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  1. Macdonell A.A. A History of Sanskrit Literature / Arthur A. Macdonell. — New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1972. — IX, 473 p.

  2. Macdonell A.A. Die Sarvanukramani des Katyayana zum Rigveda: Zum erstenmal mit kritischen Anmerkungen hrsg. / Inaugural Dissertation von Arthur Macdonell. — Oxford: Universitatsbuch- druckerei. 1885.— 48 s.

88..Macdonell A.A. Katyayana's Sarvanukramani of the Rigveda, with extracts from Shadgurusishya's commentary entitled Vedart-hadipika / A.A. Macdonell ; ed. with critical notes and appendices. — Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886. — 148 p. — (Oxford anecdota. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Aryan series; Vol. 1, pt. 4).

  1. Mason G.A. The ancient civilizations of Peru / 1. Alden Mason. — Harmondsworth (England): Penguin Books, 1969. - XVI, 335 p.

  2. Meek C.K. The Northern tribes of Nigeria : Ал ethnographical account of the Northern provinces of Nigeria together with a report on the 1921 decennial census/ C.K. Meek. — L. : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1925.-Vol. 1-2.

  3. Oidenberg H. Metrische und textgeschichtliche Prolegomena [zu einer kritischen Rigveda-Ausgabe] / Hermann Oidenberg. — Berlin: Verlag von Wilhelm Hertz, 1888. - VII, 545 s. - (Die Hymnen des Rigveda/ Hrsg. Hermann Oidenberg. — Bd 1).

  4. Oidenberg H.Rgveda: Textkritische und exegetische Noten : Bd. 1—2 / Hermann Oidenberg. — Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchh., 1909—1912. — (Abhandlungen der Kngl. Ges. der Wiss. zu Gottingen. Philos.-hist. Kiasse. N.F. ...).

[Bd. 1] Erstesbissechstes Buch. - 1909. - VII, 437 s. - (... Bd. 11, №5).

[Bd. 2] Siebentes bis zehntes Buch. - 1912. - 391 s. - (...Bd. 13,


93. OliverD.L. AncientTahitiansociety. Vol. 1—3/D.L. Oliver. — Honolulu : The Univ. Press of Hawaii, cop. 1974.

Vol. 1. Ethnography. - XV, 557 p.

Vol. 2. Social relations. -VII, 579-1169 p.

Vol. 3. Rise of Pomares. — VI. 1171 —1419 p.

94. Oliver D.L. Oceania : the Native Cultures of Australia and the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1—2 / Douglas D. Oliver. — Honolulu. Univ, of Hawaii Pr., cop. 1989.


Vol. 1. — XII, 1—818 p.

Vol. 2.-VI, 819-1275 p.

  1. Peoples of Africa/ Ed. J.L. Gibbs. — N.Y.: Holt, Rinehartand Winston, 1965. - XIV, 594 p.

  2. Rg-Veda Samhita : (First Astaka). Vol. 1-3) / English translation by M.N. Dutt. — Delhi: Parimal Publications, 1986 (First Published 1906). - (Parimal Sanskrit Series : № 22).

  3. Der Rig-Veda / Aus dem Sanskrit ins Deutsche ubersetzt und mit einem laufenden Kommentar versehen von K.F. Geldner. T. 1 — 4.- Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard Univ. Press, 1951-1957. - (Harvard Oriental ser.: Vol. 33—36).

  1. Sanders W.T. New World Prehistory : Archeology of the American Indian / William T. Sanders, Joseph Marino. — Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey) : Prentice-Hall, 1970. — VIII, 120 p. — (Founda­ tions of Modern Antropology ser.).

  2. Sanders W. T. Mesoamerica : the evolution of civilization / W.T. Sanders, B.D. Price. - N.Y.: Random House, 1968. - XIX, 264 p. — (Studies in anthropology : AS 9).

  1. Sarvanukrama: Table of poets, deities, and metres assigned to the Hymns of the Rigveda by Katyayana // Rig-veda-sanhita, the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans ; together with the commentary of Sayanacharya / Ed. By F. Max Muller. — Vol. 6. — London: Allen, 1874.-P. 619-672.

  2. Scheftelowitz J■ Die Apokryphen desRgveda: (KhilanI) / Hrsg. und bearb. von J. Scheftelowitz. — Breslau: Marcus, 1906. — XII, 191 s. — (Indische Studien : Hft. 1).

  3. Scheftelowitz I. Die Kasmirische Rezension von Kathyayana's Sarvanukramani / 1. Scheftelowitz // Zeitschr. fuer Indologie und Iranistik. - 1922. -№ l.-S. 89-113.

  1. Service E.K. The hunters / Elman R. Service. — Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1979. - 105 p. — (Foundations of modern anthropology ser.).

  2. Volz H. HandbuchderSpeicherungvon Information . Bd. 1—2 / Horst Volz. - Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 2003-2005.

Bd. 1. Grundlagen und Anwendung in Natur, Leben und Gesell-schaft. -2003. -426 s.


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