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3. Соотнесите английские предложения и русский перевод

  1. Academic year runs from the first of September to the end of June.

  2. After the students graduate from the institutes they go to work in all fields of national economy.

  3. As the lectures begin at 9 o'clock, you must come some minutes before 9 o’clock.

  4. He didn't answer this question because it was very difficult.

  5. He didn't enter the university because he failed the mathematics.

  6. He is a good student; he will pass all the examinations well.

  7. I borrow books from the library.

  8. I don't get state scholarship at the Academy.

  9. I have to pay for my studies.

  10. In the fifth year we are to submit a graduation paper.

  11. Students get a higher education at the institutes and universities.

  12. Students must attend lectures on different subjects.

  13. Students receive a monthly scholarship.

  14. This year I graduated from the academy.


  1. Академический год длится с первого сентября до конца июня.

  2. В этом году я закончу академию.

  3. На пятом курсе мы защищаем выпускную работу.

  4. Он не ответил на вопрос, потому что он был сложный.

  5. Он не поступил в университет, потому что провалил математику.

  6. Он хороший студент, он сдаст все экзамены хорошо.

  7. После окончания студентами университетов они отправляются на работу во все сферы национальной экономики.

  8. Студенты получают высшее образование в институтах и университетах.

  9. Студенты должны посещать лекции по разным дисциплинам.

  10. Студенты ежемесячно получают стипендию.

  11. Так как лекции начинаются в 9 часов, ты должен приходить за несколько минут до 9 часов.

  12. Я беру книги в библиотеке.

  13. Я должен платить за обучение.

  14. Я не получаю стипендию в академии.

4. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова:

  1. education

  2. subject

  3. training

  4. university

  5. postgraduate

  6. secondary-school

  7. theoretical

  8. educational

  9. term

  10. teaching

  11. tutorials

  12. demonstration

  13. teaching aids

  14. teaching methods

  15. lectures

A student at a College of Education in Britain studies (1) Parallel to his special subject courses. An English (2) student, who wishes to take up school teaching, first of all studies his (3). And having obtained a first degree, usually the B. A. or B. Sc., takes a (4) diploma course at a university Department of Education. This course is exclusively concerned with (5) him as a teacher, usually as a (6) teacher.

The first six weeks of (7) are chiefly taken up with lectures and (8) on the theory of education, (9) psychology, the history and sociology of English education, and (10).

The students are also given a course on the use of (11). They are also able to watch (12) lessons in various schools. Then their first full time (13) practice begins. Next term is also divided between (14) and practical work. In the summer term there are a few weeks of (15) and tutorials, followed by examinations in May.

2.2. My academy

Основные тексты для чтения и понимания

Текст 1

Our Academy. N. Tagil social pedagogical Academy

There are many institutes, universities and academies in our country. Thousands of young people study there. Our Academy is one of the oldest and largest higher schools-in our town. It was founded in 2003, but its history has begun since 1939. Then it was called Teacher's Institute and there were two faculties in it. In 1952 it was transformed into Pedagogical Institute. About 5000 students study at our Academy.

I am a first-year student of the Academy. After finishing secondary school I entered the Academy. Anyone entering a Russian higher school must take entrance examinations. I had to take entrance examinations in Russian, ... . The Academy is large. It has six buildings for studies, three hostels for students. I study at the faculty of... .

The head of our Academy is the principal. He has several vice-principals. One of them is in charge of research and the others are in charge of tuition work. The Academy has eight faculties: physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, Russian and literature, technology and undertaking, safety of vital activity, fine arts, foreign languages, social, there are also two institutes: the institute of humanitarian education and the institute of psychological and pedagogical education. Some faculties have specialities, such as geography, public relations, informatics. At the head of every faculty is the dean.

The Academy has a comprehensive curriculum in humanities and applied sciences. All the pedagogical and scientific work is being carried by chairs. The chairs help every student get ready for his future work.

There are many laboratories and various work-shops in the Academy. The students make their experiments there. The laboratories are equipped with up-to-date devices and apparatus.

The Academy provides excellent facilities for research work. The students have every opportunity to develop their abilities, gifts and talents. They have excellent conditions for studies. The Academy has a good library with thousands of volumes on a wide range of subjects. It has a large, comfortable reading room, a concert hall, a gym, where the students can go in for sports.

The Academy has a wide variety of amateur groups which arrange concerts and theatre productions. There are also different clubs and sports societies.

The extra-mural department of our Academy was founded in 1948. It trains students in nine specialties.

The students, who have good marks in examinations, get scholarships. They usually don't pay anything for their studies.

The Academic year begins in September. It lasts ten months. The academic year is divided into two terms from September to January and from February to July. Students take examinations at the end of each term. During each term students have to attend lectures and practical lessons, to write compositions, to make reports, to write course papers. If a student fails in an examination, he may be allowed to take it again. Only two re-examinations are normally allowed. For a breach of discipline a student can be fined a sum of money, for a serious offence he may be expelled from the university. At the end of studies students present a graduation thesis or pass final state examinations. The course of studies lasts five years, but you may finish your education after the 4th year and get a Bachelor Degree-Specialization begins in the third course. Graduates from our Academy are usually good specialists in our region.

to develop abilities - развивать способности

wide range - широкий круг

to enter - поступать

to take (entrance) examinations – сдавать экзамен

to go in for - заниматься

hostel - общежитие

amateur group - самодеятельность

principal - ректор

vice-principal - проректор

to be in charge of- быть ответственным

research work - научная работа

curriculum - учебный план

tuition work - учебная работа (часть)

dean - декан

public relations - связи с общественностью

practical lesson - практические занятия

Physics and mathematics - физмат

to make reports - делать доклад

Chemistry and biology - Химико- биологический

Russian and literature - филологический

Technology and undertaking- технологического образования

Safety of vital activity - ФБЖ

Fine arts - Художественно-графический

Foreign languages - Иностранных языков

Social - социальной работы

comprehensive - всесторонний

to get scholarship - получать стипендию

humanities - гуманитарные науки

applied sciences - прикладные науки

chair - кафедра

work-shop - лаборатория

to make experiment - проводить эксперимент

to be equipped - хорошо оборудован

up-to-date devices – современные приспособления

re-examination - пересдача

to be expelled from - исключить

graduation thesis - выпускная работа

to pass final state examination – сдать государственный экзамен

Academic year - учебный год

The institute of humanitarian education - социально-гуманитаpный институт

The institute of psychological and pedagogical - институт психологии и педагогики

course papers - курсовая работа

to fail in an exam - провалить экзамен

equipment - оборудование

register - журнал

credit-test - зачет

to study by correspondence - учиться заочно

to get an increased scholarship - получать повышенную стипендию

to be left back - быть оставленным на второй год

double-period - пара

student's pass - студенческий билет

student's record-book - зачетка

canteen - столовая

cloak-room - раздевалка

time-table - расписание

department - отделение

break - перемена

monitor – староста

Ответьте на вопросы:

    1. When was our Academy established?

    2. How many institutes and faculties are there at the Academy?

    3. Who is the head of the Academy?

    4. Who is the head of every faculty?

    5. Are you a first-year student?

    6. What faculty do you study at?

    7. What subjects do you specialize in?

    8. Do you attend lectures and seminars regularly? Why?

    9. What subjects do you study?

    10. How many terms a year are there?

    11. When do the students take their exams?

    12. What activities do students take part in?