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Secondary School.docx
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Topical Vocabulary

a maintained (state) school to measure inborn abilities

a voluntary (church) school class-divided and selective system

a comprehensive school the Eleven Plus Exam/11+ exam

a fee-paying/independent/public schools to take GCSE/GCE “A” level

an infant school, a junior school the Common Entrance Exam

a first, middle, upper school to practice streaming

a grammar school, a technical school the three R’s, subject teaching

a pre-preparatory, preparatory school to start schooling at the age of …

sixth-form/tertiary colleges core, foundation subjects

a mixed/co-educational, a single-sex school Head Teacher (Master)/Principal

without any reference to child’s ability/aptitude Assistant Principal, staff

1. Children whose parents can’t pay high fees at independent school go to … .

2. At the age of 5 children go to …, when they are 7 they attend … .

3. If you want your child to be in class with boys and girls, give him to … .

4. Ann came home only on Christmas and Easter holidays as she went to … .

5. “I want to enter a university but I can’t stand studying at this school any more after taking my GCSE.” – “Don’t get upset, you can continue your studies at …”

6. Our school …, so your child will be in a group of pupils with similar abilities.

7. … promised to expel everyone who would draw on a desk or cut it.

8. To be a secondary school pupil in Britain, one has to take … and pass it.

9. To be a … pupil in Britain, one has to pass a special exam with high grades.

10. I always wondered at her desire to give her child to some school, club or society … as if she wanted to get rid of him for two or three hours.

8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Topical Vocabulary on schooling in Great Britain.

1. Pupils of infant schools are taught reading, writing and arithmetic.

2. Look, the man running our school is going to take the floor.

3. This school practises to test its future pupils and group them according to their abilities and aptitudes.

4. I don’t like the policy of this school to group pupils in classes according to the date on their application for admission.

5. Mr. Black believed that his son’s being in a school for boys would make him a real man and sportsman. Mrs. Black didn’t share his point of view.

6. English children are to go to schools at the age of five.

7. His high results in the Common Entrance Exam gave him an opportunity to go to a prestigious state school where he could learn Latin and Greek.

8. The only difference between my friend’s school and mine is that he receives religious education while I don’t.

9. His life has already been planned by his parents – at first, he goes to a private school for children between the ages of 5 and 8, then – to the one for those between 8 and 13 and so on.

10. Jo’s main subjects are English and German, though she has Maths, History and PT lessons in her timetable as well.

11. I’d like to choose a school with a vocational bias and non-academic course.

12. 90 per cent of secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive. They are supported and provided by the state.

9. Do the multiple-choice task. Choose the best answer.

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