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Английская грамматика в таблицах и упражнениях.doc
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Времена группы Perfect (Active Voice) (см. Таблицу 2.10.)

Задание I. Укажите индекс сказуемых, которые по своему значению соответствуют сказуемым данных ниже предло­жений.

1. Lately Belarusian people have carried out great socio-economic transformations and built a strong country.

(а) осуществляет, строит (b) осуществил, построил (с) осуществлял, строил

2. Wages have gone up and incomes have considerably increased owing to various payments and benefits from the so­cial consumption funds.

(а) возросли, увеличились (b) возрастали, увеличи­вались

(с) возрастают, увеличиваются

3. The share of rent and payments for public utilities has dropped.

(а) уменьшалась (b) уменьшается (с) уменьшилась

4. Workers and peasants had taken over political power. The main, all important task facing the newly elected government was to build up the country’s economy.

(а) захватывали (власть) (b) захватывают (власть) (с) захватили (власть)

Ключи: 1 - (b); 2 - (а); 3 - (с); 4 - (с)

Времена группы Continuous (Active Voice)

(см. таблицу 2.9.)

Задание I. Обратите внимание, как влияет изменение вре­мени сказуемого на его перевод на русский язык. Сопоставьте следующие предложения, где используется a) Present Perfect и b) Present Continuous.

a) Wages have gone up and incomes have considerably in­creased owing to various payments and benefits from the social consumption funds.

b) Wages are going up and incomes are considerably increas­ing owing to various payments and benefits from the so­cial consumption funds.

Ключи: a) have gone up, have increased — возросли, уве­личились

b) are going up, are increasing — возрастают, увеличиваются

Задание II. Укажите индекс сказуемых, которые по своему значению соответствуют сказуемым данных ниже предло­жений.

1. Not only people’s wages and purchasing capacity are grow­ing, but also their needs and demands.

(а) выросли (b) растут

2. The newspapers and other publications were devoting special pages for the discussion of the draft plan.

(а) отвели (b) отводили

Ключи: II — 1 — (b); 2 — (b)

Времена группы Perfect Continuous

(см. таблицу 2.11.)

Задание I. Сопоставьте перевод сказуемых have increased и has been increasing; has been growing и has grown. Укажи­те номера предложений, в которых сказуемые переводятся как: (а) растет (b) вырос (с) возрос (d) возрастает

1. The working people’s real incomes have considerably increased owing to various payments and benefits from the consumption fund.

2. At present the bulk of collective farmers’ incomes comes from the social sector of the collective farms or state en­terprises, whose share has been increasing.

3. Remuneration of the labour in collective farmers has re­cently been growing faster than the wages of factory and office workers.

4. Since the first five-year plans were launched the living standard of the people has immeasurably grown.

Задание II. Из данных ниже предложений выпишите ска­зуемые

а) в Present Perfect и b) в Present Perfect Continuous. Переведите эти сказуемые.

1. We live in an age of rapid scientific and technological progress.

2. Within the lifetime of a single generation the 20th century has seen the appearance of radio and television, the har­nessing of atomic power and the production of synthetic materials.

3. Science has grasped the laws of heredity and devised elec­tronic computers, man has learnt to fly and has entered space.

4. Belarus has been investing more in scientific research, the state planning of research and development has been playing an increasing role because science and the appli­cation of its findings have become a matter of national importance.

Ключи: I — 1 — (с); 2 — (d); 3 — (а); 4 — (b); IIа) — 2 — has seen

увидел; 3 — has grasped познала; has devised изобрела; has learnt научился; has entered вошел; 4 — have become — стали; b) — 4 — has been investing ассигнует (средства); has been playing играет (роль).

Глаголы to be, to do, to have (см. таблицы 2.12.-2.14.)

Задание I. Укажите, в какой функции употреблен глагол “to be” в следующем предложении.

1. The plan is to ensure a further rise in the people s stand­ard of living.

(a) модальный (с) вспомогательный

(b) смысловой (d) связка

Задание II. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол “to be” является


2. Agriculture was the most important in the economy of pre-revolutionary Russia.

3. Oil is continuing to play an important part in the economy.

4 It is in Russia, that the first atomic power station has been built.

5 The country’s foreign trade ties are to expand.

Задание Ш. Укажите, в какой функции употреблен гла­гол “tо have” в

следующем предложении.

6. After World War Two the country had to rebuild its economy.

(а) модальный, (b) смысловой, (с) вспомогательный

Задание IV. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол “to have” употреблен как вспомогательный:

7 There have been no rent increases for many years.

8. The production of food industry has surpassed the pre-perestroika period.

9. Belarus has its own targets which correspond to the requirements of the time.

Задание V. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол “to do” выполняет

эмоционально-усилительную функцию.

10. When the costs of obtaining gold currency dropped for some reason — as they did, for instance, after the great geographical discoveries which brought a flow of cheap American gold to Europe — prices increased.

