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Secondary School.docx
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Elementary school

Historically, in the United States, local public control (and private alternatives) have allowed for some … in the organization of schools. Elementary school includes … through fifth grade. In elementary school, … subjects are taught, and students often remain in one or two … throughout the school day, with the exceptions of physical education, library, music, and art classes. Typically, the curriculum in public elementary education is determined by individual school districts. The … district selects curriculum guides and textbooks. Learning Standards are the goals by which states and school districts must meet adequate yearly … (AYP) as mandated by No Child Left Behind (NCLB). This … of school governance is simplistic at best, however, and school systems vary widely not only in the way curricular decisions are made but also in how … and learning take place. Public Elementary School teachers typically … between twenty and thirty students of diverse learning needs. A typical classroom will include children with a range of learning needs or …, from those identified as having special needs of the kinds listed in the Individuals with Disabilities Act IDEA to those that are …, athletically or artistically …. At times, an individual school district identifies areas of need within the curriculum.

11. Read this text. If you find a mistake in a line, cross it out and suggest an alternative. If there is no mistake, put a tick (√). The first two have been done for you.

Extracurricular Activities

A major characteristic of American’s schools 0 American

is the high priority given to sports, clubs and 0

activities by the community, the parents, the 1 ……………

schools and the students for themselves. 2 …………….

Extracurricular activities are educational 3 …………….

activities not falling within the scope off 4 …………….

the regular curriculum. These activities can 5 …………….

extend to large amount of time outside the 6 …………….

normal school day. Most states have 7 …………….

organizations that develop rules in competition 8 …………….

between groups. Sports programs and 9 …………….

and their related games, especially football 10 …………….

and/or basketball, is major events 11 …………….

for American students and can be a 12 …………….

major sources of funds for school districts. 13 …………….

School stadiums and gymnasiums are 14 …………….

often feelled to capacity even for 15 …………….

In addition to sports, numerous 16 …………….

non-athletic extracurricular activities are 17 …………….

available for American schools. Activities 18 …………….

include musical groups, student government, 19 …………….

newspapers, science fairs, debate teams. 20 …………….

12. Make a list of secondary school terms which have different meanings in British and American English . Compare your list to your partner’s.

13. Read Text C over and act out the situations:

    • You are a news reporter who is taking an interview with one of the school district superintendents. Ask him to make some general comments about basic education in the USA. You may use these tips: to attach great significance to education; to comprise 12 grades of study; to enter the public education system around ages five or six; to take a certain minimum number of mandatory subjects; to be assigned into year groups known as grades; to enter junior high or middle school, high school; to get the high school diploma.

    • You are an American high school student who prefers participating in extracurricular activities, but your friend considers it to be tiring, time-consuming and boring. As a result, you have an argument trying to prove each own point of view. You may use these tips: an overwhelming choice of activities (debating team, chess club, student government, radio, newspaper, yearbook, environmental club, drama, choir, photography, jazz band); to challenge oneself; to be less likely to become addicted to bad habits; to bring people together; to be time-consuming; to require extra studying time.

    • You are a high school student willing to enter one of the American colleges or Universities. Your counsellor/guidance teacher assists you in making decisions about what courses/tests to take, your education career. You may use these tips: to take a certain minimum number of mandatory subjects; to depend on language abilities, scholastic background; to strongly recommend, to take a course in social studies; to evaluate the overall level of knowledge and learning aptitude of the students; to get two recommendations from high school teacher.

    • You are a news reporter who is taking an interview with a high school teacher. Ask him about the basic curricular structure, the way teaching is done. You may use these tips: take a broad variety of classes; without special emphasis in any particular subject; to take a certain minimum number of mandatory subjects; to choose additional subjects; to fill out required hours of learning; to vary widely in quality and rigidity (curricula).

    • You are working on the article “The Administration of the American Public School System”. You are taking an interview with one of the school district superintendents. Ask him how the US schools are administered. You may use these tips: a school district; to elect a school board; to perform school board responsibilities on a volunteer basis; to define the curricula; to approve budget; to appoint a superintendent; to supervise the schools; to hire a principal; to be in charge of administrating a specific school in the district.

14. You are an exchange student. Make a list of the some specific aspects of American schooling that makes it different from other countries. The example is done for you.

Many high schools have what is commonly called a tracking system.

15. You are a participant of the conference “The Educational System: A Basic Need in Every Society”. Make a report on:

  1. the structure of American school system;

  2. the administration of the American Public School System;

  3. subjects;

  4. tests and exams.

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