common blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the bladder, intravenous pyelography. C. Common blood and urine tests, blood chemistry, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, intravenous pyelography. D. CT of the pelvis, the urine on the microflora. * E. CT of the pelvis. Ultrasound bladder, survey abdominal radiography.

Problem 4. The patient complains of '73 poor urination, pain in the abdomen. During rectal palpation revealed nodular, very dense tumor in both pieces of the prostate. Diagnosis - prostate cancer. What tactics further management of the patient? A. Hospitalization in the surgical department for epitsystostomiyi. B. Hospitalization in the surgical department for adenomektomy. C. Hospitalization in the therapy department for symptomatic treatment. D. Refer to an oncologist. * E. Observation surgeon.

Problem 5. Patient S., 64 years had sought a urologist with complaints of frequent small meals sechospuskannya that arise also at night. Other complaints there. Above symptoms gradually increased over several years. Palpable prostate is enlarged due to the formation of elastic to 5 cm in diameter, rolling. When ultrasound is defined node with indistinct contours to 4.5 cm in diameter. When needle biopsy - elements proliferating epithelium. Assumptions diagnosis - prostate adenoma. What symptoms can differentiate the diagnosis from another prostate pathology? A. Polakiuriya, nocturia, which continued growing slowly, no other complaints. * B. Data palpation. C. Data ultrasound. D. These puncture. E. Dimensions node.

6.2. Materials for the methods of the main stage classes H Abir radiographs, tables, owner of anticancer chemotherapy, hospital records and medical history of patients, findings of morphological studies of biopsies (if possible micropreparations) medicines.

6.3. Materials for the final stage of training: tests

Final Test

tests (Correct answers are marked *)

Test number 1 Patient 83 years. Complains of poor urination, flabby jet. Diagnosis: prostate cancer stage II. Your treatment strategy? A. Perform ultrasound prostate, send an oncologist. B. Perform ultrasound and CT of the pelvis, to send to the surgeon. C. Set urethral catheter assign antibiotic, send an oncologist. * D. Set urethral catheter, antibiotic assign, direct them to the surgeon. E. Approve symptomatic therapy, after relief of dispatch to an oncologist.  

Test number 2. Patients enrolled in the admissions department with symptoms of urinary tract obstruction. Sick 3 months if any unpleasant feeling in the suprapubic area weakened force jet during sechospuskannya. Symptoms grew and before having severe pain in the suprapubic area, resorting to sechospuskannya. What diagnostic tactics surgeon? A. Plain radiographs of the lumbar area, ultrasound of the kidneys. W. Finger study rectal ultrasound of the bladder and prostate, general clinical blood tests. * C. Ultrasound bladder and kidney, ascending urography. D. CT of the pelvis. E. Only the blood and urine.  

Test number 3. Patient in '73, pale, complains of poor urination, pain in the abdomen, in the perineum and sacrum, blood in the urine. During rectal palpation revealed nodular, very dense tumor in both pieces of the prostate. What is the preliminary diagnosis? A. Chronic prostatitis B. Prostate Cancer * C. Cancer of the rectum D. Adenoma of prostate E. Bladder tumors

Test number 4.

Patient K., '52, was diagnosed with prostate cancer III. What treatment is.

A. chemotherapy and estrogenoterapii B. gamma therapy for prostate, castration and estrogenoterapii *

C. gamma therapy for prostate and castration D. prostatectomy, gamma-therapy to the prostate bed E. prostatectomy, gamma-therapy estrogenoterapii


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