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Текст 8 Teacher Training in Great Britain

School teachers in the UK are trained in three ways: 1) at universities: Students who wish to take up school teaching take a first degree (usually Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) in some subject(s). Then they take a postgraduate course at a university Department (faculty) of Education leading to a Postgraduate Diploma in Education or Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

2) at colleges of education: Future teachers take either a degree course leading to a Bachelor of Education, or a shorter, less academic course leading lo a Teacher's Certificate. At a college of education, a student studies education parallel to his/her special subject courses.

3) at colleges of higher education: Students who want to be teachers first get a Diploma in Higher Education, then they take a teacher training course leading either to a Bachelor of Education or a Teacher's Certificate.

Teachers with a degree are called graduate teachers (graduates), and teach­ers with a Teacher's Certificate are called certified teachers or non-graduate teachers (non-graduates).

Teacher training at any of the above-mentioned establishments includes subject studies, education studies and school-based experience or teaching prac­tice. Education studies include lectures and seminars on educational history, theory, and psychology, as well as classes and seminars on teaching methods.

Teaching practice, usually at colleges of education, is divided into an "observation period" for junior students and "block-teaching" practice for senior students. Junior students watch experienced teachers at work, observ­ing demonstration lessons, and help with the extra-curricular activities. Senior students usually spend fifteen weeks on teaching practice. They observe and give lessons, discussing them with a supervisor (tutor) on school practice, and learn the use of different educational aids and audiovisual equipment.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What kind of educational institutions train teachers in Great Britain?

  2. What department trains teachers at Universities?

  1. What qualifications should a university student obtain to become a school teacher?

  2. What degree is awarded to a student of a college of education after the completion of a degree course?

  1. What is the difference between graduate teachers and certified teachers?

  1. What are the three core components of the teacher training curriculum in Great Britain?

  2. What are lessons given by experienced teachers to set a model for intending teachers called?

  1. What kinds of teaching practice do junior and senior students have?

  1. What do senior students do at school during their block-teaching practice?

Текст 9

James said,

"I studied at a local junior college for two years, and then I transferred to Harvard University. I received a B.S. in biology from Harvard and immediately got a job working for a large pharmaceutical company. I didn't like my job, so I quit and went back to school. I had minored in philosophy at Harvard, and I had had some great professors there, so I decided to go back to school and get a master's in ethics. When I complete my master's in June, I am going to go on and get my Ph.D. in bioethics.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What did James major in?

  2. What was James' secondary area of study at Harvard?

  3. What field does James plan to get his doctorate in?