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учебное пособие Трубиной.doc
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Диалог 1

Read and translate the dialogue. Act it out.

Super Pizza: Hello, Super Pizza.

Marisa: Hi. How much is a large chicken and mushroom pizza?

Super Pizza: That's eight euros ninety-five.

Marisa: And how much is a small tomato salad?

Super Pizza: Two euros forty-five.

Marisa: What about coffee?

Super Pizza: A small cup of coffee is two euros and a large coffee is two euros seventy-five.

Marisa: OK. Do you have a tuna and pineapple pizza?

Super Pizza: Yes.

Marisa: How much is a large one? Super Pizza: Eight euros fifty.

Marisa: Fine. I'd like a large tuna and pineapple pizza.

Super Pizza: Any side orders?

Marisa: Yes. Can I have a small tomato salad?

Super Pizza: Sure. What about a drink?

Marisa: A small coffee, please.

Super Pizza: Right. A large tuna and pineapple pizza, a small tomato salad and a small cup of coffee.

Marisa: How much is that? Super Pizza: That's twelve euros ninety-five.

Marisa: Can I pay by credit card?

Super Pizza: Of course. What's the name on the card?

Marisa: It's Marisa Sanchez ...

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Does Marisa order a pizza?

  2. Does she order a drink?

  3. How does Marisa pay for the food?

Напишите вопросы для данных ответов.

How much is a small cheese and tomato pizza?

It's €5.95.


It's €8.50.


It's €3.00.


It's €8.25.

Диалог 2

Cooking (At a friend's house)

Carol: This is a lovely house!

Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home.

Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains!

Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take?

Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake.

Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house.

Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really.

Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat?

Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city.

Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ...

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Which statement is true?

  • Martha works a long way from home.

  • Martha works a short way from home.

  • Martha works a long way at home.

How long does it take Carol to get to work?

  • Only 5 minutes.

  • About 20 minutes.

  • She doesn't work.

Where does Martha get her great cakes?

  • At a little bakery

  • She cooks them herself.

  • At Costco

Who cooks in Carol's house?

  • She does.

  • Her mother does.

  • David does.

Where does Carol eat when David doesn't have time to cook?

  • At Martha's

  • At various restaurants

  • At her mothers

Диалог 3 Coming for tea

It's Friday afternoon and John's friend Mark is coming for tea tomorrow. Mrs S: John, is Mark coming for tea tomorrow? John: Yes mum, I told you yesterday! Mrs S: Oh did you? Sorry, I must have forgotten. John: What are we having? Mrs S: I don't know yet, I was just writing out the shopping list. What sort of things does he like? John: Anything, just about. I know he hates pasta though, he never eats school dinner if it's pasta. Mrs S: OK, what about pizza. John: Yeah, pizza would be great, not too much salad though please mum. Mrs S: How about a fruit salad for pudding instead? John: With ice cream? Mrs S: Yes, ok. John: Great, I can't wait! Entertaining at Home - It's Saturday and John's friend Mark has just arrived. John: Hi Mark! Mark Hi John, how's it going? John: Fine, and you? Mark Oh you know. John: Yeah, tell me about it. Mrs S: Hello Mark, how are you. Mark: Very well thank you Mrs Smith. John Mum, can we go and play in my room? Mrs S: Yes, after tea. We're having pizza tonight Mark, is that alright? Mark: Yes Mrs Smith that should be fine, but I am a vegetarian. Mrs S: Oh John, you didn't tell me! John Sorry mum, I didn't know. Mrs S: Well it's just as well I bought mushroom pizza as well then, isn't it? Mark: I'm sorry if it's any trouble Mrs Smith. Mrs S: Don't worry Mark, it's not your fault, we can eat the salami pizza and you can have the mushroom one. Why don't you both go and play upstairs, tea will be a little bit longer than expected! John: This way Mark.

Согласитесь или не согласитесь.

  • Mark comes for tea on Friday.

  • John hasn't told his mum that Mark is coming for tea.

  • Mark never eats pasta.

  • John loves salami.

  • John tells his mum that Mark is a fussy eater.

  • Mark will eat anything.

  • John's mum only has pizza with meat.

  • Vegetarians don't eat meat

  • John and Mark eat after playing.

  • Mark enjoys his meal.