11. As a rule, discussions of the tasks set in the next five-year plan do not take place only at a Party congress. Long before a congress opens the tasks are made public for nationwide discussion.

12. Architects did indeed search for new ideas and some came up with remarkable solutions and innovations.

13. Why does surplus capital accumulate in the banks while small producers in town and country are ruined? Why do people’s social needs remain unsatisfied?

14. In the country there were three small export companies which did a small business in lemons.

Задание VI. Укажите, в каких двух функциях употреблен глагол “to do” в следующем ниже предложении.

A danger of terrorism does exist for the United States as it does for all other countries of the world. But the source of the danger is not Russia, but the military crises caused by imperialist policy, mostly the US policy.

(a) смысловой, (b) слово-заместитель, (с) вспомогательный,

(d) выполняет эмоционально-усилительную функцию

Ключи: I — (а); II — 3; III — (а); IV — 7, 8; V — 12; VI — (d), (b);

Задания к разделу 3.

Модальный глагол must и его эквиваленты “to have to и to be to

(см. таблицу 3.1.-3.2.)

Задание 1. Укажите номера предложений с модальным глаголом 'must' и его эквивалентами:

а) в настоящем време­ни;

b) в прошедшем времени;

с) в будущем времени,

d) Ука­жите предложение, где 'have to' встречается дважды: в прошедшем и настоящем времени.

1. Our workers have been free from the fear of being unemployed. They know that they will never have to go from one factory to another or from one office to another in search for work.

2. People had to study and learn, to acquire technical skills and to master the art of management. That was another task set by the government before the country.

3. Russia was buying large quantities of machines from developed countries. But could it rely on the western market alone?

4. The country had to build new industries and modernize plants.

5. The machine tool industry was to organize the production of new models of machine tools.

6. The engineering industries were to turn out complete sets of equipment for new metal-making works.

7. The output level of 2005 was to be more than doubled.

8. The chairman of the factory trade union committee said that they worked a 41-hour, five-day week but in addition had to work about six or seven Saturdays to cover the num­ber of hours that have to be worked in a year.

9. As in the past the efforts of scientists are to be concentrat­ed on achieving a radical improvement of the production.

10.The country is to build new metal-making plants but the need for more metal is to be met also by more careful and fuller use of the metal already being produced.

11.Commodities must match the better standards people are demanding.

12.The basic principle of socialism was that everything be­longs to the people and had to be used to benefit them.

Ключи: a) —9, 10, 11, 12; b) — 2, 4, 5, 6, 7; c) — 1; d)— 8

Задания к разделу 4.

Времена групп Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect (Passive Voice)

(см. таблицы 4.1., 4.2., 4.3.)

Задание I. Заполните данную ниже таблицу аналогично таблице 1.1.,

используя приводимые ниже предложения.

The Passive Voice




Present Past Future

1. 2. 3.



6. 7.

a) At its every stage the economic devel­opment of Belarus has been aimed to boost the people’s well-being.

b) Opportunities will be broadened for more rapid progress in closing the gap between working and living conditions in town and country.

c) As the incomes of the working class and farm peasantry draw close together, the distinction in the work­ing people’s living standards within each of the two groups are also being reduced.

d) The consistent effort to close the income gap is largely aimed to effect a more rapid increase in the incomes of families in the middle and lower brackets.

e) Additional payments for night work in industry were in­creased.

f) Regional wage indexes were introduced for factory and office workers at enterprises and institutions in the regions where these indexes had not been established earlier.

g) At that time our industry and trade were being recon­structed in respect of technology, outlook and economic operation.

Задание II. Укажите индексы сказуемых правой колонки, которые соответствуют их английским эквивалентам в левой колонке.

will be exported

were exported

(a) экспортируются

(b) будут


(c) экспортировали

are being exported

is reached

were reached

would be reached

(a) будет достигнут

(b) достигнут

(c) были достигнуты

was altered

is being altered

has been altered

(a) изменена

(b) была изменена

(c) изменяется

will be discussed

has been discussed

was discussed

(a) обсудили

(b) будут обсуждать

(c) обсуждали

were being created

had been created

would be created

(a) будет создан

(b) был создан

(c) создавались

Задание III. Укажите индекс сказуемого, которое должно стоять в следующем ниже предложении (см. табл. 1.17.-1.19.).

6. Increasing use ... of the timber supplies at present.

(a) has been made (b) is made (c) is being made

  1. It was planned that large aluminum plants ... near the main power station in that district in the years to come.

(a) will be created (b) would be created (c) were created

8. Cities and towns rose from the ruins more beautiful than they ... before.

(a) were (b) have been (c) had been

Задание IV. Укажите вопрос, который по времени совпа­дает со временем сказуемого данного ниже предложения.

Black youth have traditionally been denied equal educa­tional opportunities.

9. In what country are black youth traditionally denied equal educational opportunities?

10. In what country were black youth traditionally denied equal educational opportunities?

11. In what country are black youth being traditionally de­nied equal educational opportunities?

12. In what country have black youth been traditionally denied equal educational opportunities?

Задание V. Укажите русское предложение, которое соот­ветствует следующему предложению.

