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III. Insert the auxiliary or modal verb:

1. A lot of houses ... been built in our town this year. 2. His parents ... been married five years when he was born. 3. The next morning when I came out, I saw that the streets ... been washed out by rain. 4. Don’t close the window. It has just ... opened. 5. The construction of the bridge ... been finished before winter comes. 6. I wondered why he hadn’t ... taught any foreign language. 7. How long has this stadium ... built? 8. Close the door please, little Jane ... being washed. 9. He didn’t show much interest when earlier theories on the subject ... being discussed. 10. He couldn’t do a thing when he knew he ... being watched. 11. The boys watched how the car was ... cleaned. 12. His speech is ... translated for the foreign guests. 13. Many new houses ... being built in Kyiv now.

IV. Translate into English:

1. Коли було видано цю книжку? 2. Їх зустрінуть на станції. 3. Йому дали кілька книжок для доповіді. 4. Її попросили заспівати цю пісню ще раз. 5. Цю фабрику було збудовано 10 років тому. 6. Якщо мене спитають, я їм усе розповім. 7. Телефон винайшли в минулому столітті. 8. Цей лист щойно підписано директором. 9. Молоко продають на літри. 10. Цю роботу буде закінчено через два дні. 11. Хліб було нарі­зано гострим ножем. 12. Вам не доведеться чекати. Документи буде перевірено, а листи підписано до того часу, коли ви прийдете. 13. Мені пообіцяли негайну допомогу. 14. Йому запропонували квиток на концерт. 15. Йому слід потурбуватися про своїх батьків.

V. Add of if possible:

1. All ... the children listened to the story. 2. Almost all ... students study hard for exams. 3. Both ... those books are mine. 4. I bought two books. Both ... books were expensive. 5. I have two brothers. Both ... my brothers are in school. 6. All ... the students in my class are studying English. 7. Not all ... people are friendly, but most ... people have kind hearts. 8. Almost all ... children like fairy tales. 9. Both ... us were very tired. 10. Both ... my sisters are doctors. 11. Both ... her children have blue eyes. 12. Do you know all ... the people in your group? 13. Both ... my daughters are married.


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