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Software syst1.doc
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II.Reading exercises:

Exercise1. Read and memorize using the dictionary:

real-time operating system, abstraction layer, real-time deadline, I/O, framework, embedded system, database management, consume, random timing, delays.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1. What is a kernel?

2 What do we call ‘the most basic category of kernel services’?

3 What does the Task scheduler control?

4 What is the key difference between general-computing operating systems and real-time operating systems?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right:

1/In providing this "abstraction layer" the RTOS kernel supplies.

a/ operating system services consume only known and expected amounts of time.

2/The second category of kernel services is

b/ five main categories of basic services to application software.

3/Formally, "deterministic" timing means that

c/ any random timing components.

4/These formulas must be strictly algebraic and not include

d/ Intertask Communication and Synchronization.

Exercise 4. Open brackets using the right words:

1/ In addition to (real-time deadline/ kernel services), many RTOSs offer a number of optional add-on operating system components for such high-level services.

2/ These services make it possible for tasks to(encode/ pass/ extract) information from one to another, without danger of that information ever being damaged.

The speaking module

III.Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe kernel, synchronization, abstraction layer, random elements

using the suggested words and expressions:


provide\ basic\ services\ application \software\ running on a processor\"abstraction layer" \ hides\ application \software the hardware \details of the processor\ application\ will run.

abstraction layer

hides\ application software\ hardware details\ processor\ set of processors\ will run.

Intertask communication and synchronization.

tasks\ pass information\ danger \from one to another\coordinate\ productively \cooperate might well communicate \corrupted information \ interfere

Random elements

could cause\ random delays\ application software\ make \the application \randomly \miss \real-time deadlines \a scenario \clearly unacceptable\ a real-time embedded system.,

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: The "kernel" of a real-time operating system provides "abstraction layer" that hides from application software the hardware details of the processor (or set of processors) upon which the application software will run.

2. Question: _________________________________?

Answer: The RTOS kernel supplies five main categories of basic services to application software.

3. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: Random elements in service times could cause random delays in application software and could then make the application randomly miss real-time deadlines.

4. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: The key difference between general-computing operating systems and real-time operating systems is the need for " deterministic " timing behavior in the real-time operating systems.