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Software syst1.doc
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II.Reading exercises:

Exercise1. Read and memorize using the dictionary:

Junction, intuitive tools, folder, printer selector, file finder, control panel, various disc accessories, text user interfaces, screen area, widgets, high resolution graphics, fine-grained

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1.What is a command-driven interface?

2.What do we call the Macintosh interface?

3.What are the similar features of the Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and IBM OS\2 Warp?

4.How do these three platforms differ?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right:

1/TUI share with GUIs their use of the entire screen area and exposure of available commands through

a/ a flexible and realistic successor to the traditional windowing GUI.

2/The three platforms differ in other areas such as

b/ various menus, buttons and icons using a mouse.

3/Some experts consider the ZUI interface paradigm as

c/ device installation, network connectivity or compatibility with application programs.

4/A graphical user interface is one in which you select command choices from

d/ widgets like form entry and menus.

Exercise 4. Open brackets using the right words:

1. A graphical user interface (GUI) is one in which you select (command choices/menu options/entries) from various menus, buttons and icons using a mouse.

2. Information elements appear directly (on an infinite virtual desktop/as a command line/as series of sound signals), instead of in windows.

The speaking module

III.Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe interface, user-friendly interface, text user interfaces, zooming user interface, command-driven interface using the suggested words and expressions:


Junction\ user \ computer program\ a set of commands\ menus \ communicates\ interact\ computer\. refers\ standard procedures\ follow\

user-friendly interface

graphical\ user interface\ select\ command choices\ various menus\ buttons\ icons\ mouse

text user interfaces

use \ entire\ screen area \ exposure\ available commands \widgets\ menus\.text and symbols\ available on\ a typical text terminal\

zooming user interface

graphical environment\ change \ scale \ viewed area \ more detail\ information elements\ appear\ directly \infinite virtual \desktop \ instead of in windows\ pan across \ virtual surface\ in two dimensions \zoom\ objects of interest\

command-driven interface

type in \commands \ make \the computer \do something\ to know the commands\to be typed \correctly.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1.Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: There are two common user interfaces.

2. Question: _______________________________ ?

Answer:. On an infinite virtual desktop.

3. Question: ___ ________________________________ ?

Answer: These three platforms differ in other areas such as device installation, network connectivity or compatibility with application programs.