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3. Найдите пары синонимов.

1. journey 2. schedule 3. luggage 4. single ticket 5. baggage 6. one way ticket 7. left-luggage 8. ticket collector 9. time-table 10. cloak-room 11. travelling 12. guard-attendant

4. Ответьте на вопросы.

A. 1. Are you fond of travelling? 2. Have you travelled a lot? 3. What do you prefer to travel by? Why? Give your reasons. 4. Have you ever travelled abroad? 5. When did you last travel by train? When was it? Was it an exciting journey? 6. Do you usually book tickets in advance? 7. Do you take a lot of luggage while travelling or do you prefer to travel light? 8. Do you like to travel alone, with your friends or with your relatives? 9. How many railway stations are there in Moscow? 10. Do you usually come to the railway station ahead of time? How do you usually while away the time when waiting for the train? 11. Do your friends come to see you off if you go on a long vacation? 12. What kinds of trains do you know? What trains do you prefer? 13. Do you ask a porter to help you if you have a lot of luggage? 14. Do you go to a snack bar at the railway station if you are thirsty or hungry? 15. Do trains always leave on time? 16. How do you feel if the train falls behind schedule? 17. Do you leave your luggage in the left-luggage office if you have a lot of time before the train starts? 18. Have you ever had to change trains when travelling? 19. Do you prefer to go to the dining-car or have a cup of tea in the compartment? 20. Are you fond of getting acquainted with fellow-travellers on the train?

B. 1. Have you ever flown? When was it? Did you feel nervous? Did you enjoy it? Was the flight smooth or rough? Were you airsick? 2. Where do we get tickets for airplane? 3. How many airports are there in Moscow? Are they far from the centre of the city? How can you get there? Is there a special bus service for passengers? 4. Do passengers go straight to the plane? What do they have to do first? In what case do they have to pay extra for their luggage? Are they allowed to take any luggage on board a plane? 5 Who meets passengers at the gangway? Does she show passengers to their seats? 6. When are passengers taken to the plane by a special motor coach? 7. Are flights sometimes delayed? When does it happen? 8. Why is it necessary to do up a safety-belt during take-off and landing? 9. Is smoking allowed on board a plane? Why is it? 10. What information is always given to the passengers before the flight? 11. What speed and altitude do modern planes fly at? 12. Are the passengers offered drinks and meals during the flight? 13. Can the passengers use their mobile phones during the flight? 14. What are advantages and disadvantages of traveling by air?

C. 1. Have you ever travelled by sea? When was it? Did you enjoy it? Was it a holiday cruise? How long did it last? What kind of ship was it? 2. Are you a good or a sailor? Did you suffer from seasickness on board a ship? 3. When do passengers usually become seasick? 4. Have you ever been caught in a storm? 5. What does a modern passenger liner look like? How many decks are there on board a large liner? 6. Have you ever been in a large sea or river port? What does it look like? 7. What safety devices are there on board a ship?