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Задание на дом №4

7.Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение.

Выделите в тексте причастные обороты и причастия 1 и 11

8.Вставьте в предложение следующие прилагательные и наречия, образуя соответствующую форму степени сравнения.

high, important (2), many, large, low, effectively, much, great, clear, reliable, strong (2), quickly

  1. Command economy relies… on planning than on prices.

  2. Knowledge of foreign languages is of … importance now than it was some 40 years ago.

  3. The degree of government regulation in present-day Ukraine is… than in the Soviet Union.

  4. Government intervention in Sweden is as… as in Denmark or, probably,…

  5. Land quality is… for agriculture than for other industries.

  6. If we want to have a … picture of economic life in the country, we must have… information.

  7. In the 18th century the…part of national income in… European countries came from import and export tariffs. These days they play a… role.

  8. Governments can influence for whom goods are produced… in economies with… levels of government regulation.

  9. If other things are equal, this firm will do the work… than the others.

9.Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

  1. … a mixed economy the government may be a producer… private goods, for example, steel and motor cars.

  2. An increase…the price…an input will lead to a reduction… the demand… that input.

  3. The firm can sell as much as wants… the market price.

  4. A consumer’s tastes and income as well as prices… other goods influence… his or her demand.

  5. Consumers almost always respond to an increase…a good’s price…a reduction…the quantity…it consumed… them

  6. A change…the supply…a good and…its demand both influence… its equilibrium price.

  7. Rupert Murdoch, the media magnate, is planning to supply the services…his network… satellites…Internet development. If Internet is operated… satellites, there will be access…the near future.

  8. …a command economy, plans are imposed…producers…government agencies.

  9. Scientists and engineers have been developing substitutes…natural building materials…several past decades.

  10. Supplying people… food as well as industry… raw materials, agriculture is… utmost importance…an economy.

Аудиторная работа №5

10.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту Demand and Supply.

  1. What is demand?

  2. What is supply?

  3. When are the demanded and supplied quantities of goods high?

  4. How are prices and the supplied and demanded quantities regulated by the market?

  5. Which factor influence demand? How do they work?

  6. Which factors influence supply?

  7. How can governments regulate demand and supply?

11.Определите по суффиксам, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова:

information, development, situation, growth, productive, productivity, investment, important, agriculture, importance, health, agricultural, industrial, wealth, active, activity.

12.Выберите из приведенных ниже слов пары однокорневых глаголов и существительных и переведите их на русский язык.

To fall, consumer, to stabilize, organization, demand, to sell, buyer, influence, to invest, to improve, consumption, fall, improvement, stabilization, to intervene, to organize, investment, seller, to consume, to buy, to demand, increase, to reduce, reduction, to influence, to increase, intervention.

13.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

  1. In East- European countries consumers couldn’t buy goods, and factories couldn’t get inputs at prices held low by governments.

  2. Governments intervene in economies controlling the supply of money, limiting monopolies and helping private industries.

  3. An improvement in technology will increase the supply of a good, increasing the quantity supplied at each possible price.

  4. Governments regulate economic activities imposing some restrictions.

  5. The government can influence for whom goods are produced, taking income away from some people and giving it to others.

  6. The high price for a good is the market mechanism telling suppliers it is now time to increase production.

  7. The developing countries hope that the industrial countries will raise imports from the less developed countries imposing tariffs on imports from other industrial countries.

  8. Income is money of all kinds coming in regularly to a person, family or organization.

  9. Active money is money going from man and used by the people in buying and selling goods and services.

  10. Reducing our imports, we decrease the exports of others.

  11. At prices above equilibrium we have a situation known as excess supply, or surplus.