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учебное пособие Трубиной.doc
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39. Ответьте официанту.

You are being served, aren't you?

Do you like your tea strong?

You have ordered some salad for two, haven't you?

Do you still need the wine list.

You don't seem (казаться) to like the cutlet. Shall I change it?

The steak is just to your taste, isn't it?

Shall I lay another place, madam?

Will you have the strawberries with sugar, madam?

40. Дополните диалог словами, данными в скобках.

A. Where shall we sit? There are many vacant seats.

B. (Suggests near the dance-floor. / At the window. /In the corner.)

A. Here is the menu card. Have a look at it. What do they offer?

B. (Names many dishes.)

A. Shall we take any soup?

B. (Explains that she is not fond of soup.)

A. What would you like for the second course?

B. (Suggests roast chicken. / Mutton chop.)

A. Shall we drink anything?

B. (Some dry wine. Beer. Lemonade. Mineral water.)

A. Waiter, will you take our order? Two roast chickens, mineral water, etc.

41. Rice dishes

Вставьте слова в текст

eggs fish lemon milk rice salt

Дополните предложения словами a lot of, not much, not many или none.

A This is a Chinese dish and it's delicious. You need (1), two eggs, some bacon, onions and oil. Oh, and some (2) and pepper too.

В Some people eat this for breakfast. It's made with rice, (3) , two (4) and a lot of cream. I think it's horrible - fish for breakfast!

С This is a dessert dish. You need rice, lots of (5), some sugar and some (6) juice.

It's sweet and it's lovely.

Соотнесите названия блюд 1-3 с описаниями A-C.

1 Rice pudding 2 Kedgeree 3 Egg-fried rice

42. Вставьте слова в предложения.

sweet spicy salty raw hot cold

I don't like…vegetables, I prefer them cooked.

Careful! It's very… .

I love everything… : chocolate, ice cream, cakes.

Ugh! This coffee is…. Did you heat the water?

I need some water. These peanuts are too….

This curry is very… .

43. At a restaurant

Вставьте фразы в диалог.

you like to eat you a drink the menu main course the bill a table for

Waiter: Good evening. Can I help you?

Man: Yes, I'd like (1) one, please.

Waiter: Certainly. This way, please.

Man: Could I see (2), please?

Waiter: Of course. Can I get (3)?

Man: Yes, a bottle of beer, please.

Waiter: What would (4)?

Man: I'd like the chicken soup to start.

Waiter: And for the (5)?

Man: The fish, please.

Waiter: Is everything OK?

Man: Yes, thank you. It was delicious.

Waiter: Anything else?

Man: No, can I have (6), please?

44. Исправьте одну ошибку в каждом диалоге. Расставьте диалоги в правильном порядке.


a Certainly. This way, please.

b Good evening.

с Good evening. A table two for, please.


  1. Of course. Here are you.

  2. Mmm. Can we have a bottle of house red?

  3. Could I see the wine menu, please?


a Can I pay by credit card?

b Excuse me! Can I the bill, please?

с That's £20.


a Non-smoke, please.

b Smoking or non-smoking?

с This way, please.


a Would you like order?

b Of course. And to drink?

с Yes. Can I have the mushroom pizza?

45. Прочитайте статью.

Potatoes are an important part of a balanced diet

(1) and they grow in many countries around the world.

(2) in Russia, Poland and Germany where each person eats over 150kg every year!

(3) from South America. In the 16th Century Spanish explorers brought the potato back with them to Europe.

(4), but only about 100 varieties that you can usually buy. They are easy to cook. For example, simply put a potato in the oven, cook for about an hour, cut it open and add some butter and cheese for a delicious meal.

(5) as they help make the soup thick.

(6) as you can cook them and then eat them cold. So, next time you are hungry and you are thinking about what to eat - well, why not try a potato?

Вставьте в текст фразы a-f.

Соотнесите слова 1-5 с их значениями a-e.


They are also perfect for salads



a first


Now there are about 3,000 different kinds of potato



b different types


Potatoes are very popular



с good choice and variety of food


There are many different varieties



d person who goes to new places


They are good in soups


balanced diet

e nice taste


Potatoes originally came