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Tasks to chapter 1

1. Explain the following expressions in English by giving situations from the text:

beat somebody to a pulp, the most notorious bully, stand up for oneself, “do not give me that”, extort cash, stay clear of gossip, to endure, nurse’s office, growing sense of dread, force somebody to do something, emergency room, see somebody in pain, revenge, billboards

2. Explain these expressions and make sentences:

it won’t cut around here

be put in one’s place

rule with an iron fist

stay out of one’s way

things have turned around

stand up to somebody

bite the hand that feeds you

break one’s heart

3. Give synonyms for the following word combinations:

intimidate people – a scrawny weak kid –

befriend somebody – crack one’s wrist –

an offensive person – say something crisply –

vanish down the hall – sense many eyes watching

stern-faced - wrap one’s wrist

4. Give antonyms for the following word combinations:

meaningless words and sentences – tall and muscular –

to tense up – to embarrass somebody –

hunker in one’s seat – to yell –

wipe the smile off one’s face – an icy edge to ones’ voice –

5. Fill in the missing words or word combinations

been sentenced for armed robbery; ran to more striking girls; get on his wrong side; to endure his mother coddling; to count on; suspension; humiliation; threat, seemed drawn to him because of his reputation; was filled with contempt, behave from now on

1) He fumed in the wake of his defeat, everybody saw that, his …..was unbearable.

2) Tyray shuddered as he thought of his father’s serious accusations because of his (Tyray’s)…..from school.

3) Tyray’s father was a real ….. for him, the boy was afraid of severe punishment.

4) It was hard for him ………………………but the mother was the only person who could help Tyray, he could …………………… her.

5) Tyray wasn’t handsome and good-mannered but rather he was rude and bold, girls…………………..

6) You’d better don’t ………………………………, he could take his revenge.

7) She didn’t like that boy and her voice …………… when she had to talk to him.

8) Though she is a pleasant-looking, cute girl his tastes …………………………..

9) If you want to change the situation for the better you’d better……………...

10) He was a bandit, he even had ……………………………………………….

6. Match the following words and expressions:

a..cushion the fall ____ignore the situation

b..reputation ____a non-stop ache

c. .a bully ____to make the fall not so painful

d. to hassle ____to ask again and again to do something

e. a continuous pain ____to tremble with anger

f. to chase people away ____ to cringe

g. to skitter off in tears ____the opinion that people have about a person

h. a target ____to frighten or alienate people

i. to endure ____to kick s.o. out of school for a period of time

j. to head off to English ____to answer sharply

k.feel the burning rage ____to go to

l. to stand up for ____to cry and run away

m.shrug off the whole thing ____s.o. who uses strength to hurt weaker people

n. to expel ____to support or defend a person or idea

o. to snap at ____an object or person chosen to be attacked

p. to cower ____suffer pain or deal with a bad situation

for a long time, esp. with strength/patience

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