The builders of the town are being supplied with high-quality goods.

13. Строители города снабжались высококачественными


14. Строителей города снабжали высококачественными то­варами.

15. Строители города снабжаются высококачественными


16. Строители города снабжены высококачественными то­варами.

Ключи: I — 1 — d); 2 — е); 3 — b); 4 — с); 5 — g); 6 - а); 7 - f); II - 1 - (Ь), (с), (а); 2 – (b), (с), (а); 3 - (b), (с), (а); 4 - (b), (а), (с); 5 - (с), (b), (а); III -6 - (с); 7 - (b); 8 - (с); IV - 12; V – 15

Задания к разделу 5.

Причастие I/II (см. табл. 5.1., 5.2.)

Задание I. Исключите три предложения, в которых при­частие II входит в состав сказуемого в страдательном за­логе. Укажите предложение с причастием II в функции определения.

1. After the revolution the exploitation of man by man and parasitic consumption of the national income were elimi­nated.

2. The budget of Belarus is directly connected with mate­rial production.

3. The production of cotton textiles is the largest organized industry in India.

4. The production of aluminum will be achieved through the construction of new enterprises.

Задание II. Укажите предложения, в которых причастие II образует определительный причастный оборот.

5. The distance between home and the job is the most fre­quent reason given by women with families for changing jobs.

6. Before World War II the Western Powers headed by Brit­ain, France and the United States were against Soviet proposals to prevent war.

7. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his work” is how the basic law of socialism was formulated.

Задание III. Укажите предложения, в которых причастие II встречается и в составе сказуемого и в функции опреде­ления.

8. The country’s economy is based on public ownership of the means of production.

9. Large-scale industry which was created during the last years periods ensured the economic indepen­dence of Belarus.

10. Tuition in Russian schools is conducted in many languages spoken there.

11. A comprehensive plan takes into account suggestions submitted by individual enterprises and other economic units.

12. There exists a number of collective specialized organiza­tions formed within the organization framework.

13. Many Belarusian people are granted accommodation free or at greatly reduced terms.

14. The marked improvement in living standards, free pub­lic health services contributed to the sharp drop in the mortality rate in our country.

Задание IV. Укажите предложения с причастием II в функции обстоятельства.

15. The marked improvement in living standards is visible everywhere in our country.

16. Asked about the main trends of the country’s develop­ment the reporter spoke about heavy industry growth.

17. The program adopted by the Session of the EU coun­tries was a new stage in the development of their cooper­ation.

18. Taken by itself, rapid scientific-technical development might even aggravate cyclical tendencies in the world.

19. Once, when asked about her profession, a woman with a good sense of humor said: “I’m a wife and a mother.”

Ключи: I — 3; II — 5, 6; III —10; 13; IV —16, 18, 19

Задание V. Укажите предложение с причастием I в функции определения.

1. The first section of the power station will be operating by the end of this year.

2. The production of cotton textiles is the largest organized industry in India supplying the huge domestic market as well as widespread export markets.

3. Oil is continuing to play an important role in the economy.

Задание VI. Укажите предложения, в которых причастие I употребляется и в составе сказуемых и в функции опреде­ления.

4. The nation’s deepening recession is driving thousands of young people to roam the country in search for jobs.

5. Machine-tools, plant for the iron and steel industry and chemical industry, cars, aircraft and ships, bearing the “Ma­de in the USA”, are winning growing world acclaim.

6. The women working part-time now cannot, of course, turn out the whole daily quota, and their wages have dropped to half of what they used to be.

7. But the women are not grumbling, far from it.

8. The number of women wishing to work half a shift has already reached several hundred at the factory.

Задание VII. Укажите предложения, в которых прича­стие I употребляется в функции обстоятельства.

9. Every citizen in Belarus knows that he can al­ways get a job for which he will get paid depending on the quantity and quality of his work.

10. Now there are renewed threats of a fuel-oil shortage. Mak­ing use of the shortage propaganda the big oil companies have increased their prices to consumers mercilessly.

11. Anyone, regardless of age, profession, education or sex can come to Moscow special bureaus for job placement and information whether he or she is working at the mo­ment or not.

12. The Baikal-Amur railway is changing the aspect of Si­beria’s remote territory, setting a new pace for its develop­ment.

Задание VIII. Укажите предложения, в которых причастие I употребляется и в составе сказуемого и в функции обсто­ятельства.

13. Thousands of unemployed people are roaming the country looking for jobs.

14. Higher growth rates are specified for investments in key areas — fuel and power engineering, metals, metallurgical and other equipment, strengthening the material-technical base of agriculture, increasing the supply of fertilizer and equipment.

15. In multicultural Russia students are taught in their native tongue, thereby preserving the different national languages.

Ключи: V — 2; VI — 5; VII — 9, 10, 12; VIII — 13