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26. Закончите данные ниже предложения, выбрав вариант, соответствующий со­держанию текста.

1 In 1966 the Pope said that Catholics

a) could eat fish on Friday, b} could eat meat every day of the week, c) could eat fish every day of the week

2 In 1966, when Catholics were allowed to eat meat on Friday,

a} the demand for fish increased, b) the demand for fish decreased, c) the demand for fish remained the same

3 The demand is influenced not only by consumer incomes but also by a) the price of other goods in the market, b) improvement in technology, c) consumers' tastes

4 As the demand for fish fell,

a) the equilibrium price fell, too,

b) the equilibrium price rose,

c} the equilibrium price remained the same

27. Измените предложения по образцам в соответствии с содержанием текста The Pope and the Price of Fish.

ОБРАЗЕЦ 1 The demand for fish after 1966 was (high) before 1966 -> The demand for fish after 1966 was not so high as before 1966

1. The demand for meat before 1966 was (high) after 1966.

2. The quantity of sold fish after 1966 was (great) before 1966.

3. The quantity of sold meat before 1966 was (great) after 1966.

4. The price for fish before 1966 was (low) after 1966.

ОБРАЗЕЦ2: The demand for fish before 1966, after 1966 (high). -^ The demand for fish before 1966 was higher than the demand for fish after 1966.

1. The average weekly price for fish after 1966, before 1966 (low).

2. The average weekly quantity of consumed fish before 1966, after 1966 (big).

3. The demand for meat before 1966, after 1966 (low),

4. The quantity of meat consumed on Friday after 1966, before 1966 (big).

5. The quantity of fish consumed on Friday after 1966, before 1966 (small).

ОБРАЗЕЦ 3: Catholics ate (much) of fish before 1966, after 1966. -^ Cath­olics ate more offish before 1966 than after 1966.

1. People paid (little) for fish after 1966, before 1966.

2. People ate (little) of fish after 1966, before 1966.

3. Meat was bought (much) on Friday after 1966, before 1966.

4. Fish was demanded (little) on Friday after 1966, before 1966.

Задание на дом №6

28.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слова и словосочетания из словарного минимума к тексту Demand and Supply.

1. If the price is higher than the equilibrium one, it will be falling till the equilibrium price is reached and there is no more surplus left. If a good is sold at a price below the equilibrium one, the price will grow and reach the equilibrium price till there is no more shortage of the good left.

2. Governments buy and produce many goods and services, such as defenсe, education, parks, and roads for firms and individuals.

3. Firms producing computers act as buyers in the markets for the ser­vices of computer programmers.

4. Governments, through their control of the quantity of money in the economy, can influence business activity.

5. With a reduction in input prices firms will supply more of a good at each price.

6. Inflation is a rise in the level of prices as demand is higher than supply because of an increase in the supply of money.

7. When there is a harvest failure, the producers' supply will decrease.

8. Supply restrictions imposed by cartels are as characteristic of industri­alized economies as of developing economies.

9. Private sector in a mixed economy is that part of the economy that is controlled by private firms, not by government or corporations.

10. Excess supply is a situation in which, at a certain price, the quantity of a good demanded by buyers is less than the quantity supplied by pro­ducers.