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Tasks to chapter 7

1. Explain the following expressions in English by giving situations from the text: a liquor store, commit a crime, break the city curfew for kids, be hassled by cops, to squat down, be pinned in the shadow, vault oneself over a shoulder-high fence, lanky trees scratched the sky, knees wobbled with nervous energy, stomp down on something in frustration, set up somebody, there is other stuff to do, keep one’s nose in the books, to duck behind a rusted old van, feel like a laughing stock, sound rocked through his scull, consider the options, escape the humiliation, draft a letter

2. Give synonyms for the following word combinations:

his fingers tingled – chase somebody –

to smooth-talk somebody –- to dart into a small alley –

block the view of something – sprint around the house –

deserted street – distant memories –

hazy mist – glance up and down –

handle the sale – to lie motionless –

3. GIve antonyms for the following word combinations:

be visible – minutes dragged by with agonizing slowness –

the air was heavy with stench of – to slump against –

give up the idea fast – no longer seems to work –

be a weakling – be desperate –

4. Match the following words and expressions:

a. to suspect ___a police car

b. cruiser ___happen soon

c. scan ___a feeling of shame and great embarrassment

d. be about ___persuade someone to do something dangerous

e. setup ___a date or time by which you have to do something

f. to lure ___refuse to admit that you are feeling something

g. humiliation ___a written information on student’s grades at school

h. deny ___a dishonest plan that is intended to trick you

i. deadline ___examine an area carefully but quickly

g.report card ___think that someone is probably guilty of a crime

5. Fill in the missing words or word combinations:

yanked; notice anything unusual; menacingly; blame; will be deducted from our profits; a fierce headache; deny; pressed heavily on his chest; amber moon crumpled; tossed,’ strangely quiet

a) He tried to conceal the truth, he didn’t want his mother to …

b) She …. the cover off the statue and was impressed by its beauty.

c) Because of the fight the notorious bully woke up with ………

d) We must hurry to meet their requirements, otherwise the money ……

e) “You can’t be a prosperous business if you bring home only C’s and D’s,” said his dad ………..

f) Tyray tried to ……………. that overwhelming emotion, but he felt that he was the only person to …………. in his misfortune.

g) The sadness with which he fought ……………………, he failed to control his emotions.

h) He ………………………. that disappointing letter into a ball and…………. it into a trash can.

i) The night was magnificent: a dim halo encircled ………………….., everything looked mysterious and enigmatic, the night seemed ……………..

6. Explain these expressions and make sentences:

  • reply tingled in his ears –

  • despair clawed at his chest –

  • feel like a laughing stock –

  • get through with –

  • beat everyone at their game –

  • give up an idea –

  • to send somebody sprawling –

  • to collapse in mind and body –

  • be frantic with grief –

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