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Unit 2

1. Причастия 1 и 11 (повторение). 2. Слова some, the same. 3. Значения слова as. 4. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, сравнительные конструкции. 5. Числительные.

Everybody listened to the reading student.

Everybody listened to the student reading the newspaper.

Reading the new text the student made no mistakes.

The student is reading a newspaper now.

Customers can get information of all the produced goods in the catalogue.

The goods produced by the company are in great demand

The goods were produced in China.

The company has developed a new model of equipment.

1.Serving as a means of exchange, money is essential in economy.

2. Having introduced new technology, the enterprise increased out­ put.

  1. The commodities produced by the company were of high quality.

4. Being traded openly on the stock exchange, government securities make monetary policies more flexible.

5.Having been introduced extensively in the economy, barter transaction made the latter highly wasteful.

Тренировочное упражнение

Укажите, в каких предложениях при переводе на русский язык нужно добавить союзное слово.

1. We must know the prices at the moment we need money for making expenditures.

2. The output of an agricultural commodity this year depends on deci­sions the farmer made last year.

3. Restrictions imposed by the government should be in the interests of most people in the society.

4. A government can restrict the choice a consumer can make.

5. The firm manager must know the demand for the goods that his firm produces.

Тренировочное упражнение .

Укажите предложения, в которых выделенные слова являются глаголами.

1. Government regulations should be in the interests of society.

2. These calculations demand reliable data.

3. Market prices depend on the way the law of supply and demand works.

4. The problem that interests most economists is the proper dose of gov­ernment intervention into the economy.

5. Price increases lead to the decrease in the quantity of the goods sold.

6. A change in demand takes place when an individual's income in­creases.


Аудиторная работа №4

1.Прочитайте простые дроби: а) ¾; 1/6; 3/8; 1/5

Прочитайте десятичные дроби: б) 3.71; 83.12; 17.4; 20.5; 11.33

Скажите по-английски: в) возрос на 1,7%; уменьшился на 8%; возрос на 1/3; уменьшился на 2/5; возрос на 25 %; уменьшился на 30.1%

г) уменьшился в три раза; увеличился в 4 раза; уменьшился во много раз; увеличился в 5 раз

д) Уменьшился с 102% в 1988г. до 57% в 1997г.; увеличился с 40 тысяч тонн в 1991г. до 42 тысяч тонн в1998г.; увеличился с $24 500 в 1996г. до $24 650 в 1997г.

2.Образуйте причастия 1и 11 от следующих глаголов, назовите их русские эквиваленты:

To work, to allocate, to limit, to analyze, to say, to make, to produce, to study to buy, to sell, to give.

3.Перепешите предложения, заменяя подчеркнутые придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.

ОБРАЗЕЦ 1: Resources can be a serious factor that limits production. -> Resources can be a serious factor limiting production.

1. Firms that produce computers act as buyers in the markets for the ser­vices of computer programmers.

2. A nation's income is the sum of the incomes of all the people who live in that country.

3. There are several factors that determine a consumer's demand.

  1. Individuals, families and governments that consume goods and services are called consumers in economics.

ОБРАЗЕЦ 2: Consumers typically buy a smaller quantity of the good that is sold at a higher price. -> Consumers typically buy a j smaller quantity of the good sold at a higher price.

1. Supply restrictions that are imposed by cartels are as characteristic of industrialized economies as of developing economies.

2. Excess supply is a situation in which the quantity of a good that is de­manded by buyers is less than the quantity that is supplied by producers.

3. Society increasing the quantity of one good that is produced at one time typically reduces the quantity of another good that is produced at the same time.

4. Some of the inputs that an individual uses are food, chairs and tables, but another input of great importance is time. The consumer's time is limited, and this time limitation as well as his or her limited income influence the decisions that are made in day-to-day life.

ОБРАЗЕЦ 3: When societies act through their governments, they can make decisions on allocation of scarce resources. -> Acting through their governments, societies can make decisions on allocation of scarce resources.

1. When we put demand and supply together, we can determine equilibri­um prices and quantities in different markets.

2.When it increases the quantity of one good produced at one time, the society reduces the produced quantity of another good as its resources are scarce.

3. When people consume goods and services, they provide a basis for fur­ther production.

4. As they make up a major portion of the national income US high tech­nology industries dominate and influence almost all other industries in the country.