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Текст 9 At the Customs House

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While still on board the plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, fills in (in block letters) his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit, and address in the country he is visiting.

After the passenger has disembarked, officials will check his passport and visa (to see if they are in order).

In some countries they will check the passenger's certificate of vaccination.

When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage.

Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable (subject) to duty and what are duty-free. Sometimes an article which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty is allowed as duty-free if a traveler does not exceed a certain quota. These are listed in a duty-free quota list.

Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles-list. This is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it.

Here is a partial list of prohibited articles (items): fire-arms, in some countries - meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables.

If a traveler has any item which comes under customs restrictions, he is asked to declare it. That is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The declaration is made orally or in writing on a special form. In this case a traveler fills in the form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty a traveler is given a receipt. As a rule personal effects are duty-free.

It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling.

The formalities at the customs house usually take some time. Only after going through the customs a traveler is free to go to a hotel or any other place.

Текст 10 Airport Customs (abridged)

"Why should I sign anything?" Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman demanded.

He answered patiently, "To make things easier for yourself, madam. We're merely asking you to confirm what you've already told us." "Suppose I refuse to sign?"

"Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation."

There was the brief hesitation, then, "Very well. You fill out the form, I'll sign."

"No, madam, you fill it out. Now here, please, describe the items and alongside where you say they were obtained, please, give the name of the stores; also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift."

"Madam," Inspector Standish said, "is there anything else you wish to declare?" It was Customs Bureau policy to give travellers the utmost opportunity to make voluntary declarations.

"In that case, Madam," Inspector Standish said, "Will you kindly open your handbag?"

For the first time the naughty woman betrayed uncertainty. "But surely purses are never inspected."

"Normally, they are not. But we do have the right." Mrs. Mossman was noticeably pale. The Inspector instructed the young Customs officer beside him: "Inspect everything very carefully. Check the things in the bag and cases, the seams and hems of all the clothes. Make a list. You know what to do."

He was leaving when Mrs. Mossman called after him: "Officer!"

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where is Mrs. Du Barry now?

  2. Why are her suitcases spread open?

  3. What was Harry Standish?

  4. How can you describe his behaviour?

  5. What form did she have to sign?

  6. What are the rules of passing the Customs if your things are being inspected?

  7. What was Customs Bureau policy?

8. What instructions did Harry Standish give to his younger colleague?