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Software syst1.doc
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I. Reading exercises:

Exercise1. Read and memorize using the dictionary:

Nucleus, handheld computers, video game consoles, embedded operating system, relay the instruction, invoke interfaces, system calls, command line interface, graphical user interface

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1. What is an operating system?

2.What happens when you give your computer a command?

3.What interfaces do you know?

4.What is the difference between interface implementation on large multi-user systems and hand-held or desktop computers?

5. What are the common contemporary operating systems?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right:

1. As a host, one of the purposes of an operating system is to handle

a. a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the limited resources of the computer.

2. By invoking these interfaces,

the application can

b. memory when the computer is turned on.

3. OS is the first program loaded into

c. the details of the operation of the hardware.

4. An operating system is the software component of

d. request a service from the operating system, pass parameters, and receive the results of the operation.

Exercise 4. Open brackets using the right words:

1. Some of the oldest models may however use (an embedded operating system/ a command line interface) that may be contained on a compact disk or other data storage device.

2. On large multi-user systems like Unix and Unix-like systems, the user interface is generally implemented as (an application program/a software component) that runs outside the operating system.

The speaking modulee

III. Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe operating system, a notebook, a storage device, command line interface

using the suggested words and expressions as in the example:

operating system

software component\ computer system \ management \ is responsible for\ coordination of activities\ sharing \limited resources


extremely lightweight\portable\ personal computer\battery pack\less than 6 pounds\non-bulky display\flat\plug in

storage device

Provide\data\ permanent storage\programs\floppy\hard disk\optical disks\flash memory

command line interface

Interact\ operating system \ software\ UI\ typing\ commands\ command line\ interface

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1. Question: _________________________________ ?

Answer: Almost all computers, including handheld computers, desktop computers, supercomputers, and even video game consoles, use an operating system of some type.

2. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: Operating systems offer a number of services to application programs and users.

3. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: OS is the first program loaded into memory when the computer is turned on.

4. Question: ____________________________________ ?

Answer: Yes, it is. The operating system is the nucleus of all software activity.
