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9. Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Mark Shagal born? 2. When did he enter Pen's art school? 3. Was that school popular among young artists? 4. Where did Shagal continue his studies after finishing the art school? 5. Who was his teacher in Petersburg? 6. When did he meet Bella Rosenfeld? 7. What started to bring fame to Shagal? 8. Who granted him the scholarship? 9. Where did Mark Shagal go to study? 10. Who did he get acquainted with in Paris? 11. What did Shagal do in Paris? 12. What helped Shagal to understand the French painting? 13. What were his pictures like at that period? 14. When did he return to Vitebsk? 15 What did he do there? 16. When did he marry Bella? 17. Why did they go to Petersburg? 18. Who did he make friends with in Petersburg? 19. What was he appointed? 20. What did Mark Shagal do in Vitebsk at that time? 21. Where did he go after Vitebsk? 22. Why did he decide to go to Paris? 23. When and where did he die?

10.Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Moisey Shagal was born in a rich family in Paris. 2. He taught Pan at the art school. 3. Mark Shagal went to Petersburg on the invitation of N.Rerikh. 4. Maxim Vinaverwas Mark's relative that's why he sent him to study to America. 5. In Paris Shagal was introduced to the best teachers of drawing. 6. When in 1914 Shagal returned to Belarus he was met by Bella. 7. Mark married Bella and went to Petrograd with her. 8. They lived together with his friends S.Esenin and V. Mayaykovsky. 9. For his revolutionary ideas Shagal was sent into exile to Vitebsk. 10. In Vitebsk he worked at the art school. 11. He died in Paris. 12. A majestic monument to Mark Shagal was opened in Paris.

11. Complete the sentences using the text:

It should be mentioned that_____________;

We must admit_________________;

Generally speaking___________;

12. Comprehension check. Choose the best alternative according to the text:

1. Moisey Shagal was born in Vitebsk

  1. and his father was a trader;

  2. and his father was a jeweller;

  3. and spent all his life in this town.

2. When Mark Shagal studied at the art school

  1. he developed his own style of painting;

  2. he exhibited his pictures in Paris;

  3. he got acquainted with S.Esenin.

3. After finishing the art school Mark Shagal and his friend Victor Mekler

  1. decided to open their own art school;

  2. went to study to Petersburg;

  3. went to Paris to study painting.

4. Maxim Vinaver gave Shagal money

  1. to set up his own business;

  2. to organize his first exhibition;

  3. to carry on his studies abroad.

5. In Paris Mark Shagal

  1. craved for meetings with professors;

  2. married Bella Rosenfeld;

  3. observed the life of city dwellers.

6. Mark Shagal's pictures

  1. were destroyed by a madman;

  2. appealed to experts;

  3. were true to life.

7. When Shagal lived in Paris he

  1. frequented exhibitions and museums;

  2. founded the National Art School;

  3. kept away from exhibitions and museums.

8. Mark Shagal painted his Vitebsk series

  1. on cardboard and paper;

  2. on wrapping paper;

  3. on canvas and paper.

9. Shagal's in-laws

  1. were proud of their daughter's husband;

  2. didn't approve of their daughter's choice;

  3. were connoisseurs of art.

10. In 1918 Mark Shagal was appointed

a) Commissioner on the problems of art in Vitebsk region;

b) Headmaster of the art school in Vitebsk;

c) Chief painter of Vitebsk district.

11. At that time Shagal

a) worked much drawing portraits of his wife;

b) taught poor children the art of painting;;

c) opened the National Art School.

12. In 1920 Shagal left Vitebsk for

a) Paris;

b) Moscow;

c) Petersburg.

13. He confessed that

a) he liked Paris more than his native town:

b) Paris was the soil nourishing the roots of his art;

c) Paris was the only place where he could work fruitfully.