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Английская грамматика в таблицах и упражнениях.doc
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Ключи к заданиям раздела 1

Задание 1.

a) 1, 2, 5 b) 4 c) 3

Задание 2.

a) 1, 5, 8, 9 b) 2, 4, 6 c) 3, 7, 10

Задание 3.

a) 2, 4, 6, 8 b) 3, 7, 9

Задание 4.

a) 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 b) 2, 4, 6, 7, 9

Задание 5.

a) 1, 2 b) 4 c) 2, 6 d) 3, 5

Задания к разделу 2.

Времена группы Indefinite (Active Voice)

(см. таблицы 2.4.—2.6.)

Задание I. Укажите индекс глагольной формы, которая соответствует данной в скобках.

1. A scientifically based plan for the national economy (координирует) the development of all branches on a national scale.

(a)coordinate (b) coordinates (c) coordinated

2. These districts (станут) a major centre of gas extraction.

(a) shall become (b) will become (c) became

3. In 1999 the census (установила) a population of more than a million in eighteen cities.

(a)record (b) records (c) recorded

4. This region (не имеет) its own raw material base for the metallurgical industry.

(a)did not have (b) does not have (c) will not have

5. There (имеются) several major river systems in the USA.

(a) were (b) is (c) are

Задание II. Укажите индекс вспомогательного глагола, ко­торый используется для образования общего вопроса.

1. The natural resources of the territory include extensive forests.

(a)do (b) does (c) did

2. The USA consists of 50 states.

(a) do (b) does (c) did

3. The contribution of Siberia to the tsarist economy consist­ed mainly of grain and butter, furs and gold.

(a)do (b) does (c) did

4. Pre-revolutionary Siberia gave up only a small proportion of its riches.

(a) do (b) does (c) did

5. The 5 - year plan will ensure a further rise in the people’s standard of living.

(a)did (b) shall (c) will.

Задание Ш. Укажите индекс глагольной формы, которую нужно поставить вместо пропуска.

1. The rivers of Russia already …a great deal of elec­tric power and ... even more in the future.

(a)will produce (b) produce (c) produced

2. During the first years of perestroika the output of con­sumer goods ... comparatively small.

(a)are (b) was (c) were

  1. Russia ... the longest coastline in the world.

(a) have (b) had (c) has

К л ю ч: I - 1 - (b); 2 - (b); 3 - (c); 4 - (b); 5 - (c); II- 1 -(a); 2-(b); 3 - (c); 4 - (c); 5 - (c); III -l-(b), (a); 2-(b); 3 - (c)

Порядок слов в английском вопросительном предложении. Общие и специальные вопросы (см. таблицы 2.1.-2.3.)

Задание I. Укажите, какой вопрос является вопросом ко всему предложению (общим вопросом).

The recent international exhibition showed our great achie­vements in different fields of our economy.

Недавно состоявшаяся международная выставка про­демонстрировала

наши огромные достижения в различных отраслях экономики.

  1. What showed our great achievements in different fields of our national economy?

  2. What sort of achievements did the recent international exhibition show?

  3. Where did the recent international exhibition show our great


  1. Did the recent international exhibition show our great achievements in different fields of our national economy?

Задание II. Укажите общий вопрос, который соответ­ствует данному предложению по времени.

Russia concludes trade agreements with foreign countries.

  1. Did Russia conclude trade agreements with foreign countries?

  2. Will Russia conclude trade agreements with foreign countries?

  3. Is Russia concluding trade agreements with foreign countries?

  4. Does Russia conclude trade agreements with foreign countries?

Задание III. Укажите специальный вопрос, который от­носится к члену предложения, выделенному полужирным шрифтом (вопрос к подлежащему).

The exhibition halls were full of visitors from opening to closing time.

  1. What halls were full of visitors from opening to closing time?

  2. Whom were the exhibition halls full of from opening to closing time?

  3. When were the exhibition halls full of visitors?

  4. What were full of visitors from opening to closing time?

Ключи: 1 — 4; II — 8; III — 4.

Функции окончания –s

(см. таблицы 2.1., 2.2., 2.3. раздела 2, таблицы 1.1. – 1.13. раздела 1)

Задание I. Укажите номера предложений, в которых окон­чание '-s' является:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственно­го числа глагола в Present Indefinite

b) признаком множественного числа имени существительного

с) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

  1. All Belarusian citizens are equal before the law, they enjoy equal rights and equal duties.

  2. Today the USA comprises 50 states.

  3. All citizens enjoy freedom of speech, that is to say they are free to voice their opinions on any matter, to criti­cize shortcomings at meetings, in the press, on the radio and TV.

  4. The US population is the world’s third big­gest after China.

  5. The US is far ahead of Great Britain and Germany in size of population and in the number of students per 10,000 inhabitants.

  6. The trade union plays a leading role in the public life.

Задание II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых встречаются слова с окончанием '-s', являющимся:

а) показателем множественного числа существительного и 3-го лица I единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite

b) показателем множественного числа существительного и

при­тяжательного падежа существительного;

с) показателем всех трех указанных в задании I функций

  1. One of the world’s biggest countries, Russia, occupies one-sixth of the world’s land surface, an area of 22,400,000 square kilometers in Europe and Asia.

  2. Among the rivers and seas of Russia there is the world’s biggest salt water lake — the Caspian and the world’s deepest lake — Lake Baikal, which holds one-fifth of the earth’s fresh water.

  3. The country’s 39 film studios produce up to 150 feature films a year.

  4. Students receive a grant, the size of which depends on their progress in studies.

  5. There are more than 100 children’s theatres, including puppet theatres and music theatres.

Ключи: I —a) —2, 6; b) — 1, 3, 5; c) — 4; II — a) — 10; b) —9, 11; c) — 7, 8